What happens when you die?

I don't know what to feel anymore, Europe isn't safe i want to know what happens when a Muslim
kills me.

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you rip one last fart and then someone puts you in the ground

mate, i am afraid of death, i can't imagine the eternity of emptiness

according to quran , if an infield dies , he becomes a goat and get sent to the middle east
you know what happends to goats in the middle east

When you die, nothing

When I die everything despawns

Same, the thought keeps me up all night

how do you mean nothing?
everything will be forgotten i won't remember
anything i won't feel i won't see.
but what will happen? will i respawn? will i wake up in the future with a new body?
if i died when i become 100 will i regret i didn't do it sooner?
I am so confused right now fuck me

When everyone else dies except in me that occurs

>Boohoo I don't want to end up like trillions of others

I don't want to live in an eternal emptiness , i want to live and fuck hoes. I will never understand how can those suicide bombers do that. Like why the fuck would you do that, some kid was like 6 and he killed himself because some old ass muslim grandpa told him to bomb a bus.

>I don't want to live
Good News

Same, lets become immortal and move to a cave in the Alps

I don't want to be dead*

Look, most of people are shit and deserve hell. Nothing is better than he'll, especially if the hell is some sort of psycho torture like Silent Hill orJacobs Ladder.

Like, did Hitler go to hell because he killed jews?
I don't believe in Hell or Heaven .

I'm saying that there is no heaven or he'll and it's a good thing. It's gonna be same as before you were born. Like a sleeping without dreams.

You won't have to m8. It will be just like that eternity you can't remember from before you were born.

Don't worry about it. It isn't painful or empty in the way something would be. You've been through it before and it was remotely unpleasant, you'll have remembered all of it.

you die and inhabit another body
then that theory about a "limited amount of souls" - you will be a less educated, less fortified, less conscious human

Alright, ill cherish every moment because now i know ill never get an another chance.

This is probably going to send some r/atheist autist off the fucking rails, but look into different accounts of people who've had a NDE as well as the medical professionals who were treating them.

One of the most convincing is when the woman who was completely unconscious, near death, and in a coma, woke up and immediately started describing shit in the room and the room next door that she shouldn't have been able to see

Really does make you think

Yeah, i've watched several interviews in which people almost died.
Heres one from a person that almost died:
"I could see my spirit standing before me. My spirit was so beautifully perfect, dressed in a white gown that was loose, free-flowing, and below the knee. From my spirit there emanated a bright, soft-white halo. My spirit was standing six to eight feet from my body. It was so strange, for I could see my spirit and my spirit could see my pathetic body. I had not an ounce of color and I looked all withered and cold and lifeless. My spirit felt warm and so, so celestial. As my spirit slowly moved away, my spirit told my body goodbye, for my spirit saw the light and wanted to go into it. The light was like a circular opening that was warm and bright."

your memory bank AKA your brain ceases to exist. The only thing that dies is your ego. chill brah.


I used to fear death, but the best way to accept it is to realise what 'not being aware' is. You won't be in nothing, scared and afraid. You will feel nothing. When you reailse truly what nothing is, you have nothing to fear. Also, aging medicine is coming along fast, augmented reality, shit like that. To worry about death is to waste your life.

Exactly, what is this shit? Everything was going great before daddy got bored.

>your consciousness is the product of a particular pattern in your brain
>matter will last forever and will forever be reconfiguring itself
>it will eventually reconfigure into the exact pattern of your brain, or something equivalent to it

You'll be "turned off" for a time, but "you" will come into consciousness again. You'll probably have no memory of your previous life, though.

Quantum immortality is horrifying
So is the idea of consciousness "copying"
>mfw I am statistically likely to be reincarnated in the deep future

good point mate

Eh, for me it is better than the two competing alternatives: oblivion forever and consciousness forever. Some variety makes it so eternity doesn't eventually bore you to madness.

Anecdotal evidence doe.

This guy is smart. Eternal conciousness would be hell. Mixing it up would be much better

even dante couldn't comprehend the true horrors of hell for europe

Who cares?

If it makes you feel better, it more than likely isn't some forever afterlife. You'll probably just cease to exist mentally speaking. After all, all of your perceptions and feelings come from your head. Which will be turned off upon death.

So basically eternal recurrence?

I like toying with the idea that there are only a couple thousand individual consciousnesses active in the world and that they are just replicated over and over.

Would explain why some people seem incredibly familiar, whereas others seem like they could be from another species.

