Is it wrong that I want to see rich people die in the streets...

Is it wrong that I want to see rich people die in the streets? I was born as a poor cuck and I have been crushed down upon by bosses and company owners my entire life (32 years). I generally do not believe that rich people get rich based on their own hard work. They get rich by stepping on those around and below them.

The workers united will never be defeated.

They call it revolution for a reason.
Except now they have incredibly powerful weapon, surveillance and propaganda systems to protect them selves from humanity.

>I have been crushed down
How so? Please elaborate.

>boohoo, I'm a poor flag with no skills whatsoever that got taken advantage of by people who actually have half a brain, the post

No time, have to go to my second job then get my daily 3 hours of sleep.

>Time to start this thread
>Time to respond
>No time to elaborate on his hatred
Really gets those synapses started

>start this thread
That's not OP

I just want to see rich liberals in a burning corpse pile.

well time to hari kari

>is it wrong that I have hardcore communist ideals

Yes, and you will be killed during the civil war unless you do some research

Don't worry about it

Marxists get out RREEEEE

Ill compliment those 7s mate but I will say the liberals only make their money shilling the "popular opinion" they produce nothing and are worthless eaters

>unironically shilling for the rulling elites

>it's rich peoples' fault that I suck at life

>they should all die because my feelings

Doesn't sound insane to me!

>Is it wrong that I want to see rich people die in the streets?
Only if the rich people are white.

Lol the poor massively outnumber the rich.

The rich exploit the poor.

but the rich will hire mercs to massacre the poor for them

if you're getting crushed that has more to do with you, then other people.

Not even they have enough money to hire that many mercs. The top 1% of 400 million people is only 4 million people. How are the rich going to fight the other 396 million people against them?

The sensible massively outnumber the communist

What if he's being crushed by Mexicans and/or refugees?

pretty much this OP, I was born poor and I make six figures now, and am well known in my community as a friend and helper to all, and I can say with a clean conscience I never screwed nobody who didn't screw me first

apply yourself

Yes it is wrong since what will happen in reality is robots will take your jobs and then you'll be the ones dying in the streets when you get uppity and robot riot police gun you down, then the rich can live in peace without poor scum shitting up society with crime and degeneracy.

Why should the rich be the only ones who can enjoy crime and degeneracy?

Exactly, I live in southern California so I am crushed by spic competition everywhere. I hate the cockroach bastards.

The only thing wrong would be the desire to simply drag them out of their beds and shoot them. It is imperative that we hold ourselves to higher standards than they held themselves to, if we truly expect to think of socialism as an advancement in history instead of merely a new regime.

They must all recieve fair trials and held to a standard that, in light of all the facts known, existed in the popular consensus before the revolution. Those not found conclusively guilty of any particular evil must be set free, and the punishments for those who are found guilty must be commesurate with the wrongs comitted.

Anything else is understandable from a human perspective, but civilization of any kind exists because we can subdue those impulses to serve greater ideals.

stfu scum

The poor spend their time and energy buying Apple iJunk, fast food, booze, lotto tickets, other ripoff stuff instead of saving their money and investing in skills that are more in demand to earn more money.

Fuck that. They don't play by the rules so why should we? Imo every rich man should be gutted on and street just to make an example.

Welcome to the real world then, user. In this place, those of us whom have luckily slipped into decent jobs like to disparage those that didn't have the same means. I think behind every single "success story", you'll find an affluent set of parents.

The majority of success stories have an affluent parent behind them. Once in a blue moon you get a poor cuck that made it, but they are extremely rare out liners.

>invest in skills
You literally can't do that unless you are in the 1%

The poor save their money they just are jacked up by the rent-lords.

The poor can't save money. 20-30$ a month is not going to do much.

You know affluent people are the biggest victims of the system right? Even more than the poor, it's the rich who get all the wealth the affluent are the most discriminated

dude are you 12 hahahaha

32 actually.

If I could pump several rounds of hot lead into rich people, then I certainly would.

Spot on. Though don't expect anyone with a decent job to ever admit that. While making six figures, I used to tell everyone I met that I make six-figures, but it was due to nepotism. And it was. I had a falling out with the people that hooked me up, and surprise surprise, a couple of months later was "laid off". All of this because I threatened to call the cops on someone who literally texted me that he was "going to kill [me] or at very least put [me] in the hospital".

People like to pretend they're smarter than everyone else, but they assume that everyone has rich parents and can just "go to college" or just "buy a car" or just "change your thinking!". I have no patience for these people, because I once was one. I know I was wrong now, and life has only served to reinforce my beliefs.

P.S. My favorite is "just save money idiot!" Lol
7.25 x 40 x 4 = 1160 (gross wages on min. wage)

$1160 x .85 = $986 ( net after taxes - no dependents)

$986 - $650 = $336 (money left after average rent)

$336 - $80 = $256 (money left after modest car insurance premium. This assumes you already have a vehicle with no debt)

$256 - ($50 x 4) = $56 (money left after modest food budget. Beans and rice type stuff)

$56 - $30 = $26 (money left after cheapest prepaid cell plan. No smart phones here.)

