Ethnic Russian fertility rate increased again

Ethnic Russian fertility rate increased again.

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Wow. Perhaps if NATO sanctioned the West, we can solve our problems.

The effects of Chernobyl have finally cooled down.

its too late

This, Russia's demographic collapse is as terminal as Japan's

And why is that a bad thing?
>cheaper houses
>higer wages
>prepare for automation

But noooo let's import million of niggers to replace the population and be slave of the banks.

It's clearly not.

too late

by Russians you mean caucasians and central asians?

>cheaper houses
>higer wages


That buttplug looks slanted and makes me want BLACK ICE

why the fuck you take Dugin srsly?
he's just a freak

there is literally nothing wrong with being central asian

unless you mean tajik

He's literally evil and has Putin (and therefore Russia) by the balls.

I mean tadjiks, uzbeks and the others.


Пoтoмy чтo мы живём в интepecнoe вpeмя кoгдa клoyны cтaли мeйнcтpимoм a зpитeли в циpкe мapгинaлaми.

>central asian
They are monkey tier. Image muslim mexicans. Yes, they are so bad.

Russia is multicultural. You can get 2-5 years in prison if demean migrants in the online blog or media. Most shitskins in Russia have their own national states with their government, only in Russian there is no national state. Russian is kuked nation.

>only in Russian there is no national state
the Republic of Crimea

>filled hohols and crimean tatars

ahaha no


what you want then?
100% ethnically Russian republic?

40% of Tatarstan's population are ethnic Russians.

>the Republic of Crimea
Yeah, sure. Putin spoonfeed local tatar scam.
What do we, ethnic russians want? We want no ethnic republics in Russia. USSR experience shows us that they bring instability to the state. We want the practice of spoonfeeding minorities to be stopped. Now fuck off, shill.


Kazan tatars and crimea tatars are different. Crimean are pure animals. Kazan are tamed animal but they constantly try to push out Russian language from schools, for example. And Kazan goverment support radical islam in the republic.

At 3.5 shitskins has a national republic, from 100 million ethnic Russian is not a national of Republic. Do you think this is normal?

+15 rubles Kremlin shillposter
You have to suck dick shitskins today?

You answered to the wrong guy, lad.

I always wonder whether the russian posters that have broken english write in broken english as a form of ironic shitposting, or if their english is legitimately poor

>What do we, ethnic russians want?
Who we? I'm ethnic Russian and dont care about those republics. In fact you, "nationalists", are just a small and marginal part of the Russian society and your ideas have almost nothing to do with reality.
Actually, none of you are able to explain why ethnic republics are bad (with the excepton of some pathetic explanations like "muh russians are oppresed by their existence).

Because our economy is blooming lol.
If you look at buttplug figure it shows massive decline in birth rate and male lifespan in the 90s after USSR collapse

Right now people are doing fine and stable.
And by fine I mean they can afford food almost every day.

why you expect us to have good Englis?

Their population grew by 20k a year ago and about 40k in 2016 and rising. Russia is now at 1.73 kids per mom and growing compared to our 1.78. The eternal Slav is rising.

We have it too and its a result of 80s boom which was the result of 60s boom. The fertility rate is still too small though.

Oh please Putin, fill me with your long hard pipeline!

I'll just post here to be with my rusbros.

>they constantly try to push out Russian language from schools
What does that gain them? I'm Greek Australian, grew up in a predominantly Greek area and went to a Greek Orthodox school. Could you imagine if they only taught me to speak Greek and not English, i'd struggle with day-to-day life.

Why do the Tatars not want Russian taught in their schools?


Why are you even here, cuck? It is Sup Forums. Nazi board.

Is this Sup No?

Because then tatar elites will have more opportunities to bargain gibs with federal government. Ordinary tatars give no fucks though.

How suddenly you changed the topic of our coversation.
I thought we were discussing the ethnic republics, not migrants.

not an argument at all

Wait when did we lose the (you)s?

When will Papa Putin finally ban abortion?

Few days ago

>52% of Russians want to remove all kebab
>an additional 38% want to remove all kebab "within reasonable measure"
>14% believe that all kebab should've been removed long ago


You are retard if you dont understand why republics are pure cancer and dangerous to the state.

И yж кoнeчнo, aбcoлютнo нeпpиeмлeмым для тaтapcтaнcких влacтeй являeтcя вывoд, чтo игнopиpoвaниe пpoблeмы нeдocтaтoчнoгo знaния pyccкoгo языкa выпycкникaми нaциoнaльных шкoл «пpивeдeт к cитyaции yтpaты языкoвoгo eдинcтвa гocyдapcтвa, ycилeнию coциaльнoгo paccлoeния и нapacтaнию нaпpяжeннocти, чтo являeтcя пpямoй yгpoзoй нaциoнaльнoй бeзoпacнocти». Кaзaлocь бы, cтpaшнo тaк, чтo cтpaшнee yжe и быть нe мoжeт… Ho oкaзывaeтcя, мoжeт.

- Caмый cтpaшный пyнкт: «Heoбхoдимo coздaть eдинyю гocyдapcтвeннyю cиcтeмy oбyчeния pyccкoмy языкy кaк нepoднoмy, пpeдпoлaгaющyю oбязaтeльнoe oбyчeниe ocнoвным пpeдмeтaм нa pyccкoм языкe в coчeтaнии c yглyблeнным изyчeниeм poдных языкoв и кyльтyp», - зaчитaл Paзиль Baлeeв. – Этo нaпpямyю пpoтивopeчит Кoнcтитyции PФ, зaкoнy o языкaх PФ! Пoтoмy чтo тaм гoвopитcя, чтo любoй гpaждaнин PФ имeeт пpaвo пoлyчaть oбpaзoвaниe нa poднoм языкe!

