How do we combat the modern woman's sense of entitlement?

How do we combat the modern woman's sense of entitlement?

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I fight it with my first post AND best post!

Turn off electric power.


Where's "be tall"?

And to answer your question, betas would have to actively reject used goods floating to them to settle. Which we know won't happen.

So you jack off and play video games while your hs crush tongues chad's asshole, then take her back when she's a single mom at 27 in hopes she'll give you at least 1 kid of your own.

This problem only seems to be present in the USA.
The solution seems clear. Don't date them or be friends with them.

Only go out with non American girls.

entitlement is built into the core of the female psyche, you can't fight it. all you can do is structure your society in such a way that they have no opportunity to act on it, which we've massively failed at doing recently.

Like this, retard

This user's correct.

Bitches have been like this since the dawn of humankind.

The burden has always been men's it's not new and it's not modern

The problem is we have let our women run wild not that it's too hard to be a man

With love, understanding and awareness.

I'm 25 now and have never been in a serious relationship, so the best I'll get is some pre owned roastie?

Actually no, go back.
Chads would have to actively reject mediocre women first, which we know won't happen because men are wired to fuck anything that's not downright disgusting.

Based Puerto Rico.

Seriously why would anyone give these women the satisfaction of having cock when they feel entitled to shit they don't deserve to start with.

I saw another bread earlier with a similar topic, you just don't bother talking to those types, or just caveman fuck them to submission and teach her the meaning of "no" all over again.

That flat pancake ass? No thanks. I'd take a thicc bitch with a little meat over those two soggy Christmas hams

You don't need any of that, did you go to college senpai? As long as you're mediocre attractive bitches will trip over your donger, just don't be a huge sperg virgin.

What are this faggots are talking about?

With the baqck hand of righteous indignation

>multi-millionare hollywood actor with a body like this
>not good enough

>Chads would have to actively reject mediocre women first, which we know won't happen because men are wired to fuck anything that's not downright disgusting.

As evolution dictates. Why should a man who has the opportunity to have sex with an acceptable woman give up that chance for the benefit of a less-attractive man?

Once you follow the behaviors to their natural conclusions you understand that everything is as it should be. If you don't like where you end up, then you also understand what you have to do to improve your position. Of course, understanding it and acting on it are two very different things.

this is like some... reverse sjw bullshit tbqh

They get an insane amount of attention, coddling and indulgence in their youth. Combined with a narrative that they are victims. It does affect their personality. Because they tend to share the alphas, they have a very hard time accepting betas afterward. It becomes a problem when they're older and want to settle. At least people are waking up to this. This was well-known for millennia though.

I think it cannot be fixed in a free society. This is female nature. It's biological.

It could be alleviated a bit if the government stopped giving them unfair advantages whenever it can so that the hard work of betas would be more valuable (because they are willing to work harder, they have to). Trying to force equality between very different people is ridiculous. Especially when it was making up for other imbalances which cannot be fixed. But this only mitigates it a little bit.

Also it would help a little if betas stopped giving them so much undue attention and putting up with terrible behavior. But with the Internet it's impossible. What's the difference between 1000 likes and 100 likes really? Also, they would still be sharing the alphas even without beta attention. They don't require it. It doesn't matter all that much.

I think the only solution is to allow alphas to take multiple wives. That's way better than single motherhood or women not ever having children. And the children would have an alpha role model.

Then the only problem is that you have a surplus of betas who can become purposeless (and restless). You have to appease and motivate them to contribute somehow.


My testosterone dropped just by looking at this shit. FUCK FRANCE.

> tfw you realize arranged marriage was not just smart but better for society

I'm not debating that. But then women believe that if they can get a chad to fuck them, they can get chad to stay with them. Which is where the entitlement comes from.
>why would I go out with this guy when I'm capable of attracting a much better one

>tfw would be perfectly happy with an arranged marriage
>tfw white and always get into arguments with my parents anytime some poo family on tv is talking about arranged marriages

Indiabros I have your back on this one ;_;

The only requeriment should be to be intelligent.

