Americans think capitalism isn't responsible for globalism and mass immigration

>Americans think capitalism isn't responsible for globalism and mass immigration
>Americans think capitalism is right wing
>Americans think nationalism is not largely about ethnicity

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>"Americans think capitalism is right wing"
By definition alone, capitalism is right wing. As long as there are such things as "rich" and "poor," capitalism will always enforce some sort of economic hierarchy.

No, right wing means traditionalist and conservative. That hierarchies crap was added later by morons who think hierarchies aren't supported across the spectrum.

Capitalism is traditional for Americans.

Actually its the most traditional system in history.
Unless you're one of those cucks who actually believes everyone used to Socialist (spoiler: its a lie) Ancient Greeks were mocking the idea of socialism/communism before Christ even walked the Earth.

kek. Everyone is a capitalist. That's why it's right wing. Because conservatism is anti-authoritarian, i.e. pro liberty. The fundamental principal of capitalism.

I will never understand you commies. You say it's in everyone's best interest. But you spend no time promoting this self interest. Instead you try to limit the system under which people make decisions for themselves in favor of their best interest. Then you try and institute governments to take away personal liberties so you can force everybody to do what you say is in their best interest. How do you not see that you're making all the problems you care about worse? How do you not see that making everybody poorer makes EVERYBODY poorer, even the POOR? How you not see that making everybody richer, makes EVERYBODY richer, especially the POOR?

Traditional conservatism, economically, was Capitalism for certain bloodlines and a capped profit margin. Scots and Italians were de-facto Jews in the banking/money lending scheme. It's been running in this country for as long as it was in GB. It's right wing, just not with capped profit margins like in Traditional Europe.

>Americans think Nationalism isn't largely about ethnicity
Yes, we do. I's the reason why lefties and the majority of minorities hate nationalism.

Capitalism isn't a tradition.
>authoritarian, i.e. pro liberty. The fundamental principal of capitalism.
Jesus fucking Christ I can't believe you yanks actually say shit like this.

Trump supporters aren't capitalists. They don't support the free market. They are by enlarge uneducated shitheads that think tariffs are a good idea because their menial factory job can be outsourced for to China or Mexico for pennies on the dollar.

>conservatism is anti-authoritarian

You are an idiot. Or a troll. Same thing I guess.

I don't care if this is bait. I hope it's bait.

Money is made up. All of it is just made up. Even a gold backed currency is made up. It's just a little game we invented to make trade easier. Making more or less money doesn't matter. It's all about what the money represents, which is value. If we print more dollars, we haven't changed how much value there is. If we just move the money around, we haven't changed how much value there is.

But magically, each dollar gets to be spent more than once. Unlike food, or other products, money is infinitely reusable. In a single year, multiple people can spend the same dollar. That means value has increased. If I spend a dollar on something, and the person I pay spends a dollar on something, and then that person spends it again, we have created value. I got a dollars worth of value, and so did each of the other two people. The world gained 2 extra dollars worth of value, but we still have the same amount of dollars. If each of us spent that dollar on capital, even better. Then with that one dollar that we each got to spend, we can make even more value for other people to buy with that same dollar, which means we get to spend it again. But this only works if the dollar is actually spent on value.

This is why government sucks. Most of the time, it does nothing. It just makes things more complicated. We literally are spending money for people to sit around all day coming up with rules for how we can spend those dollars. Then we pay them more, so they can move that money around, and not make anything with it, except more rules, which somehow always end up with the government keeping the money, and other people WHO ARE PROVEN TO SPEND IT BETTER, get less. Right? I mean, that's what profit is. It's proof that person is good at spending money. When they spent money, they got more money from other people, who VOLUNTARILY gave it to them. Stop killing poor people. Let them spend their money!

Greed and being self-centered are right wing.

Yeah, you're right. Because all the small-government, anti-tax, free-speech, 2nd amendment people vote Democrat every year.

Oh yeah, and remember when all those people started calling neo-cons cucks? The just love government controls, don't they.

pic is a retard because OP is a retard

>forced to pay taxes
>the taxes go to niggers
>who buy chinese shit
tell me again why we should not force china to pay the taxes that go towards the niggers

>Americans think nationalism is not about ethnicity
That's because they are all mixed half breeds with no unique national culture except McDonald's

The fuck you talking about? Republicans are the ones who love the Police, who love intrusive stop and frisk laws, who love throwing people in jail for weed, who support the prison industrial complex, who blindly support the Military, who are against laws that seek to give people equal rights, etc. Also republicans sure as hell aren't about free speech, they just want to protect their form of free speech.