You have to understand that the oblivion you mention wouldn't be boring, it would just be nothing. There would be no observance of self because there would be no brain patterns to create the idea of self. Quantum immortality, on the other hand, is equally as terrifying in my opinion. Because there is no guarantee that the consciousness you experience will be enjoyable or not. You could literally spend eternity in hell in this case.

You get reincarnated into your imagination and you get to fuck K-On! hoes all day.

You don't experience it. You're just gone. Haven't you ever had surgery? No dreams. No worries. No pain. No fear. Just gone.

>Who cares?

It's probably the most discussed question in the history of mankind and you could argue, the most important of all.

No one truly dies user. Your energy will still float

holyshit people with faith are so retarded.

when u dead. there is nothing. dont fucking matter because u dont any feeling and mind to think.

I've never had surgery in my life.
I am afraid because i've been a catholic my whole life and i've just stopped believing in god after my father died. I feel so stupid that it took me so fucking long to realize that the Church is nothing but a bunch of thieves that play with peoples emotions.

All I know is what makes our conciiusness is electrical energy within the brain. Therefore we are energy and energy cant be created or destroyed only transfered.

When I die I will experience heaven or hell right at the moment of death and then my energy will be transfered back to the universe. Hopefully one day it will be manifested again.

it's beautiful.

What a dumb notion. So...after I die, my consciousness is tossed in a filing cabinet until it's needed again? Gay.

I just can't accept it, its weird.

Don't be afraid my friend, when a muslim kills you, you win.

Haven't seen this flag here for a while.

Didn't think anything would work there anymore after what's been going on

Lol no

>So basically eternal recurrence?

Kinda, but really, there wouldn't be anything of your previous personality in there. Like, there would be this "you", your "self", but it could have a completely different kind of personality than you have now. If you think of your "self", your consciousness, as just another natural phenomenon like rain or birth, there is nothing to say it couldn't repeat itself if physical circumstances for it happen.

If the universe has been in a cycle of expansion, collapse and eventual expansion for an infinite number of times, then anything is possible. That includes the exact same neural pattern of your brain reappearing in some distant time after your death. It may take hundreds of billions of years, but you will exist again. In that sense, we are probably immortal beings, assuming a universe exists like this one, to act as a host to support our organic structures.

Or some culture in the future creates an Omega Point and we all become sims.

We live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves, go into oblivion. There is nothing else.

Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us.

>To worry about death is to waste your life

Seriously, man. It's nice to see a positivist view of death coming from here. I know there's a lot of Christians on this board, but for the rest of us, it's comforting to view death as something not only can we not comprehend but something that, were we to comprehend it, wouldn't be as bad or terrifying as it's made out to be.

I don't fear death anymore, I just would regret not being able to do all of the things I wanted to do in my final moments.

Statistically speaking Hitler might be reincarnated and walking the earth as we shitpost.

Did another retard tell you this or did you decide it was true because it feels good?

One thing to consider is that you would still die. If a new copy of your brain activity is formed in the future after your death, it doesn't mean that YOU will be the one experiencing it. It will be an exact copy of your consciousness and might feel as though there was continuity, but you are still dead.

Consider this:
>you are of very old age, will likely die within a few years of natural causes
>thanks to scientific advancement, scientist can copy your brain patterns in one moment exactly
>they can replicate them in a synthetic brain
>in order to give the illusion of continuity, they offer to euthanize you and scan your brain in the same instant
>you lay down in the scanner, the machine activates
>you die

But, in that exact instance an exact copy of yourself the moment you died is born, giving the illusion of transference. In other words, assuming the atheist view of death is true, you would always wake up in your synthetic brain feeling as though you were transported into a new body. Of course, the new "you" wouldn't be the original "you," but I think it counts for something.

Despite being Christian my whole life i completely agree with you.

Prolly wake up as another person or fish or some shit

Hinduism ftw bruv

there is cookies n cremes n you get to stay up late. n balloon animals.

where were you before you were born?

In my papa's balls

when a computer for example explodes, does it compute after being blown up? no. humans work the same way

your fear is a survival mechanism, it doesn't mean anything beyond that

there is nothing you can do to avoid death so there is no point in worrying about it

*unless we can upload our consciousness to a computer

Let us not fear death together, brother.


the black one's america, right?

Last time I've checked, Serbs were not Muslims apart from a few turds in Bosnia.

