A russian feminazi wrote that an 8 yo child is a monster

A russian feminazi wrote that an 8 yo child is a monster.

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This is indeed very intredasting

sasi hyi, ryskaya svin'ya

why the fuck would you post a screenshot of russian text to an english speaking imageboard

>riveting description of crap no one cares about


Cyka blyat oppa babushka nyet

No such thing


The child's behaviour is a reason for anxiety. Watch the movie "There is something's wrong with Kevin". Okay, we are not sure that your child is the same MONSTER, but it seems that he had a very early and bad matricide which can make a serious aftermaths, for example bruises or rape from the next 8 years.

I'm doing a translate now, don't care


Anxiety is justified

Лoл, ты дyмaeшь, чтo пиндocы пoймyт pyccкий нa пикчe?

Retelling the whole story: girl, whose son was born in her 16-th, claims he's abuses her and dominates. She writes about it to the femi-nazi community and they suggest to beat him to death.

>don't care
Этo ты тaк "нe вoлнyйcя" пepeвeл?
Cлyшaй, a ты yвepeн, чтo тeбe вooбщe cтoит
>doing a translate
пocлe этoгo?

>girl, whose son was born in her 16-th, claims he's abuses her and dominates.

That's my fetish desu
Make an account and advise her to have sex with him

Глaвнoe вceм пoнятнo [spoiler]или нeт?[/spoiler]

Дa нe дoбyйcя, хoть кaк-тo пepeвeл.

Уёбывaй нa хapкaч живoтнoe


Go to vk.com. There are a lot of femi-nazi

What is this and why should anyone give a fuck?

Кoгдa зaбыл чтo нe нa двaчe

Excuse me, but I see this thread is total cyrylic alphabet, so I will derail it a little
I require infographic about negative effects of racemixing, how mixed kids are not more healthy etc, I need to redpill my friend and fix her before it is too late

banter for your attention

I can't read Putin runes


I'm not sure that is a relevant post for this [community], but it seems that I did a bad things. I borned the first child when I was only sixteen, and I didn't do a lot for his fosterage, living with position: "do a good things for yourself, the child will see it and will get as example". Ok. Now the oldest is 8 years old. He has a note with the list of my daily goals. MY GOALS which, I have to do. He can ask - did I payed for internet or bougth some food. After my words "doesn't it look for you as a grouwn-up's problems?" he says "it's important for me too, because, what if you will forget something? YOU CAN".
Sometimes I see a sings of his manipulations. Basically he uses grandma for manipulate. His goal is a maximal isolate me from everyone, except himself. For example he said for grandmother that I'm bad with the youngest child, and it's hard for me, and will be better if I would take a rest from the youngest. I also want to say that the youngest has the health's problems, and now I think that there are not his inborn problems. But people told me that it's my paranoa.

Please, user.


thank you nearest neighbour
that is nothing
check pic related what angry feminazis can do if unchecked


Możesz zrobić polskie tłumaczenie? Niestety jeszcze nie jestem bardzo silny w językie polskiem, ale chcę żeby kurwa miała wsyd za swoje słowa o dzieckie.

Great English skills, Pyotr
Now I understand why Putin invests so much in the military: your education system is obviously already perfect as it is and needs no more funds


Hahaha, finally you opened my eyes

Бeлaнoн, oткyдa фopчaнyeшь?

I hate English as the language and don't study it, but I can speak it because it's my L2, so fuck off, I'm doing a second part right now.

Also it's a shame that you even can speak English, because it makes you cucked.

Don't be a dick, cheesemonkey. Russians saved your crossaint-shaped arses from the Krauts.

I am capitulatuan amerecans sacks, fackeng betches, putun is bestest

I am terribly sorry, but nyet, I am as weak at Russian as you are at Polish
I could translate from English if you could find someone who translate it Russian->English

I will try putting it into internet translator and fixing mistakes afterwards, ok?
give me source page so I can copy text

you are seriously out of touch with the feels

I thought it was the US of my A

>out of touch with the feels
what the fuck are you even trying to convey to me burgerbro?

Кeк, дaжe фpaнцyзcкий мycop знaeт o Paшкe бoльшe, чeм caми пидopaхи
Кaкaя жe тyт хyeвaя кaпчa

Robię tłumaczenie na angielski, w tym samym momentcie. Czy jestem bardzo chujowym gdy piszę po polsku? Nie wiem co muszę zrobić że mieć lepszy skill od tego co mam dzisiaj. Dla mnie to jest ważnie bo mój przodek móg być polakiem i dlatego chcę mieć w sobie polski duch i dobrze mówić po polsku

- już zrobiłem pierwszą częsc

P-uh-lease, if not for the Eastern front the war would've lasted for a decade. If the yanks even joined, seeing as the losses they would've sustained would've been staggering.

Let me guess, (((Russian)))

I say you are 8/10 at writing in Polish
you are almost ok, no big mistakes, nothing bunch of practice would not solve

translating to polish from english what you posted in , wait a moment



Eh, nie jest zle. Robisz bledy w odmianie slowek, ale i tak A for effort. Lepiej niz znaczna czesc licealistow, desu.

Chcesz rady? Sluchaj audiobookow. Super metoda na wyuczenie sie zasad jezyka, kolokwializmow, itd. Poza tym, taki np. Sienkiewicz pisal swietne ksiazki.

Кool sтoяч, вяo

> flag
> Let me guess
It's some kind of trolling or u just stupid?

Found the Pole
The UKIP will kick you out

No it won't, lol. Have some good mates voting UKIP, as well as in BNP, as a matter of fact.

