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msm is pushing this spencer faggot so hard, he's controlled opposition

fuck spencer and all these "leaders"
but trump does need to calm it down on the kike cock sucking.

>being pro white is controlled opposition

Then who is the true opposition?

every article about spencer is all fucking lies

>never ran a campaign even vaguely based on white supremacy

Christ almighty, the (((MSM))) are hitting asspain levels that shouldn't even be possible.


Who exactly does he lead? Sup Forums has been the ones pulling the streets wgat the fuck has he done other than garner bad publicity.

Dare I say he is /theirguy/. Of course.

nice try kike

We don't need another Jew puppet. Our days as the Trump cheer leading squad are over, we want results.

Fuck off kike

Good goyim

>(((the guardian)))
fake news

Why do people act like the "alt-right" actually exists?

It's just a bunch of faggots who posted memes about a president until he was elected.


Do these people actually think Spencer and others like him think Trump is a white nationalist?

This. The David Duke thing wasn't really working, so they needed a lesser known, newer controlled CIA figure

So the MSM ran headlines constantly that Donald Trump was a fascist, white supremacist and now they are acknowledging that he isn't?

(((They))) pull out these leaders to subvert every movement remember tea party.

There's that delusion. Yes.

Spencer is controlled opposition. There's a reason he went from a literally who to being talked about daily

No one cares about this kike puppet, liberals just look like shitheads harassing his mom

I will never take any article's headline or summary of what people supposedly said at face value ever again after this election, so the pic you posted is pretty much meaningless to me, OP.

Got any proof? Sounds like you just don't want Whites doing anything.

reminder that Sup Forums was against spencer after his "hail trump" autism and that ''the right sfuff" faggots' (or whatever they're called) made threads on their private forum about infiltrating Sup Forums (there were screenshots and all) and spreading pro-spencer sentiment. you people have a memory of a goldfish.

He keeps joking that he has people in the agencies watching out for him.

It doesn't surprise me.

>Then who is the true opposition?
You know who



I'm dissapointed they still have us figured all wrong and only take us a meme value

there is no alt right and never has been

They would never acknowledge they were wrong. Instead, "Donald Trump was pandering to white supremacists and then it turned out he was lying. Can you trust him?"

I'm the leader of the Alt-Right, ama!

lol. If Jared Taylor trusts him I trust him. Anyone who doesn't like Jared Taylor is an anti-white piece of shit that doesn't understand how much work Jared Taylor has put into racial realism.


You're from France, just worry about not getting run over or raped you fag. Real Country's are talking.


Controlled position. Whats even the point? Give something for all the lost sheep to target their anger? lol

Faggot media using a picture of Spencer.
Spencer has said nothing about revolting if Trump disowns him. What he has said is that Trump is almost definitely going to disown them, and that's fine, because ''alt-right'' or white nationalism isn't about Trump.

So why are they using a picture of Richard Spencer?
Because he has a recognizable face?
Or because they want Trump supporters to attack Richard Spencer over shit he has never said?

>Genuine guy
>Controlled opposition

This just vindicates the normal people who voted for trump as not being racist.

What if I were to tell you that was all made up by the alt-left to make you hate TRS when really TRS is just like us. We are all the same unless you are a leftist piece of shit.



Gee, it's almost as if the media lies to rile people up.


>Everyone who puts their face out there for the movement is controlled opposition.

Hmmm really made me think schlomo

They're going with the "Alt Right doesn't exist goy!" in this thread. Pathetic.


So, Duke, Anglin, Spencer, they're all controlled opposition? Literally everyone is controlled opposition to you? Fuck off, cuck.

>this shill

anyone who denies spencer is a shill

yes. half of trump's family is jewish, he's selecting jews for his cabinet, but people still believe he cares about the white race

>controlled opposition meme

trump fits the "controlled opposition" description better than spencer does. spencer has been promoting his views for about 10 years now. in order for this to be some 10 year long con, you'd need to accept trump as a jewish puppet too


The whole point is that you can call anyone controlled opposition. I myself am controlled opposition. You're controlled opposition if you agree or disagree with me. You're also controlled opposition if you refuse to take a stance.
They get craftier every year, as the wheel of history keeps turning. But I get to stay above it by calling it out as controlled opposition. What exactly I mean by that, I may or may not specify. I'll ignore that Spence's ex is Dugin's translator - Dugin being the leading intellectual light of the Kremlin, and that Spencer wanted to do a conference with him in Hungary, and that advocating for white identity fits in line with a policy of non-aggression towards Russia. And that the Russians did the same thing when they were communist of assisting oppositional anti-war subcultures in the United States. Instead, he's a CIA plant because of one picture of him with Barbara Bush. Classic controlled opposition. Fuck actually getting to know the subject. I can call it controlled opposition. And if you disagree, you're controlled opposition too.

