Leaf fag here

Leaf fag here,
I'm sick of the way Canada is going.
We have no strong conservative leadership and Trudeau is turning us into the most cucked nation in North America.
How do we make Canada great again?

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Canada is already great. Do not like it? Then get your racist ass out of here.

>canada already great

try buying a house tell me how it goes

Accept to be annexed into America.

you'll need to have a genocide of cucks here before you do that

Already do. I buy and sell houses at a inflated cost to Chinese buyers. It is great profit.

nice meme but house prices are only really out of control in vancouver and toronto

most of the rest of the country is fine for house prices.

true enough, i live outside toronto so im getting fucked by the ramen niggers

Just spread the good word, I guess. I can't think of anything else we could do in the short term at least.

correct me if im wrong but wouldnt that just make housing even more expensive?

No, we don't want their land with their cucked population.

>Is turning us into the most cucked nation in NA.

Dude there are only 3 countries in NA. You are already the most cucked one

We also have a mess to clean up in our country. We have been poisoned but hopefully soon this toxicity will be flushed out.

It is capitalism. Nothing wrong with that.

Yes. It's literally his business to make Canada more terrible than it already is

>How do we make Canada great again?

Getting rid of trash like op in this thread is a good start.

of mice and men, choose your weapons carefully

Off yourself, faggot. That's a good start for all of us.

Canada was never great, your country is shit and you, with the help of the British jewed our referendums.

Make Newfoundland Great Again, we wanted to join the USA instead. Rake the leaves.

And mexico the most fucked one.

Petition Rona Ambrose to break her vow to actually take the job as leader, and petition the conservative team to change their own self imposed regulations that don't allow interim leaders to run for conservative leadership. Oleary is off the table. He can't speak French, and there for cannot speak in parliament; the governor general will refuse his swearing into office.

Come on Chang, that's enough shitposting for today.

Start with the CBC airing anti liberal sjw stuff again like they did with this almost 25 years ago. youtu.be/n1tFbZ5kaY8
>naked, fat, black, crippled dykes are hard to find.

Come home Newfie bros.