Pic related depends on who you're asking
Complete asshole women will be like your pic but a lot of guys I know have a lot of personality requirements for women To be funny and nice and spontaneous but also be attractive, well dressed, fit and curvy. while for guys, if they're not complete slobs, it's okay to be dating a 10 if you're a 6

It depends on whose definition you're asking for


Goddamn this pic is retarded.
>Be ripped
Do you honestly think that every man who dates women whose only merits are "not too fat" is ripped? I know plenty of out of shape, lanky, or ugly fuckers dating relatively attractive women.
>Have a stable job
Well no duh. Most men wouldn't date a woman who works at McDonalds at the age of 25 either. Why would any woman want to date a complete loser?
>Be clean
God forbid you shower and brush your teeth daily
>Dress well
Women invest a fuckton more effort into appearance than men do. Very very few men wear makeup for example.
>Smell good
God forbid a woman wants a man who doesn't smell like onions
>Be dad material
If I am going to marry a woman I would require that she have some maternal instincts. Should a woman want her kids to be raised by a negligent manchild? Also the number of fatherless blacks proves this requirement wrong.
>Be confident
Once again most women don't want to date losers, just like most men don't want to date a bossy bitch
>Have nice hair
I know plenty of men with shitty jew fros or similar hairdos who date women. Men invest a hell of a lot less effort on their hair on average than women.

Depends. Get active and a decent job and go for younger fish.
Cousin was a beta till he was 28, then got with a 21 year old and married her 3 years later.


That pic is accurate if you want above average girls who aren't leftovers.
Stop being this retarded.

>arranged marriage
It can work I'm sure. But women don't want that. In a free society you can't really have that.

Ideally people would form (stable) families because they love each others and want a meaningful life together. And maybe out of a sense of duty too. This would be mostly independent of economics and social status, etc.

It does happen, but not all that much in reality it seems. Relationships and families are unstable and based on a lot of different motivations. And people are immature and petty.

What are you talking about, women marry up all the time. Some bitch at my job has a fucking marketing degree and is engaged to her law school bf. literally the only thing she has is the fact she's pretty and nice.

Women talk about how looks are everything for them but they completely ignore the fact that men still throw themselves at them. Meanwhile poor, short, ugly, quiet, skinny, etc guys are blowing their heads off left and right. There are so many things that control your attractiveness as a man, meanwhile women have one fucking job.

You convert to Islam.

>Pay for dates
Do some women actually do this? I split it every time.

Rest of the list is legitimate though, we definitely expect more from men than the other way around.


Allow Islam to become the only religion in the world and convert to it. You get law, order, loyalty and a while bunch of good shit. If everyone were muslim the world would know true peace and women would be held in check.


>Don't be too fat
LOW TEST faggot detected

by pointing out that we should be working together to combat the complete subjugation of humanity. They will fight to get EQUAL pay but not HIGHER pay or CHEAPER housing (or any product with an arbitrary mark up)?

When feminists come out with all this grievance babble just tell them that they are intelligent, leadership material etc and that is why they need to be focusing on these problems rather than telling us they are intelligent and demanding we prostrate ourselves in acknowledgement.

smack a bitch in the side of the head. not hard enough to cause a black eye though.

Legalize prostitution.


Artifical wombs, AI housekeepers, Realistic sex dolls.

The day we start using massively this three women main assets: birthing, affection and sex will be gone. There is still the status side of responsability, social skills, wealth, and confidence a man portrays having a decent looking girlfriend... But be honest do you care about it or what it comes next to stay "ranked" among your peers. Most men will not care what others do in bed, just what they are capable at work, sports, courage and thats it.

Posting on pol seems a good first step.

I hate niggers so goddamn much.

A fucking bacon

But those things just further destroy the nuclear family. I'm all for those technologies existing, but the main goal of conservatives should be to bring back the family unit.

This is the result of patriarchy. We have to unite and dismantle it and establish an equal society. Without patricarchy, you can also have sex with men without being labeled as gay in pajorative way. Gender shall be fluid; gender roles shall cease to exist.

To be completely honest. Polygamy. We're never going to subjugate women like they were 50 years ago, but we can atleast introduction competition to their gender.

If it's socially acceptable for a man to have multiple women, then women will have to try harder to please and keep the attention of their spouse.

>But then women believe that if they can get a chad to fuck them, they can get chad to stay with them. Which is where the entitlement comes from.

That begs the question of whether it's really entitlement. Again, why should these women turn down a more-attractive mate for a less-attractive mate? Because he may not stick around? What does that have to do with the potential fitness of their offspring? Is it not obvious why this behavior is prevalent?

It should be patently clear to everyone in this thread that in order to defeat the chad, you must become the chad. And yet look at all the juvenile responses from "men" who want external parties to fix what they cannot fix about themselves (cf. , , ). Where is the agency? Where is the survival instinct? Do you really believe that we should upturn the very laws of nature to allow these beings to compete where they otherwise fail miserably? I think not. In doing this, we do our race a disfavor.

That picture was clearly made by some insecure virgin.

What's cucked up about this arrangement is that we've allowed women to feel compelled to let men compete in the sexual marketplace, but we can't do it to women.

