>The elites planned Drumpf's victory to blame him for the upcoming crisis
>Hillary was not the candidate the elites wanted to win
>Nationalists and rightists will be placed on power to blame them for the ipcoming global crisis




Opinion disqualified. You probably have a small penis too

>Hillary was not the candidate the elites wanted to win
Yeah that's why they invested millions into her.

Ok Pablo.

Don't fight it. Just let the wall happen.

Read the fucking article, Ahmed

>Which President Is Better For The Elites During An Economic Breakdown?

>If you consider the premise that Clinton is NOT the chosen one, and that the entire election is theater, the situation changes rather drastically.

Those that follow the underlying economic data that the mainstream tends to ignore know that large swaths of the global financial system are not long for this world. With Europe’s banking system plunging towards a Lehman-style event, the OPEC production freeze deal ready to fall apart yet again, and the Federal Reserve threatening to raise rates into recessionary conditions in December, our already floundering fiscal structure is approaching another crisis.

>My questions has always been who would the elites rather have in office when this crisis occurs? I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again here: with Clinton in office, globalists and international financiers get the blame for any economic downturn. With Trump in office, conservative movements will be blamed. In fact, I suggest anyone who doubts this scenario watch stock market reactions every time Trump rises in the polls or Clinton faces renewed scandal. The narrative is already being prepared — a Trump win equals a market loss.

>For those that think it outlandish that the public could be tricked into blaming Trump and conservatives for an economic crisis, I suggest they consider that possession is nine-tenths of the law in the minds of many. People can also be irrational when facing financial ruin. I would remind readers that history is written by the victors. The globalists plan to be victorious in the dismantling of America and our founding principles. Whether or not they succeed is really up to average conservatives and liberty proponents, not Trump.

Sup Forumstards being used by the elites since forever. Sad!

I've thought this for years now. The insane polices of the left have become so extreme it's almost like a set up. Willing people to vote for right wing parties across the whole West. Once installed something will be triggered that will ensure a global commie dictatorship takes over and people will never see or hear anything of the right ever again. This is the final mile of the NWO.

I'm of this mindset as well-

of course, and i helped. Those who bought cryptos are now rich. Thanks Sup Forums a guy from /biz/.

> drumpf
> look at flag
> fucking mexican

why are you chilling so hard amigo?

have you already been deported to the shithole you came from?

>Hillary was not the candidate the elites wanted to win

Lol Alt-Righter Faggots. Go Cry to Hitler You Scum!

>we lost because it was all an act

Is this what's gonna replace the russia narrative

If she was then why did Dempft won? The bravery and strong will of the common man? Don't make me laugh

Drankftkins on suicide watch

People are surprised by this?

The elites wanted Trump to win

Flip it. What if nationalists are the only ones willing to purge the world of the shit? The elites can't reach the stars on the backs of mud labor.

>Well, everyone thought it was a sure thing — Hillary Clinton had the White House in the bag;
Stopped reading right there

>the article was written by a libertarian
>thinking a billionaire reality tv host is somehow the candidate of the people

sure sure Gonzalez
whatever you say

It's true, it's all a big theater

WikiLeaks is funded by the Rothschilds
Snowden is funded by Soros

FBI, CIA, are all in it. Trump too, he's friends with Epstein and the Koch brothers. His father was FBI and a 33rd degree mason.

Trump was a Liberal for most of his life. Now the Federal Reserve will crash the economy and Trump will be blamed for it and impeached, thus killing the momentum of the right wing across the world.

Democracy will be dissolved and the bankers will assume a global government "for our best interest". They will "fix" the economy (i.e.: it will be better than the total chaos, but worse than it was before Trump) and put a woman in charge.

It's all in the protocols for fuck's sakes. Nobody reads them.

>look I found some shitty blog
>drumpftards BTFO

because an economic crisis really hurt hitler's popularity...

trump will point out the people responsible and we might actually get a genuine shoah

durr durr durr all jews are bad

you realize he was one of the most famous people in america before the tv show right? and that his established brand is the only reason the show worked.

Sure thing, brah

>upcoming crisis

The stock market has been up since Trump won tho

>Average argentinian

Ve a darle el fundillo a maradona, culón puñeta

>Anglo not knowing how the global capitalist economy works

colour me surprised

Ten feet taller Paco

Ignorant beaners.

Except Trump is going to stop them you fucking reddit niggerlover. He's already btfo'ing the kike agenda and creating jobs

construye el muro, enano marron



LOL... this is the most tinfoil thread ive ever seen on Sup Forums.. fucking hilarious.

>this contradicts my preconceived narrative so i will pretend it's stupid by writing "LOL"

Two clowns!

why did Sup Forums fall for the (((Trump))) jew?

Because (((pol))) is mainly dominated by americans, and americans have always been shilling for the jews. Jewish institutions in Mexico are primarily funded by Israel and the USA (oh, and Germany LOL).

>If she was then why did Dempft won?

You understand they cheated and still lost right?

They bussed people to different counties to vote 5+ times using the names of dead people on top of millions of illegals

And yet the elites allowed Drunkft to win.

Typical lefty thread

>economic breakdown!
>global crisis!
But you don't actually couldn't say why you think these things will happen. You just assume they will cause you don't like Trump.

That's about the only thing you're sure about. You don't like Trump. So you only save funny images of Trump and hilarious photoshops and hilarious memes about Drumpfy. Epic!

Babbys first foray into politics, I guess

Build wall

fuck off with your shilling for the antiwhite identpol democrat candidate

>Hillary was not the candidate the elites wanted to win
how can anyone say this with a straight face


Hide Thread Alert. Salaried member CTR detected.

They didnt allow it.
They tried to stop it and they failed.
When it came down to it, the states counted all of their votes, fraudulent and otherwise, and the winner was chosen.
The elites may pull the strings but we still have some semblance of a democratic process in this country, and it did its job on nov 8.

I predicted this and warned you assholes. This was the way of the elite to raise the Right while they still had a chance and burn out their momentum for good.

Just look at their faces when the Right is stronger than the pussy liberal left, and our Leader is more capable and steadfast. We will overcome anything we face and it will make us even stronger to face these things.

>>The elites planned Drumpf's victor
its very obvious they wanted hillary to win,
though crashing the economy and blaming it on trump is a definite possibility

they plan for both outcomes.

>Article doesn't have a single source to reference for credibility
>Is probably just an opinion piece


Did you even read the fucking article? Its not about "liking or disliking" Trump. It's discussing the very real possibility that Trump was selected to win to act as the blame focus for the upcoming derivatives crash.

so now we can blame obama for everything?

>Dems still can't get over Trump's victory


Many such cases

>They bussed people to different counties to vote 5+ times using the names of dead people

>only report of voter fraud was a guy trying to cast multiple votes for Trump