Let's Point out Canadian Bullshit

Canada is the land or liars, losers and general scum.
Their country is a literal meme that showed up to the rest of the world in WW2.

First Canadian Thanksgiving was 1957, decided by the government.
Look at this
google.ca/search?q=first canadian thanksgiving&oq=first canadian thanksgiving&aqs=chrome..69i57.5720j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Canadians are now claiming the FIRST EVER THANKSGIVING IN NORTH AMERICA was had in Canada in 1578
The REAL FIRST Thanksgiving was in 1621 in America.
Fucking canadian trash. That entry has changed numerous times over the past couple months.
I've been pointing that out to canadians and that blurb keeps changing.



Canadian DON'T have human rights
Their "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" states in the first paragraph it can all be taken away.
Written in 1982 by a COMMUNIST

Other urls found in this thread:



Wikipeadia still has the unedited version

>On January 31, 1957, the Governor General of Canada Vincent Massey issued a proclamation stating: "A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October."[2]

>Long before Europeans settled in North America, festivals of thanks and celebrations of harvest took place in Europe in the month of October. The very first Thanksgiving celebration in North America took place in Canada when Martin Frobisher, an explorer from England, arrived in Newfoundland in 1578

This blurb shows up when you Google "Canadian Thanksgiving"
It USE to say, what was on Wikipedia
Only months ago.
Since October and now, the Canadian government has CHANGED HISTORY to claim the first thanksgiving ever.

I bet they will change Wikipedia now.

Any kid who Googles that in Canada, will now know a LIE

WOW, it's SO EASY to lie to anyone with the internet.

Canada must be removed as a country



More canadian lies:
canadians claim to have invented hockey

>pic related

Here is an article claiming Americans STOLE American Football from Canadians.


McGill University Established in 1821
Almost 200 years old
but Canada is turning 150 in 2017.


You know when you're a kid and ask your parents a question and they don't know the answer, so they just say anything to sound important or smart?

Canada is a country founded on that principal

How in the FUCK did people from Mass get to Montreal in 1874??

No really, how the fuck is that even possible?? Did they sail there??
There wasn't any fucking roads in Canada.
Hell the car wasn't even invented yet.

People seriously sailed for weeks to "play a game"
Ya okay............

More Lies
The Capital town of Canada is Ottawa

1) No one can come to an agreement as to why Ottawa was decided the capital
>They say cause the distance from Ottawa to Montreal/Toronto is almost the same
>The Queen stuck a pin on a map and decided that
>That the government was moved to Ottawa cause drunks kept burning down the government buildings in Montreal and Toronto

When I hear 3 versions of 1 story, I'm being lied too. Plain and Simple.

The University in Ottawa, Ottawa University, claims to be Established in 1848

Ottawa was a small logging village until it became the Capital in 1857

SO you mean to tell me, some logging village in butt fuck no where, has a UNIVERSITY??


Hey Ottawa U fags, explain this to me.

The Capital town Ottawa, has a canal, which is the pride of Ottawa. They skate on it in the winter and it's the "worlds longest skateway" WOW

Anyways, they say this canal was built to link up with Kingston 200km away to get supplies

There is NO DOCK or cranes or anything that would suggest ships landed in Ottawa with cargo.

The canal DOESN'T even go 50Km and DOES NOT link up with Kingston

These retards serious dug a big water ditch for no reason.

It's really odd that Ottawa, the CAPITAL since 1857 has no old building from that time period.
Most housing near downtown is early 1900s and on.
All government office buildings have been made in the 60s and 70s
Where did they work before?
Or was there anyone even here??

It's really fucking weird that 80 year people in the CAPITAL OF CANADA, talk like they grew up in pioneer times.

I wonder what changes the Canadian government will make to history after this post.

I'm obviously making some noise and catching someone's attention if they will change the Thanksgiving entry numerous times since October 2016

Hey government shills, canada is done as a country.
Trump is going to take canada and make it USA

There's nothing you useless liars can do about it.


You want to change history so canada appears first in everything??

In 20 years, kids won't know canada was even a country.

