How do you feel about beating women, /pol? If a wife/gf steps out of line...

How do you feel about beating women, /pol? If a wife/gf steps out of line, is a man justified in using physical enforcement?

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When your wife misbehaves you should spank her like you would a child. It's what I do.

Only if she's into it. Most are.


Now you're just encouraging her...

It breaks the Non-Aggression Pact, Leaf. Isn't this obvious?

Are all leafs like this? Jesus lord;

>Non-Aggression Pact

if a bitch steps out of line you have a moral obligation to beat the shit out of her

NAP is the non aggression principle, it is the key to success in any anarcho capitalist utopia.

Define "out of line."

Being bitchy? No. Words? No. Cheating? No. Histrionic fits? No.

Hitting you? Yes.

That said, good luck hitting a woman, even in retaliation for being struck yourself, without an army of musclebound white knight betas coming to murder you, all shouting some shit about how you should never hit a girl.

And for those who claim that retaliation is wrong because women can't hurt you as badly as you can hurt them: That's like saying that I can walk up and slap Floyd Mayweather because he could hurt me worse than I can hurt him. It's a nonsensical argument. I'd be an idiot, and I'd deserve to get laid out.

It's empowering. Men and women should be treated the same. I've hit women before and I thoroughly recommend it.

Would you key your own car?

>There are people on this board right now who don't know what an NAP is.
What a time to be alive

This is some seriously gay shit. Let's say you get fucked out of money in an investment: you put in $x0k and it's gone. What is money in a capitalist society? Money is necessary to buy food and shelter. Without food and shelter you're going to die. Therefore without money you're going to die. Therefore if someone fucks you out of money they want you to die. Just like when someone is firing an AR-15 at you they want you to die. If you don't agree with this logic you're a beta cuck.
You could've just typed "I'm a beta cuck" and not bother posting so much nonsense. We get it.

Yeah my gf would just take it as foreplay and get moist AF


It's ok if you use the open palm of your hand or the back of your hand. I can't remember which one was ok by the law. Best look up which one so you don't get in trouble with the law.

For pathetic people who never got over being abused as children so think it's normal to hit people for making you angry and putting up with dysfunctional relationships, should be deported to Africa with the rest of the niggers.

Except Floyd Mayweather shouldn't lay you out if you slapped him either since you didn't injure him in any way and he could kill you with that one punch.

I mean, not for *literally* nothing, but if she fucks up my biscuits or something then sure.

If you can only control your women with violence, then you're not a man. Period.

Then you're not doing it right.

>What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
>Nothing. You already told her twice.

But, you're a fuck head and nobody like you.

You don't hit a women; generally. If you can't take a hit on the chin by a women and not lose your cool, you are the bitch.

I consider myself fairly strong and I think I can take a decent hit.

I've also had a violent physical GF, one Halloween we got into an argument and she punched me in the mouth, I was bleeding. Someone was watching us in the street and called the cops (I've got to mention that I was Alan from the Hangover with baby and black eye).

Cops arrived and the copper was talking to was pushing me so hard to press charges, said he sees it all the time but no man ever press charges.

I wouldn't press charges because it was like being hit by a child, I could fuck her shit up so bad in seconds if I wanted.




A smack across the face ala sean connery is good if she gets out of line. Anything more is queer and for catholic faggot degenerates who are raging alcoholics

The only reason i'd want to beat my wife is if she cheats on me, but i'd probably just feign ignorance and arrange for her mysterious disparition at sea instead.

Maybe if you're a sand nigger. You have the right to defend yourself, not impose harm on others. If you have to beat women, you are a little bitch.

I beat my gf constantly and she seems to love it.

Not at all.
I'll fight back if a woman hits me, but that's it.

you call your donkey "gf"?

No. No, it's not. You don't do that.

Its really nice but police beat me in jail for that.

Of course why do you think western society has a problem with feminism,you all need to pit your women in the tight place with applied force.Where i live wife-beating is close to a national sport XD.

Yeah was going to post this. The old rule of thumb use to be open hand was OK, closed fist was a no-no. Like a lot of things from generations past, it made a helluva lot more sense than what we do today.

Some women need their asses checked from time to time, but there's no need to Mike Tyson uppercut her. Even if you're a 124 lb numale, a nice hard bitchslap to any woman will make them come to their senses without endangering them.

3D women are disgusting. If one landed on my arm I'd smack its guts out.

physically punishment is for beta males

psycologically punishment is what alpha males do

What a dumb image

me not sure

Did your father beat your mother or something? She probably deserved it. Its bonus points if you do it in front of her kids.

see if you have to whip a woman into submission, then she is your slave
she is your slave because you cannot pull any other women, or at least project that mentality
so it is undesirable for you to beat your woman
if you are a desirable man
you can simply leave your shitty woman for another better woman
because you are so desirable
beating women will make you even less desirable than you already are for said aforementioned reasons
we made it illegal because as a country we want higher quality men to walk the streets, they make better warriors and smarter businessmen
it's the same reason we encourage polygamy and open relationships
our government has learned that married men get lazy and become less productive
so by convincing you that constantly chasing new ass is better they force you to be continually productive to have the money to chase ass
thus strengthening the economy
but yeah
don't beat women, not because it hurts them but because it makes you even worse of a man than you already are
it's just basic economics


Bait threads
Same topic
Same flag
Leftytroll again

This pretty much. Your wife will eventually stop respecting you if you fail to keep her in line by punishing her when appropriate.

