Is Putin a commie?

Is Putin a commie?



No, he isn't communist, SSSR wasn't real communism, he is state capitalist!

thank you.

No one has ever heard him said what are his ideological inclinations. But once he was reportedly asked by journalist about it and he said "it is your job to find out".

Keep in mind that he was the guy who had a portrait of Peter the Great in his office in 90's when he was working for St.Petersburg's mayor.

He did work for the Soviet Union.


Stop this shit please.

Putin is a liberal. He admitted so himself.

communists are liberal

Nope. He hates communism because it didn't allow him to become rich.

But workers never owned means of production, so Soviet union wasn't real communism, take that nazi!

Communism by definition, is the ideology that states that all property is owned by the government.

Worker ownership over the means of production is the goal of communism, not the first step.

Marx himself said that a socialist government that seizes and redistributes private property predicates eventual communism. The USSR had that but never moved on beause socialism doesn't work.

He's centrist cuck with slight right-liberal leaning.
We don't have any real commies in Russian politics nowadays, "communist" party is pseudo-red populist joke stuffed with oligarchs.

Putin beat the communist party.

Putin just seems like a guy who plays the "necessary evils" game a little bit too much. I'm probably being naive, but I really want to be optimistic.

No. You know, his Wikipedia article is not that long.

> Trusting FakeNewsPedia about politics



Truly an american world view. Just as bipolar as your politics.

Epic meme spectrum

Your point?

This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

no, YOU'RE the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

everything is bipolar!

He's moderate nationalist.

Putin came after Socialism, so how can he be a Commie? He's Russian Union.

>Keep in mind that he was the guy who had a portrait of Peter the Great in his office in 90's when he was working for St.Petersburg's mayor.

Wow, a portrait of Tsar Peter in St Petersburg mayor's office. I really know Putin's secrets now.