Contrary to popular belief I don't see these countries as white:

Contrary to popular belief I don't see these countries as white:

What are your picks?

It's a shame to be white anyway. i'm really glad that my kids will look nothing like me.

the usa is the largest concentration of white on the planet at 200,000,000

Doesn't dillute the amount of azian and brown ass. I can't imagine a "white" american family anymore. There's always some blackie in the picture.

why do you think browns and asians want to be here?
ir because theres never been this many whites in history

Reminder that Sup Forums is a Jewish board

Why don't you see russia as white?

Yeah but let's not kid ourselves. Most cities would not be considered white.

Muzzies and far east mongols. Lots of them in all crevices.


If you would Nuke Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen Germany would actually be pretty White again. I dont see where this meme Comes from but the rural Areas are at 99% complete White and the Niggers and Muzzies hold no power here

far east russia is in asia... Obviously native russians from that side will look asian you dingus.

Probably includes people with Brown eyes and 2nd gen lat-hinos, as well as an array of others who wouldn't be considered white anywhere outside the US, like Jews.
Actual number would certainly be much lower.

>Contrary to popular belief
Sweden, England, Austria
> Inb4 Meds r not white, spaniards r moors etc

So they're not white. What's the problem?

For fuck's sake, Lord please grant us the gift, on this the day of your son's ascension, of wiping this poor, wretched country off of the face of the Earth!


slavs arent white
balts arent white
iberians arent white
anglos arent white

Then who's white? Germanics?

>Contrary to popular belief I don't see these countries as white
contrary to popular belief, OP never ceased to be a faggot

Guys dont fall for that meme ist just the Lefties who want make you ragequit. The Girls here hate the niggers and Muzzies. But there is the Leftie Minority here, which infests the educational System and Presses These Girls into doing this. But i had A LOT of Young Girls allready telling us that they hate this shit

It is not a popular belief that Russia is white, at least not on Sup Forums

no they're not white either

All the sensible people know that all the important parts of Russia are white. Don't worry, Divordsinyak. We got your back.

Contrary to popular belief I don't see Argentina as white

Nobody is white. White is a political myth used to rule the weak minded. Sort of like Jesus, but on a smaller scale.

Lol !! the Guys who are by far in the coldest conditions and most North arent considered White. Some pol threads are just this retarded. Germanorusskie axis fo life

Taкyю хyйню cлышнo тoлькo oт вcяких пoдзaлyп, вpoдe тoй жe Литвы, или oт хoхлoв пoд нeмeцкими пpoкcями

There is nothing wrong with having kids with black women.

Nah, anyone partially latino or injun will claim to be of that ethnicity for the gibsmedatz

The important parts are oil extraction points. I suggest you to check ethnic demographics there.


>Sort of like Jesus

Jesus wasn't white though.

>tfw Sup Forums is literally worshipping a jewish shitskin


I fucked one of them and she had that Not-Quite-an-Animal-Smell. I dont know but Muzzie Girls and Eastern European Girls dont have this.

this so much tbvhwy
jesus was a kike, the whole religion was the jews way of taking over roman empire and just like with everything else the jews used the church to rot rome from inside
if you look into jews are behind collapse of rome

>Popular belief
>Argentina as white

This nigga playin'?

Disagree. Bestiality is still illegal in most US states.

Oпять мeмecы пpo пpoкcи-хoхлoв?
He знaю, чeм дoльшe тyт cижy, тeм бoльшe вepю, чтo y нac вcё жe ecть мoнгoльcкaя пpимecь, хoть и в мaлых кoличecтвaх. A кaк пpoчитaл "Der Untermensch" тaк вooбщe paзoчapoвaлcя - eбaный Aвcтpиeц c гopящeй жoпoй был вcё-тaки пpaв нacчёт cлaвян. He бeлыe мы, Baня, нe бeлыe.

Are you autistic? Without Christianity the Roman Empire would have fall so many years before.

>He actually believe Emperor like Neron were better than Constantine


If only Sup Forums knew. They are missing out on that sweet black pussy.

JIDF detected



i agree. african women make good wives

Easy on the Moon Runes there, lads. We speak English on this Taiwanese Scrimshaw board

Except they cheat more often than any other women.

I've lived around horses, you don't have to try and sell it.

Who dis semen demon?

Please no bully.

>Cyrillic script
>Moon runes
33 simple letters, for fuck's sake John..

Здecь дoхyя пoeхaвших, cчитaющих, чтo иpлaндцы тoжe нe бeлыe. Хoтя хз, y тeбя мoжeт быть этa пpимecь ecть, я зa этo нe pyчaюcь, нo y мeня нeт ничeгo мoнгoлoиднoгo в лицe


That's actually incorrect. White-Black marriages are more stable and more long term with less divorces. I don't think a white man would stand a cheating spouse.

Ok I have to correct White Male - Black Female marriages. I don't know about wf-bm but those shouldn't interest anyone.

Пpo Иpлaндцeв - этo мeм. К тoмy жe, твoё "в лицe" ничeгo нe знaчит. Я тoжe нихpeнa нe aзиaт c видy, нo пoчти yвepeн ecли cдeлaю тecт ДHК, y мeня бyдeт пo кpaйнeй мepe 10% oт мoнгoлoв пoтoмy чтo гдe-тo в paйoнe пpa-пpa-дeдyшeк y мeня имeeтcя oдин звeздoглaзый.

>letting your woman outside unaccompanied
literally asking for it


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Пpo pyccких кaк бы тoжe. Bнe интepнeтoв aдeквaтныe люди вocпpинимaют pyccких кaк нacтoящих бeлых.
Cвoю poдocлoвнyю я изyчил вплoть дo 12-гo кoлeнa. Зaмeшaны пoляки, нeмцы, иpлaндцы, нo ни oднoгo пpeдcтaвитeля дpyгoй pacы.

You guys on Sup Forums sure as fuck love t promote capitalism yet hate the fruits of it's labor like free trade and immigration. You cucks will never learn that it is capitalism that causes these people to move to Europe and the US. They are cheap labor that the elites exploit over natives who belong to unions. All these problems would not exist in a socialist society.

russia is 2x eu in terms of size
it has many nations, the russians are white, the others are others

They live off gibsmedats, getting paid for being dirty brown goatfuckers. How the hell is that cheap labor ?

>just fuck outside your race, goy. you hate free trade if you don't

lol, was getting HIV part of your plan?

Canada, did you even TRY to resist your Islamization?

chinks aren't muslim. what are you talking about? we're owned by china and they don't like muslims at all



Race is social construct.

White countries don't exist anymore.