What is Sup Forums's opinion on this jew?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this jew?

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>YouTube celebs

Wow who the fuck cares

leftie retard probably believes refugees are a good thing.

he's a mossad agent.

What's with the stubbled weak chin + thick frame combo. It's honestly more prominent than the nose these days.

Are they trying to throw us off?

Jew that goes after low hanging fruit, safe in the knowledge that nobody will go after him due to being a Jew.

He is a lefty, but he's smart enough to not push away half his audience by going ham on politics

I gained a lot of respect for him when he called out Leafy for being an edgy douche.

He's a fucktard preying on youtubers even more retarded than he is

Unfunny and toxic

he seems alright but ill never trust a jew


I enjoyed his take on people who use electronic vapourizers.


>Inb4 triggered vape users


First into the oven.

We love jews now

totally pathetic

a fat fucking mess of a man

I use this kind of vapor
and its f**** great
thanks Sup Forums for showing me this music

Fat Sephardic cunt, can't decide if i hate him or Kikey Neistat more.

true vapers have embraced the nation


He calls things out sometimes like in their recent video on MTV being anti-white. I can't help but feel he is just pandering to his white audience though. Honestly either way it's refreshing to see.

I'm more on his side than on Sup Forumss side when it comes to "white"

Seeing americans talking about "white" people is cringy as fuck, just like this Phil Anselmo guy


I don't give a shit


Is he actual jewish

I think his mother is jewish and father is not.

He called out reverse racism. He's ight

I no disagree you are bad people.
Go away now.

>Doesn't give pyro a platform to defend himself

>YouTube celebs
>Wow who the fuck cares

Literally every sam hyde thread i see

Coward who takes the safe middle ground.


What is a jew? Im visiting other timelines to see how shitty they are. Glad to see you guys are getting your shit together.

He certainly looks like a Jew, but I have no idea who he is.

Claiming high ground by claiming middle ground.
For political discussion he is what an agnostic is for religious discussion.

I don't find him funny but I still watch him for some fuckall reason. I don't get it myself.

His videos were actually good before he became a meme lord.

Clickbaiting unfunny retard who mimmics popular opinions in the comments section of trending youtube videos so that redditors can say "wow so redpirred!"

>le moderates can't have extreme opinions mene
lu ebpunc mini brosphemh

He may be a Jew, but he's not a (((Jew))).


Obvious wannabe MDE

He's a Jew. No Jew is trustworthy even when they appear to be cool as Ethan. Never trust a jew

he's a hypocrite, a narcissist, a bully and he has deluded himself into thinking he's not only morally superior to other internet bullies, but also arrogant enough to think he can lecture his viewers.

So basically a stereotypical liberal jew.

I know this guy was a bern out but I thought he was redpilled enough to not vote for Shillary

As much as I hate Leafy, I can't stop to think that Ethan criticized him for the exact same shit he does on his show.

His kike gf/wife is ugly af desu

Is this the guy who did Hugh Mungus prank? I enjoyed that.

I vape as I vaporwave. Got a new zamplebox coming gonna try some new flavors.

He's the guy who defended the dude who did the prank from the crazy feminist and then made a donation campaign to treat his cancer.

I'd do his wife, he seems like a cool guy though.

That's actually really nice.

He copied this man's style . Fucking filthy useless kike.

vaping is good for not dying of lung cancer

So he is a real Jew.

I think he's okay though.

this, just watch his podcasts you can tell hes a typical jew, feeling superior to everyone while still being a disgusting fat fuck

> cough cough
> gag
> cough gag
> cough cough gag


> cough gag

but seriously guys, i know we like to kid, but i'm going to be real for a minute. people get hurt on the internet. they get hurt by pranksters.

> cough gag

look, i have a wife. do you see her big nose?

> cough cough gag
> gag cough

look at my hats

> gag

I like him. he and pewds are becoming more and more redpilled by the day.

hey, it's me again. i forgot to talk about my chub n' tuck.

> cough cough gag cough gag gag cough

chub n' tuck

you guys know that 'the international jewish conspiracy' of jews doesn't abide by that rule right?

You never wondered why you can always tell people are jewish by their last name? that would be your father..

An opportunist and untalented kike looking for shekels and nothing more

That's brilliant