Yes, by the grace of Allah!

Beating anyone is wrong, it's not extra bad just because it's a woman.

>An open-handed slap is justified – if all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning. If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I'd do it.
Playboy magazine, 1965.

>There are women who take it to the wire. That's what they are looking for, the ultimate confrontation. They want a smack.
Interview with Barbara Walters, December 1987.

When she acts crazy and hits you and says :
>you're not a real man
that's when you slap her.


All things aside, realistically this is what I believe.

>How do you feel about beating women, /pol?
You shouldn't.

Physical assault can be easily proven and if you really want to teach her a lesson don't do anything physical.

What you should do instead, is that you should mentally torture them to the point that they become self harming.

Gaslight them. "Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates situations repeatedly to trick the victim into distrusting his or her own memory and perceptions."

A woman's mind is very malleable, you repeat a few things again and again and they will start to believe it no matter what the actual reality is.

If you keep reinforcing to her that she deserves to be kicked, shamed, and treated like third class citizen she will actually believe it.

this will in turn make your case stronger because who's going to believe a mental patient anyway.

do NOT abuse a girl physically, you will lose the moment she shows the bruises to anyone.

Instead, make her do the harm to herself. Or at least prepare her in the way that even if you are slightly physically abusive to her, she thinks it's her own fault.

If she is being physical with the man, I say do what you need to but don't go overboard.
In general, when I see someone hurting a woman I get pretty pissed off though, as an initial reaction.

Fallout 4 pugilism illustrated

How low do you degenerate do you have to be to beat a women, if she starts legitimately trying to hurt you then defending yourself is ok. But if she doesn't make your dinner on time or spills something your a complete animal if you do that. Would beating a puppy feel good?

*how low and degenerate

I would only hit a woman that was hitting me, or someone I cared about.

I'm stronger than them; I don't need to prove it.

I treat them like the children they are. Unless they get violent first, no need to lose your cool.

I agree with Pajeet

Just cheat on her. Bitches hate that.

What does Sean Connery think?


If you discipline your woman properly the need should never arise

why would i want to damage my own property?

If your woman enrages you to the point you need to beat her, maybe it's time to say fuck it?

Fuck off Ahmed. If you feel the need to beat your gf/wife then you clearly chose the wrong partner in the first place.

Women deserve equal rights. And lefts.

>That ending

I hit and beat women, but not without cause or just because they mouthed off.

First time was my own sister, who always was and remains a crazy cunt to this day. She scratched me on my face and chest with her fingernails, hard enough that I have faint scars to this day. I gut punched her and then choked her until she lost consciousness.

Second time I beat a woman was a girl in my class in elementary school. She took something I got from my grandparents for a birthday and she broke it. It wasn't expensive, but to me, who loved my grandparents second to none, it was priceless. I knocked out two of her teeth for that. She transferred schools and I got a reprimand from the school.

Third time I was a teenager and there was some slut mouthing off about me, but I ignored it, because when you give people like that attention it just gives them what they want. Anyway, this slut then went off to suck some stranger's dick in a public park, then tried to kiss me on the mouth. I knocked her out with one punch to the face and then left. No trouble with her afterward whatsoever.

Fourth time was when a teacher hit me in high school. She never liked me, don't know why because I was a model student and behaved, because she said I was cheating, because I was turning around to take something from my school bag for the test we were doing. I mean, if I was going to cheat, I'd be more subtle about it and she just hit me unprovoked. I backhanded her and she fell to the ground before she burst into tears and wailing. Got off without a reprimand there, she was either fired or transferred.

Fifth, which was thus far the last, time was when some girl attacked my cousin (aunt's daughter) and tried to push her fingers into my cousin's eyes. I broke her arm, fingers and bruised some of her ribs when I kicked at her.


you sure have a way with the chicks

that's how is done.
Learn from him , cuck boys

What? It's not like I'm advocating casual domestic violence to anyone.

Everyone I dated in the past, and the girl I'm dating right now, has known about this sort of stuff and they never disapproved of it. Why would they?

>She never liked me, don't know why because I was a model student and behaved

Except when I was strangling my sister or punching out 8 year-old girls' teeth.

You're implying that there was any sort of record that she could read about this. There wasn't.

