LOL why are women so good at comedy?

LOL why are women so good at comedy?

>((( Jen Kirkman )))

fucking disgusting

I don't get it.

Takes some balls.
Or real desperation for attention.

No one does, that's why it's a woman's joke.

Why are you straight men jealous of her comedy? You just don't get it.

Isn't having to explain a joke a sign of a bad comedian?

But Lily Saber can't fit in a sock.
Stupid woman.

If it was me and her, and we were conversing, and I were horny, I would probably audibly breath through my nose and go "eh-he" before trying to fuck her.

Women aren't funny. Women are never funny. Women never have to be funny. If they try to be funny, it's their way of telling you their DTF

However... With this, I would get the fuck out but not before recording an amicable conversation which clears me of attempted rape because she WILL attempt to place a false rape claim.

What a cunt!

I still don't get it.

Having a vagina is also a sign of a bad comedian.

Women are smart and hilarious get over it.


Getting a divorce after less than two years of marriage at the age of thirty-seven before producing a litany of unpublished material on the subject is the sign of a successful, lovable woman.

Forget why I heard it, but I subscribe to the theory that women have a sense of shame. They overthink things and collectively don't put themselves out like men do. Delivery isn't always the worst, but the content is usually where it lacks.

Also, a lot of it does deal with the pseudo-feminism of "I'm a woman, I do woman things just like you, fellow women. Please laugh." It isn't funny, and isn't why people like comedy.

Pic related, only female comedian I've found remotely funny. Damn shame she's a huge liberal shill

Who is that?

To be fair Joan Rivers is pretty funny. Her clowning on Rosie O'Donnell had me laughing

Debbie Reynolds was Carrie Fisher's mother. They died like three days apart.

CHALLENGE MODE: Try to have an intelligent and engaging conversation with a woman.

I've had some with actual academics (professors, PhD candidates, doctors etc) but none of them were ever funny.

>I'm a woman, I do woman things just like you, fellow women. Please laugh
This is also true for 95% of all webcomics.

Awkwardzombie is a decent example of actual comedy from a woman, even if it is pretty hit-and-miss.

OP is Jen Kirkman or her publicist, she pre-empted this thread talking about white guys haranguing when there is no such thing in her mentions (yet). Ignore this thread, pure judaism from unfunny jewbitch who wants to be a new Brianna Wu

The simple reason is a law of human nautre - people are creatures of necessity. If your needs are satiated, you have no drive to subject yourself through hardship. Whether it's improving a comedy routine, working out, building a career, none of these are necessary for a woman's basic needs. Even if she's just a pretty wet hole, she'll be able to procure food, intimacy, and all the rest of the basic things men fight for.

This is the difference between a comic perfecting his routine late into the night versus one who thinks it's "good enough" and that haters are just sexist.

You too much of an autistic to get sarcasm? You're not a female comedian are you?

This is autism

One day apart.

>Jen Kirkman
>Complains about men constantly because she keeps getting dumped like a bucket full of shit
>"Good at comedy"

Oh, OP....

Do you actually know who she is? I just saw the tweet while looking thru the Debbie Reynolds hashtag and cringed hard. Thought you guys would be amused

guiz women are funni get over it

Biggest redpill of all
Thanksgiving dinner is only difficult because women can't cook
>Turkey - Wrap in foil, cook@375º until center is 165º, roughly 20mins/lb - easy, season to taste. - easy
>Stuffing - easy
>Mashed potatoes - easy
>Gravy - easy
>Dinner rolls - medium/easy due to multistep process and asthetics on finish
>Cranberry sauce - easy
>Vegetables - easy
>Pies - easy

They literally make a huge production out of something as culinarily difficult as tying your shoes.

>Chelsea Handler fan

Opinion discarded. 0/10

Yet nobody but us will mention it

However if it was a male comedian it would actually be funny but he'd get DESTROYED by the media..