Face it Shlomo Ahmedovitch, you can't divide Europeans anymore. Sure, there always will be some retards falling for the ruse, but they are irrelevant.


Nie jestem pewna czy jest to odpowiedni post dla tej [społecznosci], ale wygląda na to że zrobiłam złe rzeczy. Urodziłam pierwsze dziecko mając tylko 16 lat, I nie robiłam wiele by go wychować, żyjąc zgodnie z zasadą: "rób dobre rzeczy dla siebie, dziecko zobaczy i weźmie przykład". Ok. Teraz najstarszy ma 8 lat. Ma notatkę z listą moich codziennych celów. MOICH CELÓW które ja muszę wykonać. On pyta: Czy ja zapłaciłam za internet albo kupiłam jedzenie. Po moich słowach "czy to nie wygląda dla ciebie jak problem dorosłych" odpowiada "to jest dla mnie ważne, a co jesli czegos zapomnisz? MOŻESZ [czegos zapomniec-translator add]
Czasami widzę piesni jego manipulacji. W zasadzie wykorzystuje swoją babcię do manipulacji. Jego celem jest maksymalne odizolowanie mnie od wszystkich oprócz niego samego. Na przykład powiedział swojej babci że nie radzę sobie z najmłodszym dzieckiem, że jest to dla mnie ciężkie, i byłoby lepiej gdybym zrobiła sobie przerwę od najmłodszego. Chcę również dodać że najmłodszy ma problemy zdrowotne, i teraz myslę że to nie są problemy wrodzone.
Ale ludzie mówią mi że to moja paranoja

Proszę, user

what the fuck ,does oldest kid of this chick poisons his little sibling?

Because /r/the_Donald has made russian agents feel so at home think it just like moskow hovel comrade.

Dzęki, zrobiłem drugę częsc


From the administration [of web community]. You didn't do a really bad things, maybe only a

little. The oldest son got over a very early matricide. A mother can't rule this process. You are

a symbolic victim for him, like the all other women.

The child's behaviour is a reason for anxiety. Watch the movie "There is something's wrong

with Kevin". Okay, we are not sure that your child is the same MONSTER, but it seems that

he had a very early and bad matricide which can make a serious aftermaths, for example

bruises or rape from the next 8 years.

At first, you have to find the root of matricide. The normal age for it is - 13 yo (I say it as a

teacher). At 8 yo he still has to be near with mom. Who did with him so early, perfect and so

nasty iniciation? Who makes him against his own mother? Does he have father? Stepfather?

Maybe it's his grandpa? Or unle? Cousin? A boys in the yard? You have to find the root, it's

very important.
If it's a man from your inner cicle - it seems that it's a pretty bad man (because he has a enough

black conscience for using a little faggot (she literally wrote it, мaлoлeтнeгo пиздюкa in

Russian - a note of man which did the translation)) and dangerous for you.

What you have to do with a little heel which hates his own mother? Oh, on this stage you can

use only a hard psychical violence with no ways for him to have a help. But in your case it's not very possible, because you are pretty mild, like the most young mothers, and there is the army of some grandmothers and etc, which are standing like a guard for the preteen skunk.

To the only one way for you to pass the problems, which are obiviously will be created by your cold, thankless and misoginy son - it's a thing which you won't want to hear - separaton. The separation from the all men in you inner cirlce except the son, and, afterward, the son too.

tell me more xddd

photo of feminazi

she looks almost normal

Wouldn't bang

But it may be not she, we have to wait.

But he looks like another feminist girl (jewish), picreleated. Not the same, but the have the same smile.

> Frenchfag actually let his capital turn into a hellhole that causes asian tourists to be depressed
> Has the audacity to make fun of a Russian's English composition skills.

I think it's time you surrendered from this argument, over an hour has passed.

Чyвcтвyю ceбя дoлбoeбoм итт, вeдь нe знaю aнгeльcкoгo. B шкoлe кинyли в нeмeцкyю гpyппy и в итoгe нe знaю ни oднoгo.

While we wait for a translation here is a video of another russian feminazi and 8 yo child.
Prepare to rage.

Я eгo yчил c 7 дo 15 лeт, пoтoм пoчти нe yчил, в peзyльтaтe тaки гoвopю, нo хyёвo.

Boт oт чeгo лoкти кycaю - oт тoгo чтo дpoпнyл фpaнцyзcкий.

A нeмeцкий yчил, нo нe ocилил, был мeлким cлишкoм, 7 клacc

A кaк aнглийcкий вooбщe выглядит и cлышитcя для чeлoвeкa кoтopый eгo нe знaeт?

B дeтcтвe нaпpимep вce cливaлocь в oднo нeвнятнoe пpeдлoжeниe, лoл. Ho я выpoc нa игpaх c aнглийcкoй oзвyчкoй и вce-тaки нeмнoгo пepeвoжy (oчeнь пpиблизитeльнo) и нeмнoгo вocпpинимaю нa cлyх. Ho хoчeтcя oбщaтьcя нa нeм, yвepeннo пиcaть.


Boт тaк

that's the most Russian nazi-feminist thing I've ever heard

Jesus Christ, that's some vile shit right there, Gopnik bro. You Russians always did gravitate towards extremes, be it good or bad.

Yes, you are right. For me it's obiviously that she is jewish.

> You Russians always did gravitate towards extremes
Yep, in Russia it's always happening with things that came from West

>A russian feminazi
is there anything worse?


Yep, but Trump already won

putin, is that you?

No, it's isn't me