I always hear that 2007 was THE year everything changed, for the worse. What happened during this year?

I always hear that 2007 was THE year everything changed, for the worse. What happened during this year?

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I hear OP likes cocks

I think everything went downhill after Boris Yeltsin died.

The iPhone was announced.

The Fire Nation attacked

2007 was the year I started to get into occult shit, riding the 2012 hype train.


This game died and plebs spread across the planet rampantly


Social media taking off , maybe?

This gave sjw's a louder voice.


The quality of Subway sandwiches decreased significantly.

Its the year the banking crisis started to really get noticed. 2007 was great for me, landed a good job. 2008 was worse, got laid off and Obama got elected.


It just became impossible to maintain the illusion that the system works.

Canada got internet

2007 was the peak of the real estate market. Then the Great Recession hit.

>year before Obama
>year before Housing Market Crash
>last year the US made any advances in the Iraq and Afghanistan War
I dont know what happened in Europe that year but it was all done hill until Trump came along

Bam. There it is.


We didn't Listen
We didn't stop it

What? how old are you?
We were doing raids on here in 2004.

Europe is still done for. You're fooling yourself if you think nationalist alt-right groups will save it.

The iPhone .. I remember losing people one by one to a light box in social situations..

would kidnap

>tfw was there for Falador Massacre

4chin LARPers. Fucking first wave of normalfags came.

>tfw still here goldfarming

Oil Price ceiling hit causing a liquidity shortfall making it difficult for over-leveraged banks to finance their debt, signalling to the financial system that maybe, just maybe, all the cheap debt flying around wasn't sustainable, which turn caused some investors to start looking closely at their competitors for potential weaknesses and shorting them accordingly. Some very shrewd investors realized that this irrational exuberance in the credit markets was being buoyed up by the housing market, which was itself dangerously weak. Thus, a cascade of fear and insolvency played out and we're all now paying for it from now until our grandchildren are old and gray. We are living in an over-leveraged world of lies where the wealthiest and most intelligent are squeezing out all of the value they can, while they can. Trump or Hillary, it doesn't matter who is running the country, the elites are who they serve. The strategy they are playing out is to establish the most robust, and constrictive political and social institutional apparatuses they can so as to insure that we, their cattle-like masses, don't kill them.

i feel like everything went to shit after sept 11 2001. felt like america died.

>in 2016

I hope you remember that was 6/6/06. Not 2007.

2001 buddy.

Personally everything went to shit for me in 2007, but I can't present an objective overview of why society got worse.

the real answer tho

George W. encouraged hedge funds to expand their businesses out side of current regulation leading to the housing market crisis and the great "recession".

actual answer is this is when the housing market collapsed because the jews made subprime mortgages available to people who couldn't afford them. Once things collapsed, the middle class got gutted and never recovered while the rich leveled up without limit

>tfw only just realized now 2007 was the year my entire life fucked up

OSRS, they released 2007 runescape as a standalone version.
It's around 1$/M so it's fine.


The world before 9/11. We can go back, lads! We just have to kill off all the globalists, and then Trump will lead the western world to prosperity.


September 1993 - The beginning of the end.

Lucky Star did not get a third season.

I graduated high school this year

This is also when my life starting spiraling downward.

it was shit before then too


Before that year it felt like I had a future, that anything was possible, after that year it's just trying to hold onto a job for dear life.

Fucking. This.

>tfw dedicated 2017 is the year I take my life back

Greenspan happened to the US, ie world economy in 2007. Politicians and govts lost/gave control to the market.

The crisis nudged us all over into the 21st century. 9/11 was the first breaking point in the new 21st cent. globalized mentality, and 2007 was the final.

We cyberpunk now.

Watch last couple of Adam Curtis' docus, he explains it pretty well.

ddendum: Political structures surrendering to the market is a good thing.

Instead of bureaucracies doing things like propping up faux-governments or manipulating the economy - you have basic supply and demand dictating the world.

Think of it as the NASA -> SpaceX transformation.

Social media boom. Average dumbass obtains a platform to spew their dumbass thoughts and opinions and receive peer validation and enabling in the form of 'Likes'.

Runescape was at its peak

The average person turned into a narcissist due to social media, I saw people change drastically after opening a facebook account, it became mainstream and now everyone is a self obssed douche, men turned into vain woman, women and men can't live a minute without their smartphones, we aren't forced to socialize irl and we replaced it with a synthetic version of it, everything is fake and plastic.

Europe has a long and interesting history.

When the TSA is shut down, we'll be free.

Good God the end times started in 2007, didn't they?

this was truly the end. then the housing collapse.

These. Was fun graduating high school, going to college, and outgrowing autism and beginning my path to alcoholism. In the long run looking back, it was the point of no return (though the results wouldnt manifest directly for several years).

I thought 2007 was the best year ever and was the peak of western society

Spot on.

Also checked

1999 was child

2007 was when I left the Republican party, when they abandoned capitalism and used my money to bail out their fuckwad friends.
That's why things went to shit.

women are so fucking weak

is she really struggling with lmao 3pl8? thats pathetic


Reddit was also started in 2007

in 2004 this was literally just an anime forum. stop making things up on the internet.

those are womyn plates buddy. each plate is 10 patriarchies.

Well, it was the year the preceded the 2008 gloabal financial crisis, the biggest financial/social collapse since the Great Depression. Can you imagine the amount of shady deals ppl in the know made during 2007, hedging to off-set the total butthurt the world was about to experience. Loss of jobs, loss of purpose, an entire generation financially disenfrcashised and forced to become indebted, basically to the end of their natural lives, to pay for the decedence, boom economics and waste of the generations that came before them. Well, that what's I think anyway.

Fuck anyone over the age of 45, they are greedy bastards that were led up the garden path by self serving politicians and corporatists, selling out their offspring in the end to keep the show on the road, seriously fuck those people. Can you imagine getting a pension now? Or, being able to build or buy a house. Can you get a decent job that isn't some sort of meme position where you're lauded over by middle age scum fucks who already have mortgages, kids, pension plans etc?

If your answer is no, then please come join me in hating everything about the world we were born into.

2007 is a year or so after I finished secondary school, serious loss of innocence and such, so I look on that time with much disdain.

1997 was objectively the best year. It was the year I went to Disneyland. Been all downhill since then.

I lost my virginity

tf2 ruined the team fortress franchise

My Favorite Year. Personally, I was grad school so. new life. And in Russia It was a last year of second term of Vlad Putin and very ok in economic way (if watch what's happening now especially)

this + the iphone + year before the recession

>nobody posted it yet
Fucken newfags.

The iPhone was released.
Tumblr was created.
Faceberg and Plebbit exploded in popularity.

reminder that you will never date again in the pre-social media era unless you go to Somalia or some shit

I don't use social media, so those cunts aren't going to find shit about me.

I joined the military that year and got stationed in Vegas. Literally everyone I knew was playing Guitar Hero like it was making them money. I hated it and I hated every fake-titted slut in Vegas.

Flying mounts ruined the game

So basically phoneposters happened and the internet was ruined.

I sold my soul to cod4

This came out.