Why is Obamacare bad exactly?


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I'm not American so but I think the answer is something like "much free market freedoms" or something like that.

Maybe Obama thought that paying a whopping 19% GDP on healthcare was a touch excessive (while France and the UK manage to provide universal healthcare for 11 and 8% respectively)

I get called a leftie shill this, I can assure you I'm not.

Because now that you are required by law to have insurance, the insurance companies can rake you over the coals and there's not a damn thing you can do about it

Costs more, worse quality.

>tfw he has a wife

Use any other industry as an example. If you are forced to buy a car from Ford, Ford has no problem hiking their prices, because you're still forced to buy from them. This cripples healthy competition.

This. There's no incentive to provide quality healthcare because you're forced to pay the companies anyway.
As a result, premiums went up. You now have to pay much more out of pocket and you can't always keep your doctor. Despite the fact that we were guaranteed to be allowed to keep our doctors with the aca.
As usual, it was a lie that almost exclusively tore into the middle class and ruined is even more.

>Why is Obamacare bad exactly?

Can you imagine how bad that fat fuck smells? No way he can properly clean under those flaps.

The argument is literally in your picture. I have to pay insane insurance premiums now because this fucking faggot is a massive liability for the company that isn't allowed to refuse him.

And why? Because he has poor self control. That's it. Period. Full stop. My bills are more expensive because he likes twinkies.

Because it is only used for fat fucks like him. If you are healthy you don't need insurance

He does have a wife, yes, but...

It sustains lazy reckless fatasses like your pic related at the cost to us all.

it's so obvious

>tfw I have to help pay for another man's wife's son's health insurance now
This is Inception-tier cucked. We're past sand castle/city tier.

apparently he shat himself at some comic Con panel

It doesn't actually do anything to address the insane cost of healthcare. The mandate just makes more money available for providers and insurers to keep hosing people. It's like student loans. When the government started subsidizing education Universities started charging, and reasonably so, what they could get away with. "You got 10K from the government? What a coincidence our prices just jumped 10k!." I don't know what the whole solution is, but opening up the market to interstate competition like auto insurance will not only increase the actuarial pool of risk insurers can pull from, but it should drive down prices if people are able to freely participate or choose not to. I need to read more on it, but if we went to a single payer system where only the patient gets billed and the insurance company reimburses the patient instead of billing the insurer and the patient to cover the cost then there wont be different prices based on who's covering the procedure it'll just be the price and you can shop it around.

Obamacare was a sham through and through. "But it got me healthcare!" some people say, and they're technically right, but really they were just tricked into or later forced into the same shitty broken healthcare system we've always had by way of federal penalties at tax time.

It was made for literally no other reason than to force more money into company pockets with zero obligation to improve or even maintain previous quality of service.

hes not even got obamacare man, hes got the "affordable health care plan"

which is basically they can't bar you for pre-existing conditions and shit like that, but you also get a penalty.

but because of the restrictions companies are now losing money, and either choose or have to charge more because of it.

due to this in some states like oregon a lot of companies have gone out of business. im pretty sure in oregon there are only like one or two providers in the whole state so its basically a monopoly.

nother thing to add is that the obama care that got bait and switched out would have more been a government ran insurance company, so like take the money you're blowing on insurance and add like 50-60 percent of that tops to your taxes

Why are doctors so uppity with their salary anyway
They always pride themselves and parade as life savers and do gooders
But they wouldn't do it if they weren't getting paid as much and wouldn't do it for free

It's better than politicians calling themselves a "public servant"

Obama wanted to decrease the number of Americans without health insurance, which is a noble cause, but it fucked shit up and made health care more expensive.

Insurance companies now must use a 3-1 rating band in the individual health insurance market, meaning they can't charge the sickest person more than 3x what the healthiest person must pay. So young healthy people's health insurance premiums sky rocket and sick peoples health insurance premiums slightly decrease.

Insurance companies also now cannot use gender as a factor when pricing insurance premiums. Which is huge because statistics show that women use more health care. So men have to pay more in healthcare premiums and women slightly less.

Obamacare/Affordable Care Act, went against a lot of insurance basics for pricing risks, causing costs to increase. And it did not address the real reason healthcare is expensive which is because of third party payment.

Also look up the cadillac tax, shit is fucked

yeah but like do you think nearly 1/100th of what is paid goes to them the entire structure is fucked because of how the money is allocated, and the fact is we literally have fucking franchise hospitals in this country

I just don't understand how you even get that fat, I'm overweight, eat like shit and sit on my arse all day but in the last 3 years I've gained like 2 kilos.

>Complaining that insurance companies have to provide services to everyone

Trump plans on keeping that requirement, he's said it over and over. Most of congress agrees.

The only thing he plans to repeal is the individual mandate.

Now, try to figure out what's going to happen to prices when people aren't required to buy it, but insurance companies still need to give it to people with pre-existing conditions anyway.

> but opening up the market to interstate competition
That won't help, because it's only going to increase the number of insurance agencies by a few. The top 7 insurance companies already control 66% of the market. It's not that Blue Cross Blue Shield can't sell in other states if they choose to open a branch in that state, they just need to make a separate sub-company and pay local taxes.

The whole purpose of those interstate law was to prevent those 7 giant companies from all moving to low-tax states and strangling local markets who won't be able to compete.

Boogie takes Rx speed pills to combat his urge to overeat in the hope the he can lose enough weight naturally to safely undergo weight loss surgery.

also dude like 3/4ths your bill is overpriced medication and and overpriced baby wipes

why can't 2+2 make 10 instead of 4
prove me wrong
protip you can't

But theres a plethora of different insurance companies out there, which promotes healthy competition amongst agencies.

>Why is Obamacare bad exactly?
Why should you have to pay for that disgusting fat fuck?

