Down with Drumpf

When will you lozers realize Trump = Fascism


Can't spell fascism without CIS

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>When will you lozers realize Trump = Fascism
what's wrong with that?

HA found the idiot trump supporter.

What? Next you're going to ask what's the problem with another hall of costs?

no i'm just going to re-ask what's wrong with fascism

Fuck off, leaf.

highly persuasive

There's nothing wrong with fascism, and stop with these terrible bait threads


Can't spell resistance.

>Trump = Fascism

Stop building him up like that faggot. He's not that good.

What's wrong with fascism℉

Kek its ironic b8 m8.

ahahaha blumpf beat the heck out!

I was promised right wing death squads not a mild reformer paleocon ;_;

there is everything wrong with fascism, read the dictrine of fascism by benito himself, it's a very poorly written book that basically says "I'm a commie but commies failed so I'm gonna make a new communism and call it fascism"

if you are over the age of 13, and you have had even the tiniest amount of traditional education, this question is no longer relevant. fascism is profoundly and demonstrably anti democratic, and according to the principles of the Enlightenment, on which the US was founded, it is a form of tyranny, which we have vowed to destroy in all its forms. so go to hell, mf.

Oh dearie me, someone called Trump fascist. Guess it's time to give up and go home, we can't recover from this.

>Trump = Fascism
sadly this isn't true

Yes good goy the conditioning was a success

I haven't seen so much autism in a single post in a while.

When will these Liberals realize they're corruption of "Democracy" has created the environment where what they perceive to be Facism can rise but actuall isn't. In fact they are more Facist than the people they are calling Facist.

Also, Jews are generally alright.

The entirety of fascist thought does not stand on early Mussolini, and all modern political systems are a failure in almost every significant way, except for of course the materialistic sense, at least to some degree.

Well Sup Forums is filled with Fascists and people with Fascist sympathies.

Do you realize where you are?

Yeah I agree Israel is pretty based the way they curb stomp Palestinians

Neck yourself leaf

When will you suburban babies realize that fascism only happens as support for communism rises.

Its you fucks that cause the rise of fascism and remember that in every country where fascism came to power it shut down communists in like 2 months.

So keep believing that trump is a fascist because when a real populist fascist leader comes along you will be tasting your own blood before you can even finish screaming "THAS RACIST!"

Actually more like
>pic related

But the CIS were the best faction.

Trump can be successful if he becomes civil war revolution.

of course he does. can you actually imagine an antifa tranny shooping a magahat so well?

Its time to make commies fear fascists again

when you losers realized you aren't the resistance, you are the neo-communinst cucks

cant spell communist with out faggotcuck.

Can't spell faggot without OP.

Alt-Right Death Squad reporting in!

You "lozers" love bait. Must be fish.


Next time don't use hall of costs on your 2nd post scrub

>still replies to post



CTR invaders


>Implying I have anything going on in my life that I should be doing instead of replying to 2/10 bait
You overestimate me

>Can't spell fascism without CIS

This deserves a (you)

The Nose knows.

Weeew lad, saved

Wait. What's so good about democracy? I seem to recall our founders hating it. I'm actually in favor of disenfranchising pretty much everybody and instituting citizenship by service.

funny because the one who "got them" were other whites, ofc shitskins were contributing nothing again

shalom shlomo shekelstein

>At last I truly see

Like all fascists before him, he is working to ban firearms ownership, increasing government control over schools, control over industry, and trying to stack the electorate with those who will support his policies and further his agenda.

..... wait

Shalom shalom, shaul shualiberg
How's the shilling going?

>Can't spell fascism without CIS
It really makes you think


Daily reminder to sage all bait threads.

Great, i like Fascism !