Your stain on history and the world map is going to be removed from human memory you evil pedo fucks

I think canada was a penal colony for the worst offender UK had to offer

Let's look at some facts:
Only OLD structures in canada are forts and prisons
Most male population (like a prison)
Homo sex is wide spread (like a prison)
Lots of canadians are pedos
Lots of canadians grew up with pedos
Lots of homos
canadians posses some sort of evil powers
canadian lie,steal,cheat and act like it's normal
No civilization
No technology
No "rights" until 1982
No trade with USA until 1930s

canada was basically cut off from the world, but trash people in canada, claim their dirty Irish or Scottish ancestors have been in canada 100s of years.

How the fuck who anyone in canada survive winter now without proper housing clothes??
Think they survived in 1800s??

I think every summer, boat loads of horrible people where dumped on canadian shores to die.

People like
Murderous Hookers
Devil Worshipers

canada had no European immigration until 1950s.

canada was basically cut off from the world until the 1950s

WTF?? Why??

Cause it was a penal colony, like Australia.

War of 1812 Red Pill

The British, NOT canadians, not dirty Irish/Scottish pedo fucks, The BRITISH, went to America, burned the White House and returned home victorious.
According to canadian history books anyways

They actually continued on to Baltimore and got slaughtered.
The American National Anthem was inspired by that BTFO-ing of the Brits (not dirty Irish/Scottish pedo trash "canadians")

I cannot wait for this dirty fuckhole country of liars to not exist.

I fucking hate liars so much.

I asked my canadian grandfather what our ancestors where like and he only said "not very good ones"

I met a guy who said his great grandparents where KICKED OUT OF ENGLAND and sent to canada.


canadians are fucked in the head. They all act like criminals and think it's normal

If you want to make the West great again, canada needs to be removed from the world

It's a bastion of devil worshiping pedo scum descendants with no loyalty , morals or values.

Truly scum people.

Do not believe a word that comes out of a canadian
Do not trust them
Do not befriend

>pic related
>canadians being normal white trash and thinking it's normal

Hopefully when President Trump takes over canada, most of the brain washed retards lose their shit and start some faggot "uprising" and get their fucking wigs peeled back.

I'll be the on the American side, sighting up to take canadians down.

Cannot wait for 1812 part two.
We are going to finish the fucking job this time and stomp you canadian trash out of existence.

The State funded CBC (Canadian Brainwashing Corporation) took bribes to shill Hillary to canadians (canadians can't vote in USA even though they act like they can)

President Trump will take revenge for this.
No one has crossed him and lived to tell their tale.
Justine Castro talked shit about him
CBC talked shit about him.

canada will not exist.

The ultimate butthurt for brainwashed cana-faggots would be losing their cuntry to America.

With all the communist brain washing, canadians hate America and American cause they're "greedy capitalist"

DOWN WITH commie-ada!!

Trump is going to make you fucks pay.

I'm will fully admit, I was brain washed myself to hate America and Americans.
No joke.

I HATE canadians and canada for this.

These evil fucks brain wash their own citizens to keep them from the truth.

Fucking commie scum.

I had several opportunities to visit America but REFUSED because of canadian brain washing.

Who knows how much better my life could be if I went to America and just stayed.

canada is a 3rd world shit hole with American styled housing.
It's closer to North Korea, only difference is I won't be locked up for typing this stuff, but according to the "Charter or Rights and Freedoms" I can be silenced if it's for the good of the government.


I suggest all canadian patriots not killed in their faggot limp wrist "uprising" be but in gulag style work camps in Northern canada where they work till they die.
They can experience the true benefits of their communist fucking country.

I'd love to see all the fat whiny lazy commie canadians whining, crying and having to break ice 20 hours a day for no fucking reason, till death.

All those fat, bloated, useless fucking trough feeders having to die from back breaking labor in Northern canadian tundra


Nothing is more fitting for a canadian scum sucking trough pig.

Same goes for the faggot "patriots" on here.

Go break ice till you die commie faggot.

The fucking canadian internet shills can't even touch this shit, cause it's the TRUTH

canadians BTFO'd

Die you commie scum faggots.