The youth Monoculture problem

Why do teenagers and young people these days all mostly listen to the same music, watch the same movies, subscribe to the same degenerate culture? I thought the youth were ones always supposed to challenge the status quo and question the dominant culture of the day. But it seems like most teenagers are just happy to be spoon fed the same degenerate culture as the last generation. It seems like there's not many young people who are willing to set themselves apart from the brainwashed masses, unlike previous generations.

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If your parents fought establishments, railed on about politics, were members of counter cultures and challenged any and everything,,,,what would rebeling against them look like?

Remember the 80's? These older kids are like the older kids/young adults in the late 70's early 80's.

They are rebelling. In the boringest way possible.

>I thought the youth were ones always supposed to challenge the status quo

this is just what every kid thinks and is historically completely false

young people dont do shit


>I thought the youth were ones always supposed to challenge the status quo
Not in this election they weren't.

>They are rebelling. In the boringest way possible
So i wasnt born too late, i was born too early?

Neither. You do you. You just might go alone sometimes. You should still do what you know to be best.

I didn't say every snowflake millennial can be a trailblazer or innovator. And considering most major mainstream cultural movements of the 50 years only exist because of grassroots support from the youth, and movemts like Hip Hop, that were created by nigger youths living in the ghettos, shows that the youth are capable of starting cultural movements. You're just denying history.

How is this different from before? wasn't there a predominant clulture everyone ascribed to in each decade?

Also i think the 80s and 90s cartoons were a result of mind control studying that programmed kids to act violently against anything that could possible threaten the dopamine releases

I mean look at tom and jerry literally senseless violence, the only thing that changed from episode to episode is the apparel they wore and the setting

In my country each generation since the late 80s and early 90s seems to be more cuntish and violent than the last that would mean more repression towards whoever steps out of whats accepted

But thats wrong, only applies to niggers.

Why do niggers and young niggers these days all mostly listen to the same nigger music, watch the same nigger movies, subscribe to the same degenerate nigger culture? I thought the youth were ones always supposed to challenge the status quo and question the dominant culture of the day. But it seems like most teenage niggers are just happy to be spoon fed the same degenerate culture as the last generation. It seems like there's not many young niggeers who are willing to set themselves apart from the brainwashed masses, unlike previous generations of niggers.

Has there ever been a youth led counter culture movement in history that was against the liberal establishment?

>every subculture died, melted away and turned into 50 shades of "young urban normalfag"
>every one except metalheads

I was thinking about that today about (a) how fucking castrated, tame and homogenous youth culture is, and also (b) how listening to fucking black music and appropriating black culture has made everyone stupid and sympathetic to black issues at the expense of logic and sanity.

They've all been led astray and can think about it no more deeply than blacks do, so cop killing is acceptable apparently instead of actually trying to find real solutions.

Mainstream was always for compliant faggots but white kids need their own culture. A counterculture. Music is at the heart of that.

i haven't seen any metalheads since 2011

Unfortunately because of American cultural imperialism, there are many Whites here who subscribe to nignog ghetto hip hop culture. Hip Hop concert regurlarly sells out. Then you have soft Hip Hop/RNB which is now a prominent part of pop music. The only other youth culture that's popular today in Australia, other than pop hip hop is EDM.

Leftover Crack, 2004:

>We figured out a long time ago that it's much easier to control people when we're all watching the same T.V. shows, listening to the same radio stations, going to the same movies, looking at the same billboards, eating the same food, and speaking the same language...

Because it's easier to control a monitored society than one filled with vibrancy and versatility

how the fuck

theyre everywhere here, letalone finland

The original hip-hop scene was a fringe thing. Hipsters like that kind of stuff because being culturally middle class they gravitate towards the small and personal, where they have more power/creative control.
But now creativity is being stifled by mass production of things and the consumerist society is being made infantile, they expect things to be made for them, no creative input. The culturally domineering boomers are living out their twilight years while clutching to the past, even in film they imply things are watershed moments when we have already seen them a million times over (African Americans in films...really??). Even if you supported Trump you know that his aesthetic is gaudy and plastic. That is the boomer mentality.

It is time to push local. A lot of Americans of all colours seemed to be splitting their sensibilities between the "folk" and the urbanites.

The hipsters need to change their focus to local appreciation rather than air dropping in to gentrify with the same mono-culture.
This could work well with ecological awareness. Green types should be jumping on a new local/community focused aesthetic sensibility.

This thread.
Seriously tho, I spent my teenage years playing videogames, riding my bike, and jacking off, shit was great.
You want teenagers doing dumb shit all day, when teenagers get organized politcally they do stupid shit like black lives matter protests and helping us lose vietnam.
Keep the youth sedate, I say.

Not really. When was the last time a non Nigger associated genre was in the top 10 most most played list? Any Rock or Metal? Black Ghetto culture has spread like a virus throughout white culture, and now whites are the main audiences for these ""musicians"". Even in Asia, you have K pop which might as well be K-Hip Hop

It doesn't even need to be a social revolution. Why can't our generation create different musical genres or cultural movements, that differ from the manufactured crap we have now? I'm getting tired of this homogenised nignog pop culture. And Why do whites have to imitate blacks to be "hip"?

Literally (((them))).

> young people dont do shit
They do in a way. But they are utilized by those that want to push their own agendas.
What do you think "X-mas" is about? Pester power and getting children who often still don't understand consumerism to set consumer market values.
> I saw this. I want it. It is essentially free from my perspective.
Young people don't do shit but are the focus of shit getting done. It is the 20/30 somethings that are supposed to get shit done in that regard.

It can depend.
For me, I was completely isolated as a teenager for reading, liking video games and listening to post punk, in a time when everyone was into club music.

I couldn't drive when I was 16, and I lived in an isolated area, and it kind of drives you mad.

It's tribalism if anything. I always remember the new kids that came into school on the first day where extremely nervous, and then over the span of a week would just start ripping jokes and putting people down. Picking on weak people to fit in, and then becoming part of the hive mind.

I wish it wasn't like that, but I think for the most part it's protection or a sense of belonging.

When the OP says young people, he probably means those in their teens to late 20s. So 16 to 28. This is the age group that fuels and is the focus of pop culture. Most artists or innovators who do influence pop culture are normally within this age group.

2016 and onward


When you try to be into some really cool and thought provoking shit you get squared out of society hard and fast.

Look at Charls Carrol for example


Youth is more diverse than ever. Fuck off.

>these days
Its always been like this


Lemming syndrome.

Are you implying people still listen to Odd Future OP?
You've REALLY got to go outside for once!

>tfw your entire youth culture is literally just another marketing arm of various corporations