Not to mention, even if I did do that in the past, at the time being, in high school, I never hit a girl and I really was a model student, which is all that should have mattered.

only niggers hit girls. if she steps out of line then she fucks off forever and never comes back

Given your understanding of what is reasonable behavior, I find your judgment suspect.

if it's anything but her hitting you, then no

but if you seriously have to hit your gf to restrain her, then maybe you're a weak little bitch anyway so you should let her kick your ass anyway, you fucking pussy


If she is trying to kill someone or hits you in the face while you're driving (she's endangering other drivers or pedestrians) , go ahead.

I prefer beating off on women.

Don't think beating is usually something you'd want to do but a slap isn't that big of a deal in my book.
But of course putting a person in line this way is so bad the social justice mob will take you down if they can.

Good. Your woman should correlate your control and her sexuality.

No. Men are physically stronger, larger, and instead of thinking emotionally in stressful situations we think logically. Therefore it's not fair to smack around a smaller, weaker, and less intelligent opponent.
We are expected to show patience and understanding when dealing with the immature tantrums of women and children. It's merely a test, a man can't just blindly lash out and beat everything that bothers him, he has to learn tolerance.
Of course it's also about picking your battles. You see when you take the higher ground and not beat on women they get complacent, and will eventually misunderstand tolerance for weakness. A fight will begin to build up within her, and every time a man turns the other cheek instead of bruising hers, she gains a little more confidence. Eventually she is going to get to the point of "what are you going to do about it?" This is where the picking your battles comes in. If the argument is over something stupid you concede, letting her feel like she won a round. If the argument is over something important to you, and she has grown a little too big for her britches so to speak, you take that cunt down a peg or two. You put the fear of God in this bitch to where she KNOWS not to fuck up again, and there is no question who the hell is in charge.
>been married for 14 years to a good woman. Even the best of them will need reminded from time to time. They either respect the man or they don't, there is no middle ground.

He's "logical" and yet cares so much about being fair. It would like chosing not to win because your opponent in inherently weaker.

It makes me kind of angry because there are guys out there who beat and hit on women who literally didnt do anything wrong.

Then you have cunt bitches who need to get their asses kicked.

I was going with "it's like picking on the retarded" scenario. Whatever it takes for you to justify not ripping their head off every time they piss you off. I mean ffs we're not animals.

If I'm ever dealing with a really bad, hysterical situation with a girlfriend I just leave the house, turn off my phone, and go to the bar. The combination of being deprived of attention + wondering if there's a different girl sitting on the stool next to you is mental anguish greater than anything you could inflict with force. 9 times out of 10 I'm just drinking and cracking jokes with old geezers but the imagination is a powerful enemy.

Also I know several guys who are dumb enough to do some of the shit posted itt and it ends up costing about $10k when they run to the cops.

>it ends up costing about $10k when they run to the cops.

That's because your society encourages that kind of behavior. They encourage women to act out and to consider themselves void of any responsibility. They encourage women to scream "harassment/abuse!" whenever things aren't going their way in domestic disputes. Even if she has no trace of abuse on her, you will be taken into custody, at least over the night, if not more. That's the fucked up part. You can still do nothing and get fucked over.

If your opponent is weaker you don't really win

>you don't win unless you win under these very specific conditions I outlay in advance for you
>t. weak

>You can still do nothing and get fucked over.
That's true as well. I know another guy (who was actually innocent, never touched her) who spent the night in jail courtesy of his girlfriend making a tearful phone call to the policy. In a surprising display of competency they let him go the next day after they figured out she was full of shit, they said it happens all the time.


>sucked somebody elses dick then tried to kiss me on the mouth so i punched her
I think that's the most awful thing I've ever heard.
How marvellous.

>How do you feel about beating women, /pol?
If a woman is stepping up to you and beating the crap out of you after you've given her enough warnings, drop her.

Absolutely not.

If you can't resolve issues with her in anyway other than physical violence, that says more about you than it does her.

That being said, if she hits you first, then hitting her back is self-defence.

Only pussies dont hit women.

jokes aside,

Reciprocational force.

Don't ever initiate physical violence, and if she slaps you across the face that's not fair game to demonstrate your ultimate combo from street fighter across her face. Women are like children, if one strikes you you don't have free reign to just kill them, you aren't Hercules, but letting them get away with shit is how we have the kind of cunt degeneracy that seems to fly in the west.

As a child, if you hit another kid unprovoked your parents would put you across a knee and slap your ass or give you the belt, or with the wooden spoon or ruler across the palms.

In post-modern media you rarely see it, but the oft-comedic slap across the face to wake someone to their senses is quite effective.

These forms are APPROPRIATE corporal punishment, which should be rendered with due thought, and used so are an adequate reprimand for physical violence.

I have no sympathy for a man who maliciously assaults a woman because he thinks he can get away with it, because it's for the wrong reasons. In the end, such attitude is self defeating because it engenders resentment from the woman, if she is his partner, and doesn't resolve things as it's not done from a place of duty but of perverse satisfaction.

Choose one.

I'm not going to hit a woman if we're having an argument and she acts like a cunt or anything.

But if a woman that isn't a family member of mine attacks me physically, the bitch is going to get knocked the fuck out.