$26 - $3000 = -$2974 (debt created after one semester of cheap in-state college)

Gee thanks everyone. You're right. After typing this, I realize I was just squander my spare $26/month, when I could have been using it to better myself. I'm so glad I have all the elitists in this world to remind me that my $26 is actually just a squandered inheritance.

What a bunch of bullshit.

>Is it wrong that I want to see rich people die in the streets?


Government is your enemy, not the rich. The rich are the ones who make your computer, provide you grocery stores and shopping malls, give you a job, build your house, and made all your toys...

Government on the other hand are those who tax you, and draft you for war, and arrest you, and judge you, and keep you down.

No, fuck you. The rich funnel money into the government to rig the rules in their favor. That is why I cannot stand rich people.

lol faggot learn how to get people to like you and you can make it. Its that easy. If you quit being a faggot autismo maybe you could get some real friends.

I prefer to actually do my job well instead of kissing ass, but that doesn't account for much in our modern economy. Go brown nose more you fucking faggot. I may not have money, but at least I got dignity.

Look man, I was born a middle class kid, I had to wagecuck for many long hours and expect to do so for the rest of my life.

I realize that I will never be a gorillionaire with a private yacht with a hot tub surrounded by qts, and you know what? I'm okay with that. There's plenty of things that I can do to be happy still.

A truly redpilled man finds his place in life and makes peace with it. America is a great place, one of the only countries on Earth where you're more likely to be fat if you're poor.

Understanding that there always has been and always must be a hierarchy is the true redpill. People getting rich and powerful is just the way of nature, they're just smarter and more business savvy.

If you honestly believe that communism and class war will create "muh classless society," you're dead fucking wrong. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Kronstadt sailors who fought so valiantly for the Red cause that they believed in, were livid when they saw the Jews at the top indulging in the same luxury and debauchery that the capitalist bourgeoisie engaged in before the revolution. So livid they became, they had their own rebellion.

All we can do really is make sure that wages are livable and benefits are generous. Utilitarianism (for your own people only, not for foreigners) is another true redpill. There will NEVER be true "equality." It does not exist. It's essentially trying to force 3 and 174 to be equal, they just aren't equal and never will be, they're naturally different.

Ditch the idealistic teen angst bullshit and embrace traditionalism. Work your way to a better position at your job, have a family and you'll be much happier than you would talking about how successful people deserve to be killed for being successful.

yes it's wrong. it wouldn't be if the only ones to die would be inherited rich. self made richies are alright in my book

Fucking liar. Self made riches only mean that some cuck bastard stepped on other people to get where he/she is.

What if I don't want communism? What if i still want capitalism, but I just want classes to be a little closer together? The gap now is just too fucking large.

>just give up like a cuck and get fucked until you die. Trust me, I'm the most redpilled man on earth


>Muh income inequality

Nobody cares. If you're happy with life, then why care about what Henry Pennywhistle III is doing with his billions? Don't get me wrong, I despise the globalist bankers and rich pieces of shit that fuck people over, pay off politicians, force open borders, peddle degeneracy and steal my tax dollars via ludicrous government contracts. I'd lynch those pieces of shit right with you man. But not all rich people are horrible. Most of them are just innovative and driven people, and it'd be a crime to steal half their income and give it to niggers because "muh income inequality."

>implying I said this

Listen you stupid nigger, I know that your simian brain physically cannot process this, but do you even understand that people are not equal and never will be? Nothing is stopping you from becoming successful but your own ability and retarded "ooga booga rich ppl beez cuckin my black nigga ass n sheeit." If you fail, you're a retard, if you succeed, you're intelligent. Retards are not entitled to the fruits of the intelligent's labor.

It's probably antisemitic to feel that way, OP.

arent you proud to be an american!


1800€ is the average here
1200€ after taxes

- 40€ car insurance
- 650€ average rent
- 300€ food and drinks
- 50€ internet/cell plan
- college is as good as free

that leaves you with 160€ BUT you in april or so we get about 2500€ what we call vacation money (most people pay their yearly taxes with this) and in december we get 1800€ what we call end of the year bonus. if you the add 1800 (the 2500 goes to taxes mostly like i said) and we split it by 12 that means we get about 310€ per month we COULD save if you dont buy anything like clothes or go to a party or you smoke or....

This is what you get for thinking it wiser to be an office jew rather than learn a trade.

If you don't have any real skill, you end up working minimum wage.

You don't really have anyone to blame but yourself. There are plenty of trade unions and scab contractors where you could apply for work.

Are you afraid of physical labor, or heights or something? Because you could be making minimum $10 an hour for unskilled labor.

Most tradesman nowadays can make 6 figures.