Civic Nationalism general

White Nationalists dont respect this

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>civic nationalism
>1000 years of European aboriginal whites sniffing glu and sleeping on roads

I love civic nationalism and I love the nation of Israel!

I don't see anything wrong with pic related

I don't either.
Jesus Christ just look what the commerce clause has wreaked on humanity.

The American Declaration of Independence is not the only document similar to civic nationalism. Do not forget the French revolution.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

Ernest Renan

those are two notable examples of Civic Nationalism

Ethno-nationalist don't understand civic nationalism is our last shot

mfw these retards are going to throw it all away because "YOU'RE FUCKIN BLACK"


why is Sup Forums so butthurt about this thing?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

should also be added

"for ourselves and our posterity"

"Posterity" literally meant one's genetic line, i.e. descendents, not "every Tom, Dick, Harry, and Miguel."

Sup Forums likes exclusivity because it makes them feel powerful.

>White Nationalists dont respect this
speaks for them doesn't it

The endgame of civic nationalism is Detroit.

>States in which civic forms of nationalism predominate are often (but not always) ex-settler colonies such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, in which ethnic nationalism is difficult to construct on account of the diversity of ethnicities within the state.

It's literally everything that is wrong with the ex-colonies.

You mean national socialists? Oh wait no you literally mean " Sup Forums " which isn't a political party or anything. If you wish to imply Sup Forums is a national socialist board then you should ask why are national socialists against civic nationalism and if you have to ask that you must be 15 years old.

You have to go back.


why would i respect or more importantly follow a foreign document that we have not signed


Mass immigration is societal-level cucking.

>Everyone lives in America
OP is a Cancerous cuckold.

the only thing is they never anticipated a flooding in of nonwhites. most people viewed nonwhites as not being people

No you don't respect it nigger. The people = white Europeans, the founding fathers didn't give 2 shits about your black ass Tyrone


Considering the founding fathers were slave owners who were well aware and often involved in ensuring more slaves arrived daily - I think they more than anticipated a flooding of non whites coming in.

The 1916 Proclaimation has the right idea:
>We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people and government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the past three hundred years they have asserted it in arms.

They never intended to give cattle voting rights either.

Though the way whites ran their empires was a mistake. They should have at least tried to slaughter everything in sight like the mongols supposedly did.

>The long usurpation of that right by a foreign people
And yet

You're right, I don't give a single fuck about muh Constitution anymore.

< This simple pic sums it up.

I suppose the alt-lite would argue that they'd fix the decadent culture which will make birth rates go back to healthy levels which will ensure whitey wont go extinct but you could debate that 'til the cows come home.

>Our last shot
Let me know how that works for you when you wake up a minority in the country your forefathers built. Assimilation is a meme.

The founding fathers were worse than communists. They either actually believed that slavery would just be the way things are forever and thus the liberal constitution would never possibly apply to them- or they knew all of these foreign imports of humans would inevitably gain these rights and it was only a matter of time.

>letting nig nogs be involved in your nationalism

The oven awaits

Multiculturalism is possibly the most destructive force against a nation I've ever seen. It's insane how effective it is.

You realize that Civic Nationalism is an intense focus on National Sovereignty as well as Law and Order. An extra extension of Civic Virtue as a persons duty to serve and support the State. This means that Law and Order must be respected because of the Social Contract established towards the state and the accepted ideals of the citizen. Detroit is the result of Social Progressivism and Democrat policies to which are not discussed much in Civic Nationalism.

>Detroit is the result of Social Progressivism and Democrat policies to which are not discussed much in Civic Nationalism.
Detroit is the result of giving random Africans the same rights as the members of the White American Nation. Africans should have been emancipated and sent back to Liberia.

Reminder without civic nationalism we wouldn't have based Thomas Sowell

>ethnoniggers think civic nationalism means no social cohesion even though it literally means exalting a monoculture

He's a solution to a manufactured problem.

explain Frederic Douglas than, or how about Thomas Sowell? Maybe Walter E Williams?

Explain why 8% of blacks voted for Trump. Blacks are redundant and whites owe them nothing except a free ride back to Africa and a bag of cotton.

>Allowing for uncontrolled immigration
W/civic nationalism, a country limits its immigration to the best possible candidates from other countries. STEM-trained people and students seeking to enter STEM courses are good choices of people from other country that you want to let in.

cultural nationalism master race

>Explain why 8% of blacks voted for Trump

Sorry my dude, we are not going to change the subject just because you refuse to answer the question on the table.

Nice anecdotal evidence. What say for the rest that are literal garbage?

see here Keep in mind that Anecdotal evidence is trying to portray those individuals as "the average negro" to which I am not portraying them as the average negro but individuals of exceptional merit and character that have spawned out of strife who through their own hard work and opportunity provided succeeded. As for the rest, a failure of Culture. See White Trash, hipsters, and Nu/Beta males as supporting evidence.

Reminder that Atheism are worse for America than Hispanic immigration

It's just a piece of paper and man made, not some god given magic artifact.
When you set up a new constitution make sure to get rid of that "every anchor baby is a legit American" thing.

United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 was the reason for it.

Children born in the United States of foreigners permanently domiciled and resident in the U.S. at the time of birth automatically acquire U.S. citizenship via the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Which is actually a miss representation of the actual point of the 14th which was for niggers in America that were born on US Soil and not other persons of other nations. The Problem was that for the past 10 years prior to was starting to be dominated by the early establishment of the "Progressive Movement." During that time, if you were not a "progressive" you were not going to be elected to office.

Honestly I think people would be more open to ethno-nationalism if its supporters weren't retarded edgy children.

Stormfags and neonazis are an embarrassment.

Ethno-nationalists should denounce Hitler if they want to succeed in the future.

Additionally, ethno-nationalism can never work in a country like the United states, unless you adopt a multiple-state solution (like many black supremacists are saying). And no, "genocide" isn't a viable answer you edgy faggots.