If the crusades was really a defensive attack against Muslim invasion...

If the crusades was really a defensive attack against Muslim invasion, how come the crusades did not start during the 8th century when the invasions were first taking place?

Europe was too fractured to even try and form a coalition against the muslims. Think the barbarians vs the romans in term of military and tactics

And politics

Jewish Christianity "turn the other cheek".

It takes a lot to piss off the white man enough before he retaliates. When he does; look out.

takes time for the jewish-engineered genocide pisses off enough noble, well-meaning white people. by that point, faggots like john green have already been killed at the hands of niggers, and are not able to shame white people into demographic suicide.

Becausebased Isabel ignited the flame

>Look out they all kill each other as shitskins sit back and watch

>a defensive attack against Muslim invasion
Kek. Whoever said that has never read a history book.
The crusades were attempts to retake Jerusalem just because they felt it rightfully belonged to Christians.
There was no invasion to speak of at the time.

>Jewish Christianity "turn the other cheek".
Yeah because the Byzantines were definitely like that. You fucking moron.

Same situation with Moria in The Lord of the Rings. We take our ability to send messages and communicate easily for granted these days. Back then an immediate threat could have taken years to have the whole continent realize, so after a hundred years or so of people playing whisper down the lane about Muslims owning Spain, eventually the Church found the right moment to unite Europe to claim Jerusalem.

Also a people's collective conscience only stretches out about 200 years, so their background knowledge at the time was that muslims are conquering savages who took Spain away from loving Christians.

Kind of like how the general public today doesnt give a shit about history past colonization and slave owning in the late 1700's/early 1800's.

>There was no invasion to speak of at the time.
That's where you are wrong. The crusades happened because Alexios Komnenos asked the Pope for aid because the Seljuks conquered the entire Anatolian peninsula after Manzikert. So the Pope used this as an excuse to unite western Europe under one aim; to conquer the holy land for Christendom.


These pretty much.

Noblemen too busy playing politics to give a shit about things that happened far away and when it did start affecting their land, they still ate and slept comfortably. That and the Church overall didn't give a shit about politics, so when it was some Muslim ruler who initially left Christians alone in the land he invaded, they were content with the fact that the Christians were not being persecuted. When those rulers started enforcing jizyas, increasing their rates, and eventually started killing the few who had not converted under the pressure of taxes, then they started to give a shit.

The Church did not have as much direct power over Europe as our revised history likes to say, which is why Pope John VIII had to pay tribute to the Aghlabids so they would stop attacking various parts of Italy. Shit like this leaves me baffled when some history professor tries to sell the 'Crusades were Christian colonialism!' bullshit story. There is so much evidence of how Muslims were a large reason as to why Europe was becoming a festering shit hole, until people started to become proactive in dealing with them.

Because you can't wage a counterattack while you're fighting off the enemy. Hell, it took us 300 years to get them out of Spain.

wtf i hate machines now

>Muh Byzantines.

Christianity was created as a slave-religion to quell uprisings. That's literally where it grew its roots. Joseph was a Cuck and so are you.

but they did

the reason the pope called for the first crusade against palestine was because by that time they had already been fighting muslims for 300 years and learned a lot.

Because they'll always come late. Speaking of, somebody assemble the fucking franks because hooooly shit do we need a new crusade. Get rid of cuckpope and deus vult.

>t. Varg

Fractured political will in Europe.

Also (pic related faggot)

they did, but it was just East Europeans fighting
it took a while for countries not directly affected by Muslim invasion to join in
something something something, the Pope got West Europeans to join

a) they mostly conquered orthodox christians in the ME, catho-cucks didn't care

b) they kicked muslims out of spain as soon as they were able to get their shit together and become somewhat civilized

>waffle education

>Christianity was created as a slave-religion to quell uprisings. That's literally where it grew its roots. Joseph was a Cuck and so are you.
>source: my ass
A question begging epithet isn't a source

>muh pre-christian pagan religion that we don't even know anything about save for a few scraps of questionable lore on wikipedia

Not really as soon as they were able to. The Moorish states lingered on as tributary states because the Spanish monarchs were content extorting the shit out of them for protection money.

nothing wrong with a little reverse jizya

so can you see turkish flags from where you live

Yeah Christianity is a cuck religion, unlike Norse paganism. Norse paganism would totally kick the shit out of it by its sheer Alphaness......wait why did Norse paganism die out and was replaced by Christianity?

Yeah, it's basically what it was. Although maybe if they didn't do it they would have kept going into North Africa like they talked about doing.

Maybe Morocco would be Mauretania and Christian again. Who knows?

Because it came from a mountainous region with bad soil and a low population. When Christianity came from high density fertile southern Europe.

So why'd the Franks and other Germanic tribes convert then too? Norse paganism is almost identical to Germanic paganism.

>this machine kills facists


Because Rome adopted Christianity as the state religion

Silly goyim that's not it. This is better

And not all Germanic tribes were in the Roman Empire. There was still pagan tribes after Rome fell.


Yea Saxony, and they got fucked by Charlemagne's rich populated fertile empire. While the Muslims were pushing up into Spain and anatolia, Christians were burning Europeans at the stake.

But doesn't this undercut the Neo-pagan argument entirely?

Not sure if you're playing devil's advocate.

You want to elaborate? So what if I am. I'm an atheist, but atheism is cucked, and Christianity is cucked. So there really is no alternative to combat Islam.

>300 years
Try 700, and they still linger in Southeastern Europe

In the 8th century, Charles Martel was doing something about the Muzzie invasion. Italians were shoring up the walls to defend against the pirate/raiders.

It just seemed like you were detached from the argument in a way a Varg fanboy wouldn't be.