It's normal for American parents to take their sons to have their dicks mutilated

>it's normal for American parents to take their sons to have their dicks mutilated

>they literally cut toddlers dicks

>they chop bits of their sons dicks off

Hahahhahaha holy shit then you say trannies have a mental disease for chopping their dicks off... you literally chop off bits of your toddlers dicks hahahahah

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Dicks amirite?

If you are a woman or you are uncut, you shouldn't get a say in this. People who haven't had theirs cut off say it's mutilation. You have limited knowledge. Don't do it to your baby.

Not all of us have the mark of the Jew. I'm one of the lucky ones whose father didn't believe in genital mutilation, even though he had the mark himself.

Why an obsession with dicks op?

I know. I hate my goykike parents.

You tell me, what kind of society takes their newborns to have their genitals mutilated hahhahahahaha


One that follows Gods word

Oh look a proteshit.

God isn't real you stupid leaf

God is a fictional character stupid Christfag-leaf.

Reminder Romanists, Atheists, Pagans and other degenerates will burn in the Hellfire

hell isn't real either you're worshiping fiction

>Complaining about circumcision
You fucking retards are doing the Jews work for them. You are wasting time, time that could be spent fighting the Jews in more productive ways.

I hate what this world has become. Falling away from my word.

Hell is real, and I pray you never have to see it.

>Yahweh's word

praying doesn't work and hell doesn't exist you schizophrenic-leaf

Nigga, its more logical and reasonable to believe in my pops than not. read mere Christianity.

Americans are all slaves to the kikes
thats just branding your cattle

do you get laid, cuck.

You're mother's husband was a cuck!


fuck kikes, everyone says im a socialist but im not.

>my dick is intact
>my father admitted to me he hates kikes
>hungarian ancestry

Damn, it all makes sense now.

Good point brb gonna go back and hang my own ass.

Restoring my foreskin here.

Feels so great when I fap and the skin glides. I will admit Kellogg was right about it taking sensitivity away but now that I have more skin it's getting more and more sensitive.

Seriously when I jerked off last night it was amazing unlike anything I had before I started restoring. And because I retain on and off my tip, which used to have a white hardened skin now looks so pink and feels sensitive to the touch.

dog dicks


mutilated kike dick

Listen proteshit, get your buddies ortholarpers and convert to the true and only Roman Catholic Church, which keys were handed down from Jesus to Peter. And stop chopping baby dicks off.

I don't worship idols
I don't pray to anyone but God
I can't be a Catholic because I'm a Christian I read the bible


You worship a book, what a fucking leaf. HAHAHA

There are real reasons why Jews do it moron.


The bible is the word of God

No bully, Europe.
I know better than to pass this nonsense on to my sons.

No, the 10 commandments are, you stupid heretic fuck.

there is literally nothing wrong with having your dick cut.

You don't need to needlessly cut off your arm to know that it's mutilation to do so. For what it's worth, I'm cut and consider circumcision to be mutilation.

Yep. All cut people go through a process called keratinization. It's not immediate, but when you go decades without a foreskin you get it bad. Which is why some people that get circumcised later on in life don't immediately notice a sensitivity change (outside of the lack of foreskin sensitivity). If you wear an artificial foreskin or begin restoring your foreskin, then you can reverse some of the damage from keratinization, and will get a much shinier appearance to your glans, with much more sensitivity.

>uncut because that's only the natural thing to be
>watch porn movies
>all these dicks being cut, dick's head just always out
>ask myself why the fuck i'm not like that
>decides at age of 20 to circumcise so i can be like pornstars
>don't go through it 'cause i was poor
>get educated about jews and their practices


How is this legal

The first commandment disagrees with the very idea of a infallible pope. Catholics will never admit they were heathens from the get go.

at least you do, because no self respecting woman will EVER prefer your smegma dogdick over a clean cut cock.

HAHA Christ-fags arguing over interpreting fiction

I'd give you a long explanation but honestly it can be summed up with this ((()))

The whole of the bible is

>tfw you have the Jewish curse mark

Is there not some way to restore the foreskin?

I hear you can buy clamps to stick on your dick, but from what I understand that doesn't restore the foreskin it just stretches the pre existing skin you have, and plus it take years to see the benefit.

Who said I cared about what women think of my long thick sexy throbbing cock.

There is that word again!

what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm a fucking normal human being who takes showers everyday, lol. I never had any problem with "smegma" before. just don't be a fucking savage nigger who doesn't keep a high hygienic level.

stop trying to make yourself feel better because you're mutilated, brah.

nigger in christcuck lore the bible is not the word of God
if you believe that it is, then you are not a christcuck but some new brand of stupid that has yet to be named

Jews are the Synagogue of Satan

Is this what your female bishop tells you in your stadium arena church while Katy perry blasts on the background?

