ITT: We be nice and thank other countries for things

Thank you Russia for the AK

Other urls found in this thread:

Isnt the AK just a copy of the STG tho'

All quality aks are banned still by an Obama executive order

Thank you Canada for abhorrent posters.

Thanks for taking "inspiration" from the STG44 and then selling that shit so willy-nilly that every jihadist on the planet now has a super-reliable way to kill Westerners.
Good job.

Not in the slightest, not that a noguns leaf would know

Thank you Austria for Hitler.

Thank you Norway for your mathematicians


Thank you for Norm MacDonald, Canada


Thanks veitnam for not killing McCain

It's different enough, but still derivative.
The AK never would've happened if it weren't for them studying all of the captured STGs at the end of the war. Same goes for the FAL.

Thanks America for electing trump.


Thank you for electing a cuck so we can laugh at him

>Pic is of an SKS
gg m9, fuck off and lurk /k/

>It's different enough, but still derivative.
It's still not. The AK is a rotating bolt, and the STG is a tilting bolt. The STG is a direct impingement, and the AK is a long stroke gas piston
They're not similar at all, save for external appearance, and the fact that they are both gas-operated
Educate yourselves you fucking redditards

Thanks for being the epicentre of Jewish control and letting them use you like a cheap whore.

>muh AK is copied STG hurr durr
Fucking leaf retard. Most modern assault rifles are derived from STG in one way or another. If you knew a single thing about how AK works, you wouldn't be writing garbage like this.

Avtomat Fjodorva! google
>look at Mechanism

>Most modern assault rifles are derived from STG
No shit yugonigger.

the leaf strikes again

Leaf proving exactly how cucked he is.

Sweden gave us IKEA
well, they're pushing a lot of anti-white commercials out
Swedish Fish are tasty, if they're from Sweden
fuck I tried

Thank you Britain for everything.




fuck this ak shit really pises me off, you niggers really dont knwo shit about weapons and still try to claim something based on meme ppleb stereotype from cold war to make your patriotic feefees comfort you. fucking stupid niggers

>Fucking Leaf
Have you ever even see a gun before?

are you drinking?

why do you think so?


god damnit you fucking commie you're supposed to know this shit

McCain should have died. I'm a right leaning independent.

pretty sweet bait

we all know /k/anadians brag about their $200 sks's and there's no fucking way you can mix the two up

angry post

>look picture
what do you mean?

i hate this alco stereotype too, dont drink at all

the fedorov isn't even remotely similar to the AK in terms of design
the federov was short-recoil operated, locked-breech

We can't import new Makarovs either, thanks to Harper's sanctions.

>This sigh
Im way too lazy of an engineer to explain further.

>Implying jews didnt settle america in WW2

Agreed, in a round-about way leafs are the best providers of bantz; they supply ammunition for everyone else.

>$200 sks's
$220 at best, these days. $250 for an SVT, if you're lucky. Prices are gradually climbing across the board.

I didnt say the ak is similar in design.
The picture was in reference to the article.
I pointed out that the concept wasnt taken from Stg.

Thank you for Outback Steakhouse, the only restaurant in America serving authentic Australian cuisine.

>$250 for an SVT

Nice b8

Thank you Canada for the maple syrup.
My pancakes wouldn't be the same without them.

My fucking sides

>constitutional carry, uncucked mags, FALs and AKs
Jellier. Unless it's NY, Illinois, or Commiefornia, in which case no thanks.

thank you germany, for top tier nazi aesthetic.

Thank you Russia for designing the 9x18 Makarov, and thank you East Germany for making the nicest specimens of said gun.

wish we could turn back time, to the good ol days....

You're welcome.

Thank you, Britain, for Nigel Farage.

aha, oh wow, that's me
are you still jacking of dudes for 15 bucks a guy, Eaglet

soon ARSENAL will import Russian VEPRs from the Molot factory in Russia that look real nice (not affected by the nigger Obowelmovement ban)

Thanks America for Jewish TV

Thanks Germany for ruining Europe

>not stepping in and genociding half of Canada for trying to change national flag to a fucking leaf

This is the fedorov

thanks america for the 351 cleveland and jim beam.

Thanks outback man for Finding Nemo

thanks argentina for messi
thanks netherlands for cruyff
thanks portugal for tsunaldo
fuck you germany

Thanks huehue for Tropa de Elite and tons of webms reminding people why concealed carry should be legal.

thats not an sks you dumb leaf thats svt 40.

Thank you America for pizza and allowing me to sponge off your economy

Thank you for showing us the wrong way of doing things.

Riffle is not fine.
It needs accessories to help it perform.