I'm not complaining man, I'm just saying I'd rather have socialized healthcare, since the government has way more bargaining power than your small town insurance company.

plus we already pay for fat fucks through medicare. we also pay for a large chunk of the elderly through it. they're basically walking fucking medical bills.

>Now, try to figure out what's going to happen to prices when people aren't required to buy it, but insurance companies still need to give it to people with pre-existing conditions anyway.

Is that Trump's plan? Holy shit, it's going to be a shitstorm.

some people benefited
most didn't
it is insurance
it doesn't work if most people benefit

but when you tried to tell the true believers not everyone benefits
they turned on you
said if you weren't in the system
you aren't paying your fair share
you became the 1% for buzz killing their warm fuzzy

But costs have gone up under Obamacare, both the cost of insurance and all costs as a percentage of GDP.

People will call you a shill because you pretending the program does something it does not.

he wont, fucker looks 20 kg heavier every video

>But costs have gone up under Obamacare, both the cost of insurance and all costs as a percentage of GDP.

But not up as fast as they were going up before. Look at your own chart.

t. neckbeard loser living in xis parent's basement never having to pay bills or pay for xis own healthcare

Unless you're in one of the many places where there is only one provider, i.e. Virginia. There's a reason we regulate the fuck out of the electric company

Just wait until you get a Bernie-tier president

>And it did not address the real reason healthcare is expensive which is because of third party payment.
Healthcare in the US is expensive because of the sacred right of suing anybody at any time for any reason that forces doctors to have malpractice insurance plans that singlehandedly make your premium twice what it would be without them.
Then, it is expensive because insurance companies have to cover pre-existing conditions while remaining profitable, which is absolutely ludicrous and the very reason why the market is concentrating around a few companies in the first place.
Last, it is expensive because people are snowflakes who think they need the most high-end medication and tests for a damaged nail.

In 2013 the average healthcare expenditure per head in the US was ~9.3k USD. You can be sure it's at least 20% higher now. Tell me how "third party payment" is responsible for it user.

>Then, it is expensive because insurance companies have to cover pre-existing conditions while remaining profitable
>while remaining profitable

I think I found the problem


Could just move the fee up the chain a level. Then you never get the money that would be paid to taxes in the first place.

>the problem is that a business has to be profitable
>otherwise it can't pay its bills
>and it closes
>let's make business non-profit
you're on to something here Berniefag

When you make something not for profit, like socialized medicine, the incentives run towards reducing costs instead of increasing profits.

Example: You get sick in the US, have a $5000 deductible on your $10,000 a year insurance, and can't afford to go to the doctor even though you're insured. A simple health problem gets worse over time and eventually you end up in the hospital needing major work done, which exceeds the deductible and you get your treatment, but everyone makes tons of money off of your sickness vs making hardly anything from treating your condition early.

High insurance premiums are GOOD for the insurance companies when the law requires you to buy them rofl.

The black guy looks a little gay tbqh.

because shit like this


If only he could give some of his fat:

Glad I unsubscribed

I'm pretty sure he is

>muh greedy overrich insurance companies
Give me one example of a country with socialized medicine where the costs are under control and there is access to the best healthcare.

Insurance companies margins are shrinking precisely because healthcare is so expensive it's getting worth paying the fine instead. Stop forcing them to cover PECs at standard rates and you'll get your first dollar reimbursement back that will allow people to go to the GP again.

The solution is to have incentives to get coverage early in life and have the government cover the PECs that are not within the scope of the insurance market. It's the best way to reduce costs long term. Obama failed because instead of making Obamacare a Medicare on steroids he forced the insurance companies to cover PECs, which is mathematically impossible in the most expensive market in the world.

For roughly one trillion dollar that could be done. It's not that expensive considering the amounts and long term challenges at stake.

Boogie is a Muslim...

Because its expensive ass insurance

>every middle class family I know has some pathetic .5/5 stars insurance from work
>No one bothers to use that dog shit healthcare market cause it costs way too much and runs like absolute ass
>Trust me it took like 3 hours to get my password changed
>Afterward I couldn't navigate to the same place twice and gave up cause the thing is a mess
>Only people with good healthcare are very wealthy, broke niggers, or smart chinks/spics working under the table
>Even my doctor hates Obamacare and I live I Portland, most liberal shithole in the States


Same here. Their website wanted me to call Experian and speak with an Indian to verify my identity. Obama would not win a third term.

Addendum: Obama, like a lot of people, fails to understand what an insurance is, that is, a risk transfer mechanism.
Insurance companies are not here to cover everything for a low price. They are in the business of making you exchange a regular premium versus the certainty of not having your personal finances wiped out by a very expensive medicine bill in case of a big problem. That's all. If the very expensive medicine bill is much more likely because the government doesn't want to spend a dime on this, the premium is much higher.

So it's actually the government that has to put skin in the game, so that the cost that it takes in charge is withdrawn from the premiums people pay.

The fat is clogging his brain stem.

Yeah I doubt he will make his goals but it's still worth discussing re: his pride in Obamacare saddling us with his perpetually fat ass.

His reasoning is pretty facile because it's one-dimensional. Of course you'll be sick at some point. Socialized health costs make perfect sense in a society where people are overall fairly healthy. But Boogie is the case in point problem with the system here (and to some extent the NHS)--bunch of fat fucks ruining the costs for everyone else rather than being pressured into being healthy.

If my brother has a kid who is born with Type 1 diabetes, that's a bad luck of the draw and I think society should care for the costs of people who literally cannot do anything about their health issues. But Boogie can. And yet all he can do when people ask him why he is such a fat fucking leech is say he had a hard childhood and it makes him eat because he's sad.

Boo hoo.

Only because he has money and is going to die soon

>not SF

what the hell is happening on that webm?