Only way to actually restore the foreskin is via stem cells, and research into those is constantly stymied by the same people that thought it was a good idea to chop off part of your dick.

You should be more concerned about yourself than what other people think. Circumcision causes a major loss of sensitivity because of the hardening (keratinization) of the skin on the glans. Pic related.

because, kikes

Currently you must restore existing skin.

It's not mutilation. You just cut off a little bit to make it look bigger.
Parents want their kids to have big dicks not dirty sand worm dicks.

>TFW my dick got longer from restoring

It also got a bit thicker.


Heard this word about 10 times today in at least 4 different threads, anyone else?

Well, yes there is, it's on it's way. yo

Parents shouldn't be making aesthetic decisions about their children's genitals unless it's a medical necessity. You don't see mothers advocating that a doctor chop off their newborn daughter's beef curtains. Also, see for what is wrong with your dick.

Not my fault my dad was Muslim

no wonder why so many guys can only cum when jerking off themselves. i never understood why you would stop fucking a woman so you can jerk off for two minutes and cum. look at this fucking horrible glans on the left.

i know rite?
Looks more like a chimp dick desu.

>Removing part of the penis so it looks bigger

>muh keratin
>b-but my penis looks so moist
>women love the feel of loose flesh trust me i touched a girl once
you dogdicks are literally fucking your own foreskin when you fuck women. also, women derive immense satisfaction from dildos with no 'foreskin contraption' attached to them. in fact, silicon dildos with foreskins do actually exist, but they are niche fetish for fags and trannys. dogdicks btfo

If by "on the way" you mean that it will be available around the time you're so old that you need pills to keep it up, then sure.

Donkey dick loving euro cuck

>i never understood why you would stop fucking a woman so you can jerk off for two minutes and cum.
Im cut, have no idea what you're talking about

Many women actually prefer cut deeks. Uncut deeks are smelly.

your level of autism is over nine thousand.

>I cut parts of my dick and if my wife's son dick to satisfy women

Hahahahahah you can't make this shit up

>It's not mutilation.

Did you cut off your balls so she can keep them in her purse?

No, by on its way, i mean literally like a few years. Please do some research on it. Regenerative medicine is already around

Another mutilated one here

You cut your dick because your heard women like it more? Hahahahhahahahahahahhaha

I'm talking about what I usually see in porn movies, professional or amateur. Multiple times you will see the guy stopping the actual fuck to jerk off and finish. I just made an educated guess that it was because of the lack of sensitivity, obligating the guy to masturbate with more pressure than the pussy and finally cum. Dunno.

No that's what scripture and logic told me you fucking heathen. Are you retarded?

>literally fucking your own foreskin
That's hot

>moist glans meme
when will this die? no woman wants to pull down your pants, pull out your dick and have to roll the foreskin, moist with residue and smegma, back just to suck the tip of your smelly anteater dicks. just stop

They don't even have a prototype yet. It will take a few years just to make one. Then it needs to begin animal trials. Then human trials. Then it needs to be approved by the FDA. And any one of those could set it back even more if something doesn't go exactly as planned. It's why Vasalgel has taken so long to get to market even though they literally have a working product. Don't expect to be able to take advantage of foregen for at least 15 years. More like 20 realistically.

Did you read the part where you're going to hell, heretic?

>sola scriptura
You can't make this shit up.

Americans BTFO

fucking gross, what do you call the condition that penis on the left is suffering from? Thing looks like a disgusting anteater.

It's crazy what can be fixed with a little cosmetic surgery.

That might be due to not getting cum in the girl, or condom sensitivity issues, or porn shots. idk. Then again everyone's different, I know cut guys who have to wear multiple condoms and also uncut guys who've had arousal problems.

t. a virgin

You clearly don't wash, you're a dirty peasant.

That's still way better than what the other guy was saying lol, go after him

>Normalizing dick mutilation.
No wonder so many leftist faggots barely blink when men talk about cutting off their dick completely. They're just finishing the job, and doing it properly.

your kid will never be normal unless you mutilate his dick

girls will hate him and he'll have a smelly dick

cut the dick

Its also a fucking miracle it'll even happen at all, be thankful

Do jews consider restored people still their slaves or are they freed?

Jews forcing their culture on goyim. When their Messiah come they believe everyone in the world will become a jew.

I bet women are so disgusted when their mate whips out that nasty penis turtleneck. Then they come here and get mad at all the cut master race anons.

>because no self respecting woman will EVER...

I am "the other guy". I was hyperbolic in the other post, but you shouldn't get your hopes up to get it in "a few years".

Absolutely. I just fully expect some cunt to try to block the research because they think stem cells are the work of the devil or whatever.

What's up with the American obsession of chopping baby dicks? They always justify it with this "girls" shit, holy shit.