leaf thread
Leaf thread
< is it true you all look like this?
jew hunter thread
the jew
I'm a self-hating burger that wants a leaf to fuck my wife.
>s it true you all look like
is she furry?
why wont the colonies just leave us alone
Everyone loves canada
Everyone hates canada
Why so contrarian?
Sup Forums is part of real life
You are that leaf that is shitting all over this board everyday. We have a suprise for you my friend haha. January will be scary for alott of shit posters. Thank you Tech Uni of Twente friends a broken defence and some spare time.
You know what I meant burger
They are scared of the mighty leaf
Is u gone?
No u faggot
Wot cunt
O nah m8 dnt gt mi startd
Ur a wizard harry
Ur a wot
Ur a wizard harry
A wizard Harry
I'm a wot m8
straya put down that whiskey
one knows you have had too much
How do i migrate to leafland?
you dont migrate, you just become a leaf wherever you are in the world. your accepted as is
I legit aspire to move to canada