Someone spoonfeed me why jews are behind everything...

someone spoonfeed me why jews are behind everything. if you're too lazy to tell me why just give me some resources or some shit

also whats the connection between jews and liberal media? i thought liberals disliked religion

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They are not.

Sup Forums:

>jews are retarded, dumb and subhuman
>jews rule the world

Pick one.




No retard, pick two



Jews are not dumb, they are subversive. They think too highly of themselves. In Russia, they refused to do laborious jobs like farming. They would sell the plow for something else, and get someone else to owe them something so they can use other people as tools. It's despicable.








Jews use the media to convince you to miscegenate or go to war with your racial brothers.

Read the story of Jacob, in the Bible. Then apply Jacob's nature to any situation, and you have a Jew.

Jews do well
Whites do well
>hard work and genetic advantage


Look for the Jewish names in pic related and also into the resources/infos given in the respective boxes. You will see their meddling literally everywhere, though it is not always jews, just very often and especially unrealisticly often considering their small population.


>someone spoonfeed me why jews are behind everything

They are not. It's just a conspiracy theory by whiteknight stormniggers who don't want to see the truth.

Jews all but monopolized central and international banking. They are tribalist and put their people first before any nation's people, so they are all rich. They use this banking money to start media outlets. Every major news outlet in the US except for Fox is owned by Jews, along with Hollywood being Jewish owned. With this media, they push their agendas. This is all facts, no conspiracy. The conspiracies start after you realize this fact. For example, a conspiracy is that Jews are trying to push communism and socialism into the west. Another is they are trying to use their media to kill off the white race. Many many more conspiracies as well.


More stormfaggot bullshit. Most of those women are neither relevant nor feminist in any meaningful sense.


If you want a resource on why the Jews are behind almost everything?

Kalergi was not Jewish. In fact his daddy was a huge anti-Semite.

>academic jews invent feminism and sow discontent among women, leading to their getting the right to vote and all kinds of other bullshit

women are a powder keg (see the origins of sati) but in the 20th century jews set them off

>academic jews invent feminism

Feminism is women's nature. Stop blaming Jews for women's nature.

>They think too highly of themselves

huh that reminds me of Sup Forums

>they refused to do laborious jobs like farming.

shit that Sup Forums would never do

>They would sell the plow for something else, and get someone else to owe them something so they can use other people as tools. It's despicable.

It's called projecting, Sup Forums is the jew at this point.

>someone spoonfeed me why jews are behind everything.
1. The Talmud tells them they will rule the world and that all non-jews are cattle.
2. The task of banking was delegated to them around the time of the renaissance because Christianity forbid usury. This gave them leverage that they still possess today.
3. Centuries of nepotism allowed them to worm their way into many industries and expand their influence.

Jewish banks organize mass migration ti reduce middle class salaries and to convert white people from antisemitism to nigger hate.

Found the kike.

Wow. I didn't know this level of gay existed user. How brave and strong.

Walt disney is presided by Iger, jewish, before him was owned by Eisner, jewish, and Redstone was born rothsteiner. Everybody is jewish and the only claim its "hes only half jewish" Your are trying to deny the obvius, everybody its a jew in the entertaiment industriy.

No it isn't you faggot. You do realize at least half of us are already married right?

Come on shlomo this is ridiculous, everybody knows who rosa luxemburg is, they are all jewish feminist, first second or 3rd wave, its the only diference you can make.
