Are Portuguese people Hispanic?


Other urls found in this thread:é_o_tempo_de_antena_do_pnr_na_rtp1_às_19h45/

Is horse an athlete?

No, they're proud moor people

Yes they are they are made spainiards. Put us and them in a room can't tell the difference

Viram o tempo de antena do PNR hoje?

Foi melhor do que as merdas que normalmente fazem.

Are niggers productive members of society?

>starting already with pixelated flag and shitty newspaper edits
Iberians really don't know how to right wing nationalism

No. Luso/Lusophone is the Portuguese equivalent.

Até tiveram direito a uma thread no reddit lelé_o_tempo_de_antena_do_pnr_na_rtp1_às_19h45/

None of those are newspaper edits man.

Not my fault shitty newspapers like Diabo are so badly made it looks like a web headline generator.

We are pretty much the same. Yes.

And spanic/spaniard is not akin to mexican like many of you fools think.

looks like they're stuck in the 70s

meant to reply to

>estes comentários todos triggered
top queque

Portugal cannot into graphic design

Portugal red and green flag

red and green retarded duo

Portugal colorblind

só chorinho naquele antro de extrema esquerda

What does that even mean?

Do you have many nigs/mullatos from angola/Mozambique?

just like you are a nigger


Portugal is the Uruguay of Spain.