Men should be allowed to have multiple women under their dominion. It's the only way to reassert ourselves as stronger.

We don't need to. Their actions will result in subjugation by themselves.

You pretty much summed up why this thread is retarded and reverse SJW bullshit.

>What does that have to do with the potential fitness of their offspring?

Just look at the sons of single mothers.
Do you really think the average woman is fit to raise a child on her own?
Genes aren't everything. You need nature and nurture to produce quality offspring.

Subjugation by subhumans that will deteriorate society and all western-achievement. Seems like a pretty hefty price to pay for a "I told you so."

You're missing the point. Just because women supposedly "put more effort" into it doesn't mean they wouldn't still get fucked if they stopped.

Men HAVE TO do those things to get the time of day - women do them "just 'cuz".

I don't have a problem with this arrangement, you get good, you accept sloppy seconds or your lineage dies. That's fine. Except one thing - I should not be made to pay for raising offspring of some useless cunt who couldn't keep a man, and this is what is happening with taxes and welfare. This is where the system is rigged.

>Meanwhile poor, short, ugly, quiet, skinny, etc guys are blowing their heads off left and right.
Good. Those betas need to fucking off themselves and that fact that you mentioned it leads me to believe that you are one of those poor, short, ugly and whatever else you said boys. You should follow in their footsteps and fucking kys my "man".

What the fuck are you talking about. If any making women assets obsolete is the next step of evolution a one were they compete too.

In other words you think nature only seeks how their partners managed to survive to then reproduce right?

Well nature also created the beta male reproduction and also created task oriented reproduction.

We dont need camouflage to survive we are the apex predator in this world. What makes what traits passes isnt nature itself, but we as a whole and if we fail we go extint.

So far only low IQ, poor people, unstable brains and weakminded people who believe in the invisible man reproduce more than best of our species. At that rate what makes us human will be gone and extint.
Eugenics should come back selecting the best to pass the next generation and "natural birthing" should be illegal and forbidden. Not get me wrong I dont believe in the overpopulation meme, but I do believe we are growing without global objetives like spreading across the universe instead of fighting on material wealth.

There is nothing more conservative than enforcing our only gift nature gave us: reason.

Women date their social media, fuck a Chad whenever they're ovulating and then marry the state kek.

It's men enabling/encouraging that in many ways. They want to fuck women too much (Chads and betas all the same). It's too easy to take advantage of for women (and they love it). Also, both men and women are too superficial.

If they had alternatives maybe things would change a bit. Most people would want nothing to do with sex bots, but some would and it could be enough to stabilize things a bit.

It could be good for women too. Maybe guys would stop giving dumb cunts so much attention just because they're hot if they've just fucked an even hotter sex bot. They'd care more about what else they have to offer (like not being a cunt for a start). Kind of my case after I've fapped. Maybe just wishful thinking though.

Many of these men ended up being betas because they were "raised" by single mothers who didn't know how to feed their kids or tell their kids to exercise.
You're only going to create more men like this by allowing retarded women to be the only parent in the household.

Single mothers is what destroyed the black community.

fpbp always

Begging the question means assuming what you're trying to prove.

There's more variety in men. Nature experiments with men. They are meant to fight and die. Only the best reproducing. Women are more of a baseline. They're more all alike. They are meant to all reproduce (with the best men).

But now the unfit men don't die off though. They pile up. And women do not want them because most women are more "normal" than that. Society can be engineered to kind of force women to put up with them, but it makes them unhappy and they'd rather be single.

Hence the need for polygyny.

And robowaifus for the surplus males.

Perfect society. Natural and humane. Keeps women happy. Hopefully men too.

The alternative would be genetic engineering.

I'm sorry that you feel that disillusioned. I want to be a stay at home mother eventually, but that isnt an option any longer. I think a lot of women do as well, and would return to form given the chance. Degenerate women really arent anymore numerous than degenerate men, just this place is majority male, so women take the blame rather than the other way around. Everyone blames others, but the real problem is one fundamental to society. Third wave feminism is a huge problem, so that's target number one for me.

>tfw to intelligent for gfs

Who says im off fucking random whores? If you want to get the good girls that everyone wants then you cannot be beta at all. Those girls always get the best and thats what you have to be. Quit fucking whining and improve yourself. Go to the gym and get physically beautiful, get a social hobby while your at it because lifting alone will not help your autism or whatever made up shit you tell yourself to make it easier to sleep at night. /fit/ is a prime example of this.

You have it wrong. Nurture is very important, and single mothers create unfit, unattractive sons because most mothers are unfit to be parents.
Societies with stable families and intelligent fathers = better men.
Savage societies that pander to women and tolerate single mothers = weaker/worse men.