TRS too. It's almost like they just hate White people.

so is the Nathan Damigo (as much as I like him)

You're my GREATEST ALLY !!!

they are really confused because they think Spencer literally said that he was the leader of fucking Sup Forums somewhere magically magic land that he said it. Even though Amren and people like ramzpaul were a part it Sup Forums retards want to keep it all secret so the white man dont wake up

of course he is not Hitler, Hitler died in 1945

I remember seeing the bald man in the black suit to Spencer's left at his A&M speech. Does Spencer have his own security? Are they ideaologically aligned with him or are they hired? Perhaps provided by local PD?

>the true opposition to the Jews are the Jews
At last I truly see

does the 'alt-right' really think they influenced the election in any way?

even Sup Forums with the kekposting had more influence

If you don't know who any of these men are you deserve to be shot in the fucking face and returned it rebbit in a casket

Even Hitler wasn't kill-all-jews Hitler, until he was. Give Trump time.


Real country reporting.
Spencer is a legit autismo cringe factory.


Look at his rallies. Saying sieg heil, heil hitler.

Pol is a board of satire. You can actually feel the alienating hate at spencers rallies.

A few months ago he was a literal WHO


Hitler wasn't ever kill all jews what the fuck?

Even worse is that some of these faggots think we can win a culture war without ever showing ourselves. Fucking cowards.

impossible to judge, they did make plenty of headlines and they brought those girls bill raped to the debate and stuff like that
i think most would say they are both part of the same anti establishment/globalist wave currently happening

I think we posted so many memes, and listened to enough MSM to somehow believe he was our Hitler.

I voted for Trump because clearing out some Mexicans and Pakis is a great start, and he overall has the most pro-white agenda of any President in decades, certainly more than Hillary.

Only kikes or Reddit kids meme that Trump betrayed us.

This on top of Sup Forums not being alt-right.

Don't fall for pigeon-hole identity politics.

is this post satire?

stop reading fake news


>Pol is a board of satire

Go drown in your own shit, autismo.

>Jewish in every single aspect of his life
>Democrat for 95 percent of his life
>Literally partied with and gave money to Clintons and democrats
>Suddenly becomes Hitlerx2 in 1 year

I'm really surprised supposed master race specimens fooled themselves for this long.

Real non-shill here.
Spencer is going to help the movement by bringing a more alt-right or rather pro-white message to college campuses. He along with Jared Taylor and all the others who have worked hard to get us to where we are today. thank you

>trump is hitler

No trump is not hitler

>hahha trump isn't even hitler you guys must feel pretty dumb


I'd say they did more damage to Trump and actually made the election come close to being lost.

No he's not you fucking Reddit, Alex Jones-tier retard.

It's amazing how many of you faggots think this is all a joke, that we really love kikes and it's just memes. You're on the wrong site, go back to T_D, faggots.

You are the biggest group of losers in the entire history of the world.

Trump was elected because of the confluence of pro-Israel evangelicals and AIPAC lobbying in such a way to get them in line. Trump never actually did or said anything to support Stormfaggery. You're delusional if you ever though he was your candidate. He still wants brown immigrants into america, they just have to come legally, in his own words.


Newfag detected, he's been talked about on here for years.

pls don't bully based lil wayne, there's a lot better examples of dindu/gibs/kangz rappers. he actually got a lot of shit for not advocating BLM in an interview. He also said that this country has been good to him and he's never experienced any racism toward him.

Newfag go back to red dit

I'll support those who have the courge to stand out. All these people here I support even if I don't agree with them 100% I support youtubers like ramzpaul whom i also don't agree with 100%. We are finally winning and they want to stuff us back into the darkness well we aren't going to STOP.

Being controlled opposition and being sincere aren't mutually exclusive. Spencer could actually believe everything he says and be a True Believerâ„¢, but he's a convenient strawman figure to elevate as the "leader of the alt-right."


Top kek

Was it true that Eisenhower was a secret kike? It makes sense if he was. That fucker brought cuckery to Europe, then decided he liked it so much he was gonna implement it in America too.


>pls don't bully based lil wayne
I've never see this sort of shit on Sup Forums that and kanye fucking west garbage what the fuck man. You can't even bring up some actually based niggers that deserve to live or be king of there own black nation such as Thomas Sowell.

People still believing the media and shit pages like theguardian. Keep listening to those who profit out of manipulating you. No hope.


Show me one shred of evidence. He's been in this arena for more than a decade. Who the fuck are you? Why should I trust the autistic screecher on Sup Forums and not Spencer?

>Sup Forums is my personal nazi safe space

Go back to stormfront you retard

what in the fuck is all this jibberish shit good luck getting anyone to fucking read this you retard rebbit faggot

>Go back to stormfront
how to spot a divide and conquer leftie 101


There's that term again!

The mainstream media literally promoted Spencer on purpose, while guys like Cernovich are banned from TV. Just think about that for a while and you might see what is going on.