Where are you, comrades?

Where are you, comrades?

Other urls found in this thread:



is food a nessesity? what do commies do for that?

If you're struggling for anything in a first world nation, you're probably too dumb to live. This is life on easy mode.


Because holodomor didn't happen right?
Because bread lines don't exist in glorious worker's utopia right?
Because just having a car is considered luxury since it isn't a basic necessity right?

Go fuck yourself mate

wait in line for moldy potatoes

I've been going to a Marxist book club at UCSC for three months now, and each time I put antifreeze in the soda.

Small amounts, but the damage it does to the liver is irreversible. Not sure how long it's going to take but I've probably already killed most of these people a few years down the line.

It's what they deserve desu. Marx is outlandishly boring. Bakunin was a far greater intellect.

OP hasn't worked a day in hislife. Guaranteed


holy fuck dude

Here's a reminder that Leftists are de-facto the Establishment and that it is not possible to be a rebel or to be anti-establishment and still be a Leftist.

They're a protected class, the cherished pets of the global elite. That is why they are so wildly insecure--they sense deep down that their "rebellion" is actually just them performing their intended function.


>from each according to his abilities
>to each according to their needs
how this works in practice:
oh you want to go home from work because you've been here 12 hours
i think you are capable of more
and i have the gun
the motherland needs more bullets
so work up to your abilities or gulag
oh you need food but you're not getting any
you say it's the government's job to take care of that
shoot you in head
now you don't need food anymore
taken care of
see nobody starving
communism is great

This. Most likely leeching from his parents or on welfare.


>when you see a communist struggling for food

All the pinkos in this thread need to get


Communism is not funny



dude that's a little harsh

don't you think some of those people can be reasoned with?



according to someone who lived a luxurious life as a high ranking communist officer - you're a fucking retard.


>i haven't increased my own value through gaining marketable skills yet i expect everyone to give me things as if i were valuable enough to be awarded with those things

pls no ableism

no commie has ever come up with a solid rebuttal for pic related

jesus christ

well hopefully you're able to turn away any newcomers, this is ridiculous

Don't worry, they are good at doing it themselves.

and when the biopsy reveils extreme amounts of antifreeze in everyones liver but yours then you'll go to prison

Biopsy? Don't you mean 'autopsy'?

worth it
get meme'd commie fag


I don't reason with thieves who break into my house to murder me and rape my wife, why should I reason with thieves who want to take over the government and confiscate my property?

It's the same thing. By being a Marxist you are admitting to wanting to kill me and take my business from me. By being a Marxist, you have given me moral grounds to kill you.

I was raised Mormon. We don't drink soda. Or we used not to, apparently it's a thing now? I don't know I jumped ship on the church years ago.

you got me
totes triggered m8

>confiscate my property

Oh please, he's american. You think he even knows the difference?

>less than 30 days away
merry christmas

here we are
please watch

Reminds me of an Italian poster on 8c h a n who bragged about slipping niggers rat poision in food left outside after they come ashore.

You sir are absolutely based

>hitler wasn't also far-left


As I said. Thieves. Pretty soon to be dead thieves.

these threads always cause so much right wing butthurt

>rightwing buthurt
suuuuure it dose
stay miffed nigger

when i see an upper middle class college hippy with disdain for proles and agenda that only forwards internationalist capitalism being the rank and file of the socialist movement.

getting a response =/= butthurt

you guys are worse than niggers when it comes to boosting your own ego

There is literally nothing funnier than Leftists trying to play this game.

You invent the nonsense idea of Triggering. We immediately turn it around and shove it up your ass. Now you use one of your own buzzwords as an insult and you literally cannot conceive of any other language.

Merely by implying that we have been triggered, you are submitting to Right Wing Will, and furthering our agenda. Trigger warnings are now a joke. Another effortless victory for the Right.

get a job, faggot

/leftypol/ really sucks dick at raids god damn

not as much as when they read this


Sure, look at your system, capitalism. In the past 70 years it has fucked up twice.

and in that same time communism had utterly destroyed 6 different countries

Just remember you fascists, we like guns too!

so? your still a leftist faggot


The United States in a years time does that in the name of Capitalism. Why do you think Syria is a shithole? ISIS?