Dont waste your time on these filty whores, especially in 21st century when being a whore is ok. Instead of running for wet hole TRY TO MAKE SOMETHING GOOD FOR HUMANITY. Dont be jealous of """chads""", most of them are brainwashed. But if that feel hurts too much and you coudn't take it anymore, just hang yourself, this woun't pe painful and long. Have a nice day, inferior ugly/manlet/dicklet/fat/skeleton/disabled goy! (pls kill ur school bully and his normie friends before naging urself)

the entitlement comes from all the attention they get from men online and irl, thirsty and desperate for sex

men need to learn self control and realize treating women like princesses whos shit cant stink is a bad thing for our society

stop paying for women who are trash. its that simple.

grow up, seek good women with great morals.

stop wacking off to anime

And remember: ALPHA FUX, BETA BUX. Dont fall for this shit.

too white

Yeah you're right, single motherhood made everything a lot worse.
But biologically, men exhibit more variety. It's one of the source of imbalances between men and women that you can't really get rid of.
It's just too much effort desu. Lots of betas are giving up and realized that marriage/family is a losing proposition for them. So we get fewer and fewer families, and many are unstable. The way our culture is currently heading, it's not surviving. Not in a recognizable form anyway.

hanging is a bad way to die
much easier to use a crossbow / firearm

>not using car fumes to sleep pracefully

i-if you have a garage or a car
n-not saying i don't s-shut up

I only need to find one good woman, and then I'm going to keep her forever. The older I get, the greater age difference there can be between me and a prime 18-21 year old girl. Everyone wants a girl younger than them. Well that means you've got to wait a few years until your older than the perfect age.
The rest of women can go burn in a big pile.

>It's just too much effort
That is why you fail you beta.

>modern civilization is based on betas being able to get married and stay invested in society
>fuck that we need to be like our primal ancestors

>stop paying for women who are trash. its that simple.

We don't, the government takes money from us and then gives it to them.

> good women

All women are good until they're not.

But all that is bluepilled bullshit. All you need to make a woman yours is to know how to utterly and completely dominate her physically and physiologically.

All you need for that are your own wits and an understanding of basic female psychology.

Everything else like money, power, good looks etc. are just crutches for men who don't know how to naturally dominate

If you ever wondered why women sometimes go for ugly deadbeats who don't have a job and live with their mom in their 30s, there's your answer.

>The rest of women can go burn in a big pile.
You're a dick. They could be happy in some harem and be great mothers.
That's why I'm advocating for polygyny though.

Does anyone else just get mad at how easy women have it? Like literally don't be fat, latch onto some engineer/doctor/lawyer in Uni and you can stay at home the rest of your life.

>and you can stay at home the rest of your life
Nah, don't you know that's oppression?
It makes them miss out on all the fun men are having out there working.

Meanwhile what I want the most out of life is more free time heh.

But they can never know true greatness.

They have a cushy life right in the middle of the spectrum.

As a man you can be at either extremes and it's in your own hands.

The true redpill is they don't even need to be skinny. There are tons of chubby chasers, some of them Chads.

Thank god there is one person on the internet who knows wtf that phrase actually means

Fat girls can be really cute too. In which case it doesn't even matter much if they're fat heh.

But often times the chubby chasers are assholes. They figured those girls won't be too demanding. So they won't even treat them as people, they'll just use them.

You can hear fat girls saying they can find people to fuck them easily enough but they can't even get a fucking date. Frankly it doesn't sound so nice.

It's probably not so bad usually (really depends on how fat they got I guess), but still. No wonder they turn into men-hating SJWs.

I'm sorry OP, women don't want a man child raising their kids. In the end, a black dude who knows how to put it down is better than a white guy who spends his time on Chinese image boards masturbating to 2d pictures of underage Japanese women.

My requirement for women:
>be virgin
>be catholic
>be mentally healthy
>be at least mediterranean white
>be wife and mom material
>don't be obese
>not so tall
>not so short


Let me know how that goes. Pretty sad that to be husband material you have to be op but wife material is literally just "don't be fat and keep your legs closed"

I dont know

>I lost 250 pounds
>I make more than literally all my peers
>I'm decent looking
>I have a nice truck
>I have friends, and a fantastic relationship with my family
>I try to be well dressed and have excellent hygiene

I'm no super model. I'm no millionaire. But I AM good man who has done everything you are supposed to, to be successful at life.

And yet I'm alone, still, as always.
Sometimes I wish I was gay, it would make all this so much simpler.

But I dont want to huff dude ass, I want pussy smell on my face.

I just don't know anymore dude. Call me when you have answer.