Globalism = single global government (U.N.), heavily supportive of high taxes, heavily anti-gun.
slow centennial way to circumvent the "socialism in one country" problem


Because prices will go up for everyone, and its not free market capitalism. You Trump supporters really are retarded.

Shut up, speed bump

So you're an idiot.

Please, tell me how Adam Smith was authoritarian

Please, tell me how a nation without any dominant ethnicity can have ethnic nationalism.

Please, tell me how forced migrations of people by government wars and central bank currency manipulation are acts of a capitalist system.

leniency to criminals is the doom of a civilized society, Republicans are absolutely right in supporting the police and throwing the scum of earth in jail.

capitalism/comunism are the different sides of the same coin: materalism and greed. and yes, capitalism is the number 1 weapon of the anlgojews to doom the white man.

national socialist master race, looking for the greater good while respecting every own territory history and heritage

>Americans think capitalism isn't responsible for globalism and mass immigration
Globalizing doesn't benefit all businesses
Globalist policies don't benefit all globalized businesses
Mass Immigration is the result of devastating war and we all know who loves starting (((wars)))

>Americans think capitalism is right wing
It's right wing if it solely benefits your country

>Americans think nationalism is not largely about ethnicity
Greek/Italian migrants are stronger Australian Nationalists than most aussies

Incredible. You really don't realize how much propaganda you've bought into.

It's very easy to look at the news and see everything you describe. But if you actually look at court histories, you'll find it isn't so neat as you describe. Also, neo-cons are not cons. Never have been. This has been a very long fight. Republican and Democrat do not perfectly align with the actual breakdown of political ideology. It's simply a matter of who we're willing to make our bead with. If we're going to have government, we'd rather have one that upheld its responsibilities than one that invited even more corruption.

Of course no one reads the post that might teach them something.

>Please, tell me how Adam Smith was authoritarian

No one said he was you mentally ill fuck.

>prices should only go up for the taxpayer
>even though the taxes go to niggers
>who will never vote for 0 taxes
your argument is lookin pretty weak bro

becauyse our closest species relative has 48 chromosomes
we didnt lose 2 chromosomes retard, they were fused by an intervener

Hence the part about them being authoritarian. One thing you should realize is that not all "criminals" are equal. People literally get booked in jail for riding bikes without a headlight in certain cities, do you think that deserve a jail sentence?

It's not propaganda. I live in a fairly Right leaning area, you'd be hard pressed to find a conservative who didn't agree with all of the things I said. They call the left "PC", but then flip their shit when someone says something bad about the Military or god forbid doesn't stand for the anthem.


>capitalism isn't right wing

either grab a book or wait till you're 18 to post here
this is embarrasing

Then please tell me how capitalism is authoritarian

>Globalizing doesn't benefit all businesses
>benefiting all businesses
>the point of capitalism

That doesn't even make sense. Do you really think that all tax money goes directly to niggers? It's a proven economic principal that protectionism doesn't work, and it actually ends up being more costly. Sure you might save a few hundred jobs, but then 1000's or millions of people will be paying higher prices. There is famous case study about this having to do with the sugar industry.

and yet, the protectionism that other countries get, in the form of the american consumer having to pay more and more taxes, has been costly, and cost millions MORE jobs

and they STILL will not vote for lower taxes, so where the hell is your argument?


Republicans campaigned on less government involvement.
Then at some point a few retards started believing the rhetoric that the right/left spectrum is based only on government involvement.

Democrats and Republicans were set up to fuck people over anyway.
>democrats elected
>woops we couldn't help the environment or the working class, but at least we jacked up immigration and got fag marriage
>republicans elected
>sorry we couldn't impede immigration, but we were able to give tax cuts to the very wealthy
Republicans are barely not as bad.

This is why nobody takes libertarians seriously.

Conservative: Government is a burden on society. It should be limited and carefully watched. It always tends towards corruption and oppression.

Commie: But why do you support police?

Conservative: Because violent criminals are an even greater threat to society. Justice is one of government's prime responsibilities, which is why we should be ever-vigilant against corruption. Corrupt justice is not justice.

Commie: BLM too

Conservative: Sure, but these cases you're showing us are mostly true criminals. And your rhetoric is leading to assassinations of Police. That undermines justice.

Commie: But what about all these people being put in jail for no good reason.

Conservative: Exactly. This is precisely what we're talking about when we say government tends toward corruption. Do you also notice how this mostly happens in Democratic areas, and in impoverished areas, that owe lots of debt to bloated and corrupt social programs, which now need to issue excessive fines and bails to pay for collapsing infrastructure? Have you even been listening to anything we've said?

Commie: So you don't support cops.

