What's Sup Forums opinion of the HPV vaccination program?

What's Sup Forums opinion of the HPV vaccination program?

Hpv fucks up women worse than men iirc

Somebody's making bank off that one

The HPV vaccination is the best thing that could happen.
I'm a conservative but I support the HPV vacine

It gibs da autismo

Pretty much worthless. It only covers a fraction of the strains.

Isnt HPV an STD? Just dont be a little fucking whore slut and you wont end up a diseased faggot loser.

HPV can fuck both up. Women get cervical cancer, but men and women can both get anal cancer. You think that shit is funny until you're on your death bed.

HAHAHA just dont be a fucking whore

HPV has so many fucking strains. It's not just an STD.

You can get common warts on your hands, a strand of HPV, just because someone else has a wart on their hands and you touched it.

You can get strands of HPV for what seems like no fucking reason at all.

>injecting yourself with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde etc.
literal retard detected

>You can get common warts on your hands, a strand of HPV, just because someone else has a wart on their hands and you touched it.

NEETs will inherit the world.

Whores deserve cancer

>HPV is an STD
>Get it for 11-12 year olds

No more. I want it to stop.


It's a bunch of hype designed to profit big pharma. You know how well mankind did BEFORE it existed? Well, it changes nothing...at all. Pharma has been pushing to have it made mandatory so states will pay them for it, because that shit is super expensive. Over $500.

>we need to get it for the kids before their sexual debut at 13 user :^)

daily reminder that the kids learn about anal sex when they are 12 now from school teachers

This is a good vacine
Yeah young teens should not be sexually active but it will help them in their adult years

Keep in mind that the vaccine only protects about 1-2 strains out of many. If you knew how a vaccine works, you'd understand that it takes time for the body to produce memory cells designed to fight that off... But that being said, having the vaccine isn't a free pass to whore around either desu

Hope it helps, friend

the epidemic of cancer wasn't around millennia ago.

It was, it just couldn't be detected anywhere near as easily as it is now

> Sup Forums

> questions about health care decisions

pic related

Do what you think is right. Holy shit. Grow a pair of something.

The only true solution to the HPV problem is execution of all sluts by right wing death squads.

I believe they called it "natural causes" back then

WOAH, I was just reading about getting this for myself, since I have plans to no longer be a never-held-hands loser (if I can help it).

Then I came to Sup Forums and see this thread. Coincidence?

>believing this myth

fuck off l eddit

I probably have HPV now.... I dated a stripper. Fuck. I've been drinking since me and her broke up too, which must be getting on for 3 months

>Extremely common virus
>Certain strains, which are also quite common, cause warts
>Others cause carcinomas
>Get the vaccine

No seriously, let your kids get it. Vaccines are of course pushed by pharmaceutical companies, but most are a very good idea given the habits and incoming populations of the West.



Enjoy your non-virgin wife bringing home warts from Malik.

Prove it

enjoy your impaired retarded weakling children

>muh mercury
>not understanding dosing
Keep studying.

kill yourself niggertard


Jamal, plz.

Yeah, probably for the best. You can also get throat cancer from HPV. Think about it, throat cancer from eating pussy.

Any goyim stupid enough to fall for the vaccination jew deserves the consequences they reap.