I know that FEEL

>You've been through it before


We live through our conscience, which is lots of cells, chemicals etc. That didn't exist before. When we die, that conscience is gone.


>generated by matter

Nigga you do wrong

U get that sinking feel to bro?

I think that there is a possibility that we are reborn the same ourselves.
Think about it, the universe is gonna exist for trillions and trillions of years.
There is a chance that we are reborn in the same circumstances like today

You are that emptiness, embrace it.

>decide it was true because it feels good
isn't that why people follow religions?

To be honest, I see death as the epitome of peace. No more worrying about things, no matter how trivial. No more being sick. No more worrying about how brutal death is going to be.

Just peace.

When you burn a pile of wood, it will last until there is nothing but ash. Nothing is bringing that wood back.

Maybe this whole existance is an illusion
Maybe we're actually dead and the people that die actually are born.

This here. We are all one eternal consciousness. Our physical bodies are finite, but at our core, we are immortal consciousness.

It isn't the same though i think.
Because everything is made out of stardust.
Couldn't there a possibility that we're actually born again with the same circumstances

you are a biological machine. When you die, you turn off and become nothing.

No darkness, no thoughts, just nothing.

Believe whatever makes you feels better.


Did your consciousness and ability to process complex thought exist prior to the moment your conception?

Exactly so what makes you think that complex thought processes such as consciousness and perception will exist with you once you die?

Any of you have any real memories of what it was like being an egg? Or being a clump of proteins that form the egg? Hell do any of you remember being that single sperm cell that fertilised your mothers egg?

Of course you don't, now stop worrying so much, you all over complicate things and you make it worse with your own obvious depression and crippling loneliness anxieties.

Fear of death is relatively normal, a fixation or obsession with the fear of dying however is not.

You know what you draw whatever comfort you can from anything that will grant you peace in your own head because no one really and truly knows what happens at the point of complete death. Near death stuff can be rule out as complex neurochemical processes happening during trauma.

Stop punishing yourselves with your own depression.

Thats actually we're made for, believing, we're the most pointless creatures that have ever existed.

I'll take an eternity of emptiness over watching my race/culture slowly die.

Wtf I love death now

you felt emptiness for 13.4 billion years before being born, but it wasn't eternal, and it went by in a split second

who's to say you won't emerge from the emptiness again?

Both you guys are still stuck with the point of view that we are mind/body, like most people believe. This is an illusion created by your mind. Behind the mind/body is pure awareness/consciousness/emptiness/whateveryouwanttocallit. Yes, our physical bodies die, but that is now what we are.

What you say makes sense from from the standpoint that once we die, the little "story" we have of our egoic selves will die too. We're not that story, though. We are simply awareness.


>Yes, our physical bodies die, but that is NOT what we are.

I've had this exact thought before, and thinking about it more and more just makes it horrifying. Even with no memory of a previous life, my consciousness would reoccur, then have this thought again. I'd come to terms with being stuck in an eternal loop over and over, with the knowledge of it being fresh every time.

There's nothing you can do about it, thats the saddest part.

our bodies are what we are. Our brain is a complex computer, and our awareness is the machine working to make sense of its surroundings and working to satisfy its biological programming to whatever abstract lengths are required. The entire complexity of social reality (interacting with other people) is an elaborate construct that we use to reach our basic goal of surviving (and procreating), which is our main instinct (or biological program).

Trying to attribute our awareness or consciousness to some mystic force that is actually independant of our body is just wishful thinking.

We're rapidly approaching scientific breakthroughs that would allow effective immortality, though the elite will probably keep the tech for themselves.

if a christian is killed by a muslim, he claims your soul and you have to prep the bull for all eternity for his 41 virgins


prove that it happens

That's it, there is no possible way to prove it. Literally, no way to prove it.

Take DMT. Find truth.

You go to hell. I get 72 virgins.

This is all very rational, and I understand where you're coming from. Let me leave you some food for thought, though. If there was only one color in the universe (let's say blue), then you wouldn't be able to identify it. You'd need something to differentiate blue things from non-blue things. You'd need some sort of constant which is non-blue, in other words. Such is our reality. To experience "things" or interact with "things", there needs to be a constant source of emptiness with which "things" can be projected onto. That emptiness is what we actually are. It is the source of everything, and it is the source of nothing.

To give you an analogy, the computer I'm using right now is similar to our mind/body paradigm. In the same way I use a computer to interact with the Internet, consciousness uses our bodies to interact with the physical universe.