Can you tell if a woman is liberal just by looking at her face?

Can you tell if a woman is liberal just by looking at her face?


Can you tell if I'm liberal?

you can tell if she's jewish at least

Not by natural facial features, but certainly by tattoos, piercings and fashion.


The only thing that might be a quick giveaway is if her hair color is unnatural or if she is wearing vegan footwear.

Strange colored hair is one good giveaway

Yes I can

Also when I run into old friends I can tell if they are sjw numale cucks or bitchy feminist.

Its interesing how polarizing it has become. Basically if you're still feminine or masculine you're not a modern nwo shitlib.


We should have threads were we post confirmed libs from facebook and see if other people can guess if they are liberal or not.

Yes, you can detect some level of tension in their facial muscles even if it is very very slight.

On college campuses this phenomenon grows exponentially and they tend to be offended by everything.

Hair length is a dead giveaway.


Lib or no lib



Have some piercings / tattoos? To the ovens with youse

Lib or no lib


No lib


first girl has genuine smile, this one is fake and has fake ass hair



let's test your skills

Do they look happy, like actually happy and not just smug and cunty?

If yes, they're NOT liberal.

If their lips open up like a fish while at rest they're a psychotic liberal.


I cant tell because you're wearing mask ;^)

con lib lib
lib con lib

4 out of 6 correct

Trick question. All of them are liberal.

>thanks chief

fug, nice

poor woman


no, but i can by looking at their penis


con con lib
lib lib con


Is she wearing buddy holly glasses?
Is her hair colour a garish unnatural shade?
Are her eyes similar to pic?

She's a liberal.

5 out of 6 correct

Con, lib, lib, lib, lib, con

Con lib lib
Lib lib con

Why do liberal women have fish mouths?

con lib lib
lib lib con


I don't know the black ones and lower center

here's the answers, top row left to right then bottom row left to right

4 out of 6 correct
5 out of 6 correct
4 out of 6 correct

con lib lib
lib con con


95 percent of women you're going to meet are going to be liberal.

in most cases, yes.

pic related.

liberal women 2

liberal women 3

liberal women 4. I could post more.

all have the same dead faces.


>Thousand cock stare
>Certain types of makeup
>Loose garments worn as a cruel mockery of an attempt at hiding obesity
>Thick rimmed glasses
>Facial piercings

You know the types