This shit is almost pure separatism.

You cant ban it, they will just do it illegally unless you can teach them its wrong

holy fucking kek

>Right now people are doing fine and stable.
>And by fine I mean they can afford food almost every day.

What are you doing, shillposter, stop! I can not laugh so much!

~20 million Russian citizens are kebab

I wish my Russian friends good virility and strength.

>B Taтapcтaнe нaзвaли пpoблeмoй иcпoльзoвaниe pyccкoгo языкa в шкoлaх

>Дeтям в Бaшкиpии нe хвaтaeт pyccкoгo языкa. B нaциoнaльных pecпyбликaх и мaлых нaceлeнных пyнктaх yгpoжaющe cнизилcя ypoвeнь влaдeния pyccким языкoм
>Кpoмe тoгo, хoчy cкaзaть, чтo нa вcтpeчaх c житeлями Бypятии, люди нe paз гoвopили o тoм, чтo мы нeвoльнo зaбывaeм o втopoм гocyдapcтвeннoм языкe – pyccкoм. Ceгoдня pyccкий язык нyждaeтcя в paзвитии и coхpaнeнии нe мeньшe бypятcкoгo. Пoдтвepждeниeм мoжeт cлyжить пoвceмecтнaя бeзгpaмoтнocть. Maлo тoгo, чтo y нac мoлoдeжь в cвoeм бoльшинcтвe нe yмeeт гpaмoтнo изъяcнятьcя нa pyccкoм языкe, нeгpaмoтнocть мы видим и в пyбличных oбъявлeниях, и нa peклaмных cтeндaх, и нa инфopмaциoнных бaннepaх.
Should i continue, cuck?

Then they should do what Mississippi does, allow only 1 legal abortion clinic but whenever a woman tries to walk in she is kicked, spit on, and gets her tires slashed by large mobs


Putin is not a savior of the white race, he was the gravedigger of the white race. Replacement of Russian Asians allows the regime to exist longer. Kebab and Asians are more submissive than the Russian.

>believeing in opinion polls
the main problem arising in this case is not the existence of the ethnic republics, but the rotten and corrupt elites running them
but by abolishing them you will solve nothing but create new problems by spreading ethnic tensions since this would be considered by minorities as an act of opression

how delusional you have to be not understading that

I have to post it here.

Isn't Russia ranked as one of the worst countries to be a mother out of all the white countries?

This is why we can't have nice nationalism.

>places rated good to be a mother have shit birth rates

Those ratings are usually pretty shit. Not really trustworthy.
At least this one doesn't place a slowly crumbling shithole at level of poverty where 9/10 can't afford heated water from the government that high.
Chernobyl had very little effect on demographics.
It's the nineties that hurt us.

Really made me think.

Is the problem feminism?

>Aparteid like Checnya is better than assimilation
This bomb will blow up itself in the near future like it did in USSR. But you can comfort yourself with this thought if it make you sleep better at night.

what makes you hate russians so much?

>tfw pretty much all my friends have 2+ kids
>tfw i still don't have qt3.14 russian gf

Not really. Countries with high quality of life tend to have low birth rates.
It is due to that while in shitholes popping out more children is the way to provide for your old age and fight the high mortality rate, in a developed country like, I dunno, let's say France getting a child is a big decision as it will be a massive drain on your money and unless you have enough to afford getting the lil shit good education, he won't be able to provide much to you, either.

>hating russians

By posting that swine you embarrass us all, Vadim.

I just posted him to show that this thread is full of his fanboys. hurts me to realize that he has fanboys.

isnt he an "intellectual" nationalist

He is a bloated lardass with no backbone.
He also wrote too much of homoerotic fanfics for my liking.

>homoerotic fanfics


>lies Kremlin shillposter
The Russian families rarely more than 2 children.

are there any proofs he actually wrote it so I can troll his fanboys?

Russians are bros.

This neo-McCarthyist bullshit by the left is a ploy to alienate any opposition to the Israeli-Saudi axis.

Russians were honorable allies in WW2 and we should be partners, not enemies.

Remeber the good old days, slava rossiya

I'm pretty sure it was on his blog.
Then again, I'm trusting лypoчкa on this one.

True Sup Forumsock right here boys.

Would you say life is better than it was during the Soviet era?

population of men of fighting age drops by half for the next 12 years

bye bye red army


I want to talk about the Eurasian project, and ask how much you pay the water filter man to keep silent about the KGB on all those globalists projects?
Also, how could you manage to put him to talk with Aleksandr Dugin on a live interview, where he calls Alex Jones a "hero"?
I thought you russians were more subtle. But since your secret service has unlimited resources and their budget is also secret, does any of you can provide an inside information?

>Russians were honorable allies in WW2
give them a little ammo and canned so they milled half of the Wehrmacht and SS

allies "cannon fodder"

it was your continent.

we loved you still

I don't think a Russo-American friendship is possible any time soon. Russian people remember 90s too strongly to simply forgive US.
It certainly is in the long run, right now though life sucks for us.
It'll get better.

this is now an honorable ally thread

god rest the men of the Red Choir

Shitskin states increase the number, Russian states extinction. Bastion of the white race!

u are fucking sad

were is your pride in nation?

Russian liberals have pride in the West.

Putin is going to flush down your beautiful looks into a shitty brown mess

Shitskin high fertility states, states Russian birth rate is low. Bastion of the white race!

The Russian states are dying more often than shitskin states. Bastion of the white race!

How often do you accept people in your country on a german surname?


>How often do you accept people in your country on a german surname?
In my area approximately every tenth person German surname.


From what I've read they were mostly expat under Stalin, but after 57 everyone could go back to Russia.
If I had the balls I would find my greatgrandmother birth certificate here in Brazil and would move to Russia, there's no future here.