She had it. She had it and threw it away. It was supposed to be her turn

She had it. She had it and threw it away. It was supposed to be her turn.

>could of been the most powerful female
>could of made feminism mainstream
>could of been the first female US president
>could of changed the world

I could care less about Trump, but what could she possibly have done differently?

it's 'could have' not 'could of'

Also it's "I couldn't care less".

Actually adress the issues people have. She hasn't adressed white working class single time during her campaign, didn't even visit some states, she pandered to demographic that votes for democrats anyway, she constantly waffled about shit people don't give damn about, she constantly pretended to be something she wasn't - 'I will be tough on wall street' get the fuck out - pretended to be feminist while taking money from Saudis, constantly flipped flopped on everything, boasted about her diplomatic accomplishment in Lybia and Syria, and foremost, she fallen for the progressivist college identity horseshit.


Ever notice it woMAN and feMALE? You're not a man you are a wooo man. But with madame and sir it's different. It should be feSIR or woSIR.

>Called half of Trump supporters deplorable and irredeemable
>Committed to keeping Obamacare which is bankrupting people and businesses
>Gave platform to BLM
>Wanted to raise taxes on middle class
>In favor of more regulations on businesses
>Warmonger in favor of conflict with Russia which serves US no purpose
>Lied about Benghazi
>Illegal email server, deleted 33000 emails some with classified info
>Disgraced State Dept with pay-to-play corruption

The list goes on and on. How dense are Hillbots that they can't see why she lost?

>she had the presidency and threw it away
Are you sure it wasn't more like she had obscenely biased polls conducted in an effort to demoralize the opposition? It seems to me like she had so much koolade around she ended up drinking it herself and lost what little touch with reality she might have had. Just because you convince yourself of a specific eventuality doesn't make it true.

Who cares

I'm a Democrat but I refuse to vote for a woman so I voted for trump. I see how women act and they have no business leading any nation. I'm also a poc so if you criticize me you are a racist piece of shit.


Who knows, but OP could have certainly done it less.

>I could care less about Trump, but what could she possibly have done differently?
pretend to be anti-free trade and keep talking about MUH JOBS like trump did.

She pandered to a demographic that would've voted for her anyway, abandoned states that where key in Trump winning, etc
Also, she's an unlikable robot that had an entire airport worth of baggage

Still wouldn't have worked because nobody wants a disgusting used up whore running America. I'd take Obama over nasty hillary


> I could care less about Trump

Really, how much less could you care?

>could of
>could care less
This pisses me off far more than your lame attempt at trolling.

Congress still has to count and ratify the electoral college vote. She's still going to be president and drumpflers need to get over it.

She lost because she called pepe a white supremacist hate symbol. That was the moment she ded

"Could HAVE..." Not could "of".

Others have already given some pretty good answers. I'll just throw in here that as a registered Democrat I never imagined that I'd ever vote for a Republican. Unfortunately, Hillary was literally the last person I would ever vote for. Corruption and entitlement just oozes from her pores. Additionally, absurd levels of political correctness in the media and on campuses, creeping socialism, being annoyed by Obama and tired of his constant BS, and threats to both 1st and 2nd amendments, I was looking for something very different and Hillary WAS NOT THAT!

The democrats could have run literally anyone else and they would have done better. Hillary was just the worst candidate they could have run. We didn't want her in 2008. 8 years of accepting large sums of money from foreign interests isn't exactly the way to go about changing how we feel about her. Dumbass Democrat establishment.

... oh and it's "could have" and not "could of." Not that everyone else has pointed that out or anything.

The rust belt disagrees m8.

Literally 99% of the reason she lost and trump won.

Obama would auto-lose just because of the reason that he hasnt done shit.

The rust built disagrees that hillary was shit?


The rust belt would have voted for her if she just talked about MUH JOBS like trump did.

Doesnt seem like they would have voted for bernie though.

>could of
>could care less