Conservative: Cops have a job to do. They can't just not do their job. We have a proper system for challenging unjust laws, and it doesn't involve punishing cops, because that too would threaten the legitimacy of justice. If cops have too much say over the execution of justice, then how can we have any justice whatsoever?
Commie: Fucking fascist pig.
/end scene

Those are two different things. If you want lower taxes stop spending so much on the Military, stop spending so much on prison industrial complex, stop giving tax breaks to oil companies, stop spending money on bullshit lawsuits against gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana. Adding tariffs isn't going to do anything but placate the dumb-ass factory workers who are too stupid to get a real job.

>Protectionism and Capitalism are incompatible

>They don't support the free market
We support the idea of a free market within our national borders and protectionism outside of those borders.

You know Australia once made cars, shitloads of cars, but then some doofus decided to remove all the tariffs - which began a 30 year downhill spiral death of the Australian auto, Manufacturing, Wool (Remember when Australian Wool was regarded as the best in the world?), Textiles and non-oil/energy related Engineering industries.


Nice story but that's not accurate. Republicans love the police state and all but cream their pants when they see a man in uniform. Listen to any of the Republican debates or media, I guarantee you won't find one person questioning the police or the corrupt criminal justice system. If you call yourself a Republican, you support the police state period. Police exist to take peoples rights and freedom away.

That's not how free market works. You can call it whatever you like but it's not free market capitalism. Consumers should be able to buy a product at the lowest price regardless of where it comes from. If manufactures in your country can't compete then perhaps they should find a new industry where they have a competitive advantage.

No, the minarchists and moral conservatives are totally one and the same thing :^)

Free market capitalism is trash anyway.

>I have the right to steal

Police exist so the hard work of a group isn't stolen by another group who has no work other than steal from the first group.

Consider a small group of Humans living off the land, they are working together as a group to ensure they have food, shelter, water, etc.
Then you have another group who is lazy, but still thinks they need the food and shelter, so they some and try to steal the food and water from the working group.
Say they succeed this time and then keep trying to steal from the working group - the working group is upset that their hard work is being stolen, so a few of them stop their regular work to keep a watch out for the thieving group of lets call them bandits..
These 'watchmen' alert the working group so they can protect themselves, their young and their supplies from the bandits, this means the bandits are no longer very effective at attacking the working group.
Eventually as the population of the working group rises, the need for food and supplies does too and the constant threat of bandit attack (even if ineffective) is taking away from the time needed to toil, so the watchmen take of more protective roles and start to not only watch for the bandits, but protect the borders of the, lets call it a village, from the bandits so the other workers needn't worry about attack.

This is the start of what we know as 'Police'.

They are not there to take away your rights unless you are part of the Thieving Group of Bandits and consider stealing from the working group your right.

>Conservative: Government is a burden on society. It should be limited and carefully watched. It always tends towards corruption and oppression.

No, that's libertarianism. Which ironically (since you mention commies) is similar to the Socialist-Anarchist spectrum of Marxism.

Yeah it's so much better paying 10 times the price for something so that cletus can keep his job pushing buttons at the air conditioning factory.

Corporations are "people," yes? While so are nations.

You may see tariffs and other protectionist actions as impediments to the "free" market. But when politics is included in economics, they are very clearly not.

Nations have the ability to change the set of incentives that exist within its bounds, beyond the natural incentives of its resources.

While a certain set of incentives across nations may result in a certain flow of capital with the appearance of free trade, the truth is that there are many restrictions and adjustments that are steering this flow, from the international level, all the way to the local.

The classical free-trade examples are simplifications to demonstrate a point, but they completely ignore the necessary realities of human organization.

Even something as small as local taxes can change the international flow of capital by price a certain region in or out of competition in certain markets.

Since nations have the ability to change the set of incentives within their own borders as they wish, none of these can ever be considered as part of the natural state of the free market.

For example, if one nation manipulates its currency, doesn't respect intellectual property rights of other nations, and uses other economic tricks within its own boundaries, how is that any more free than another nation putting a tariff against the first nation?

And since nations are free economic actors, producing societies at a cost, well, isn't the free market thing to let the best one win?

>10 times the price
>mattering when you have 10 times the wages
The only way your statement makes sense is if you're a factory owner.

Perhaps that is their intended purposes, but they've become autonomous para-military groups who prey on the poor and disenfranchised. Police are scum, they don't deserve any respect. Maybe if they operated with some transparency, arrested corrupt cops, stopped killing people unnecessarily, stopped robbing people through civil forfeiture, and stop acting like the American public are enemy combatants, I'd give them some respect.

No. Conservatives and libertarians both believe Government is a burden that needs to be kept in check.

Libertarians think anybody should do what they want so long as it doesn't hurt anybody.

Conservatives realize that humans are social creatures, and everything effects everybody.

