Women Are Better Firefighters Than Men (PROOF INSIDE)

Recent studies show that an increased ratio of women in the following industries showed a positive boom in economy and job safety:

Military, firefighters, butchers and in the fishing industry.

Why? Because the females show compassion and understanding thus saving more lives without conflict.
This is a good trend that will increase diversity and safety in society.

Article: thefeministmegaphone.com/2016/12/26/5-fierce-photos-show-that-women-can-do-anything-better-than-men/

Other urls found in this thread:


Dont click the link. Its clickbait.

>Fierce Photos Show That Women Can Do Anything Better Than Men
>Fierce Photos

Okay, tell you what.

Pick any two districts in a major city with comparable fire reports. Make the fire department in one district all men and the other all women and see which one lower firefighter and civilian casualty rates after a year.

Lovely comment from Claire: ''Do you know how strong an angry woman can get? Thats called lady power and thats something you males will never experience or understand.''

>increase in job safety
>women take fewer risks when fighting fires
>more civilians die
>job safety increased

Calm down, we dont need another Hitler.

Never heard of that site before a few days ago and now pol is showered with links from there. OP probably runs the site.

Archive or die.

In war times females will negotiate and save thousands of lives. This is fact.

>check flag
Yeah no, obvious bait is obvious

Hey that's great, you know what would really speed up that equality? Lets get women digging ditches, picking fruit, making steel, building houses etc.

Oh that work is too lowly for a woman? Okay then get the fuck back in the kitchen cunt.

do you want to buy some tin foil with that autism my gentle sir

Translation: women will betray their nation by having sex with the invaders.


You got a source on that obvious bullshit? And one case doesn't prove shit

Archive you shill.

Did you know that the best architecture is built by females singlehandedly? Please educate yourself before making incoherent statements without facts backing them up.

Cut one feminist head, millions will come again, we are unstoppable and will never stop fighting the patriarchal system.

WE WILL PREVAIL YOUR SEXISM, just look at the world females rule it while you whine with your alt right friends, hah.

Just like ol Merkel right? She is doing such a fine job running Germany right?

>Women Are Better Firefighters Than Men
>Because the females show compassion and understanding thus saving more lives without conflict

>hey, fire, like I know you're mad and whatever but could you maybe stooop burninggg, okayyyyy?
>oh god why won't it stop help i'm dying


>more diversity
>increased safety

Mega jej.

Merkel has saved millions of lives that otherwise would've been mercilessly killed. She is the modern Ghandi and should be made into an icon of peace and prosperity.

Hope you don't break a nail, love.

His source is his own country of course.

This website is clickbait. It's been linked many times the past week but never existed before. Do not click.


>calling Baron autistic
>wanting equality


Protip: Never marry a butcher woman and then get caught cheating her.

Photos from the "Femacunttwatphone"
I'm not clinking that fishy shit

This. Sweden is the beacon of equality and you should all learn a lesson or three about it.

This is only the beginning of feminism, you think it has grown alot? Wait until we reach africa and china then we will have billions of feminists ruling the world for eternity

Dog shit bait thread. Swedes are the lowest form of life.

Well, I would. But unfortunately my nation is already on the road to 3rd world, and I'd like not to get there faster.

2/10 bait

If it were any other flag it would be obvious bait, but its Sweden. You cant be sure or not.

That woman was bloody pathetic

Website was clearly made by some Swede who wants free ad money from creating clickbait troll articles

Nice fake news.

>posted by a swede

also someone post the story of the femalef ire fighter in NY that was allowed to fail and still got the job.

Alright Erik, if we're ever in a burning building together, I'll let the male firefighter who's stronger and faster in his heavy gear carry me out while the "superior" female fighter you chose to stake your life with struggles to carry you and move at the same time

Alright, let me get the mayor on the line.