Get real, we fund them.

Capitalism is going to royally fuck you over when your job is shipped overseas and nobody has a job anymore, how are people going to buy things, keeping the economy going?

stirner is the fucking new Nietzsche in the way that 16 year old edgelords flock to him, fuck off, you're not enlightened.

>muh fuckin spooks nigguh ooga booga

shut the fuck up, nihilist nigger.

Funny coming from a guy how would suck Hilter's dick given the chance.

>when I see a full-blown capitalist struggling for simple necessities so I overthrow the system and make it so that everyone is struggling for simple necessities out of fairness

im an an-cap

>when your job is shipped overseas
well trump is president ssooooooo

>i'm retarded

cool I guess??

why are you being such an ableist?

did you even read the screencap? have you an intelligent reply indicating reading comprehension?

communism is for bro fags

Invidividualism is a cancer, it directly led to transgenderism, SJWs, and open border muh civic nationalism.

It's the direct cause of all of the modern problems facing the West.

Stirner was a faggot, and so was the person that wrote that post.

>It is unmeritocratic, authoritarian and immoral

>Picture of Stirner

>against individualism
>for private property
Do you know what the word consistent means?

>be 1938 Germany
>be proud German citizen
>you apparently have no private property because muh socialism

lmfao mate cmon, your argument is weak as fuck.

Communists deserve to be put to death

We must be vegan look at his teeth.

da fuck are you rambling about?
analyze your current situation.
>live in the 21st century
>be born poor
>in a world where money is power
>the best way to make money is to have money
>crony capitalism and corruption are symptoms of private property
>he who has the gold makes the rules
>the rampant competition for private property is destroying the social ties that create communities
>the anarchic use of means of production lead to destruction of environment and of livelihoods
Don't you see something has to change?
Or would you rather fight against your fellow man because the powerful has created conflict among the masses to prevent the masses from rising up.

Be my guest and join the army to kill poor people abroad so the overclass can make money

>for individualism
>against private property
Do you know what the word consistent means?

Now THIS is some fucking cringe. The people begging for the government to take their property and prevent them from ever owning anything calling anyone else a slave.

nigger I think you might be fucking retarded

I'm serious

nothing you wrote in this post has anything to do with what I've said so far in this thread. Maybe you just don't know how greentext works, newfag.

Your post literally acknowledges that the problem is that the government is corrupt, but Socialism is the system of giving the government all of the economic power in the country.

Do you not see the natural contradiction of your ideas? You cannot solve a problem in government by increasing the power of the government, unless you have a society with a freakish level of trust and unity even policies like the selective nationalization of individual industries will invariably result in corruption and waste.

Your mistake is that you see Socialism as a rebellion against "Porky" (a cheap knockoff of the Happy Merchant) and not as what it actually is--a way of centralizing economic power into the hands of politicians. The proof is in the pudding, your gay ideology is all but championed in the streets by the kike-owned media, the powers that be, academia, every outlet for propaganda logically owned by the Elite touts YOUR fucking position.

If Porky exists, he's backing you, not us. How do you reconcile this with your supposed opposition to the overclass?

You are the epitome of brainwashed.
The overclass does not want the workers to control the means of production. Socialism is the society asserting control over the means of production. Tell me how would corruption exist if private property does not exists. If the workers are autonomous?

What are you rebelling against? Nothing!
You don't even want to eliminate the old overclass, you just want them to parade in uniforms, while they continue to live off the labor of the people.

How does private property promote individualism?
>dude if we charge people for breathing air and walking on land, we will maximize individual freedom lmao

>doesn't know greentext exposition format
>calls other newfags
lurk moar, that means browse more before you post.

oh so you admit thatis full of shit and was talking out of his ass

never argued otherwise

Better dead then red

>valuing property above life
capitalist ethos, everybody

The only good commie is a dead commie

So how exactly is communism better than capitalism?

free shit