Just niggers being niggers

Just niggers being niggers


Total opposite of niggers.

That's nice, he's obviously poor and yet he still got what his son wanted. Very sweet.

black people are niggers retard. Don't be fucking stupid


Bonding between a father and a son + blacks acting like people...

This was a joy to watch honestly.

>the elusive black father
Actually found this video moving. Good on him.

>present father figure
>loving one too
little nigger's got a better shot at becoming a decent person than most other niggers

Looks like a fucking white male to me

a fag growing up another fag

Nigger is a derogatory terms for blacks. Just like coon, porchemonkey etc. So yes, black people are niggers.

>One extreme rare case

He bought him his first weapon. How touching.

>dad talks like he just got out of prison
>kid thought his dad forgot his birthday. It's happened before
>mom's not there. Kid only sees his dad once a year so she gave them some alone time
>tricks his son into thinking he didn't get him anything to make him cry
>films it so he can show his hoes what a great dad he is
>stole the bat
>kid will wind up using it to beat some old white lady's head in
You only care because these are black people. You're just like liberals. Fucking faggots on this board jesus christ

i dont see any niggers here, just a white father and son who happen to be black.


OP is an approval seeking liberal nigger.

Um, excuse me. These are black Americans, good people. Niggers are what slavs or Jews are to white people. I was promised niggers, and you delivered nothing of the sort. Good day, sir

wtf? i like niggers now.

So is "not all blacks are niggers" meme real?

>Muh difference

Nigger is a slang for black people.

Keep living in denial.

>So is "not all blacks are niggers" meme real?
No. That meme is just white guilt. It's for people who pretend to be racist on the internet but feel bad about it afterwards

Except it isn't.

Living on a dirthole island doesn't excuse you from knowing the basics of American History.

You know what "White guilt" really is? All those lefty's that try suck up to blacks and think that the blacks actually like them and want them around other for than what you can give them. "White guilt" is just a lefty way to pretend they get a good guy badge and feel smug. I will never feel white guilt but I do feel nigger fatigue every time I go into the city and realize niggers would not exist any more if it wasn't for working white people's handouts.

PS: "once you go black you're a single mom" is only 96.4% true




I share the feels of that small black child.

dude fuck nigs, but this is adorable

thank you, fuck OP and anyone else, I fucking love seeing shit like this it warms my heart

Top fucking kek