Socialism can never be implemented in the USA because half of Americans are niggers.
It would be transferring wealth from white people to non-whites.

But yes, capitalism has caused:
Lobbyists corrupting politicians and pushing for womens liberation (double work force) and mass immigration - both lowering wages.

Jobs are going overseas because "muh free market" benefits shithole countries where people work for literally pennies a day.
Enjoy starving to death when you can't find a job because you have no socialism.
Enjoy living in a world where everyone is out to cut your throat for money

The modern man is like that nigger from the migrant crisis

There's more important things we should be doing right now.
Like taxing cunts out of their gold plated yachts so we can give money to newly wed white couples.

Which ones? Because moral conservatives are the ones that make up the majority of American right-wingers, and to who Republicans pander the hardest.


Please read the above linked post, it's foreshadowing our back and forth.

Republicans love law and order. Their love of police is rhetoric for many purposes. In part to lure in previously loyal democratic voters who are being abandoned by their party, and also to highlight the dangerous repercussions of leftist tactics.

Police do not exist to take peoples rights and freedoms away. They are the arm of the law. The rights and freedoms have already been taken away by the time police arrive.

This is very similar to the Occupy problem. All the lefties were complaining about the bankers. The conservatives knew about the bankers, and have always known. It is precisely why we are so mad with our government. It is logical that people would try to bribe the government. Terrible, but inevitable. The failing was on our government who holds the responsibility of bringing those people to justice, not aiding them.

You are mad at the police who enforce the law. Instead you should be mad at the lawyers who create it. We do not and should not ask our police to be judges and legislators. We should both be able to agree that is a slippery slope.

>Trump supporters aren't capitalists. They don't support the free market.

Thankfully no one argues against that.
There was a cognitive dissonance period of Sup Forums, between the libertarian and nationalist era, where people labeled themselves as `capitalist` but also began to demand protectionism, closed borders etc.

What a retarded time that was, people calling themselves libertarian nationalists..

But what if other nations are only competitive because of baked-in incentives in their country?

Certainly if a nation can impose a tariff and not be negatively affected by it, then that is a competitive advantage over another nation?

And if the value of their currency has risen, and they have more dollars, then relative to a world where they have less money of less value, the car IS cheaper.

Also to respond to you points,

>Maybe if they operated with some transparency
This I'll agree with to a point, but you can't be 100% transparent when the bandits are running opaque.
>arrested corrupt cops,
They do.
>stopped killing people unnecessarily,
They don't.
Although US police have been a bit over the top with shooting doggos.
>stopped robbing people through civil forfeiture
Nothing to do with the police, that's the state period
>stop acting like the American public are enemy combatants,
Maybe if you didn't say
> Police are scum, they don't deserve any respect.
So often they'd be a lot more inclined to treat you respect too.

So should leftists just be mad or do something about it?

Because I doubt the conservatives are on board with a commie revolt.

Everyone is a capitalist. Marx was wrong. If he was right, we wouldn't be having this conversation anymore. We'd all me in a communist paradise. He thought the mercantile class would join the elite. But actually, the mercantile class will eat the rich and save the poor. The terror of the slow march through the institutions is not that it might succeed, but that when the class divisions are erased, we might lose all the treasures those institutions fought so long to protect.

>we might lose all the treasures those institutions fought so long to protect
What is this pure ideology shit?

Blame the laws, not the enforcers. You are falling for a trap they have set for you.

You blame the police, and so they will write new laws, hindering the police.

Then crime will get worse. But with new science, they will "demonstrate" how crime comes from genetics or from the environment. So they will write new laws.

Then they will imprison the criminals before they are ever criminals, and you will not complain, because you have seen the "evidence." They may not have done anything yet, but they were going to. Or it was likely, anyways. It won't matter to you, because you will be happy. Until they decide you were going to be a criminal too.

By and large, it is not the world that create criminals. It is the law. For a time, some are needed. But ask yourself, how do we get to a world of peace and freedom through rules and enforcement?

By "Moral" conservative, do you mean social conservative? And do you believe all social conservatives to be authoritarian? Those who wish to enforce their social values by law are not politically conservative, though they might be considered "right wing."

All political viewpoints come from and are about morality. No-one argues for a law they believe to be immoral.

Republicans are the one's who love creating new laws about everything, unless it has to with taxes, big business, or protecting the environment. The Republican party is the part of stop and frisk, the patriot act, and the war on drugs.

you missed the last 8 years?

If they are serious about justice, they should realize that they are conservatives in waiting. If they simply want an authority figure to give them money, they should get to the back of the line.

The primary ill in the world is corruption, at all levels. This is not solved by any revolution, and certainly not by communism. It is solved by good citizenship. It begins by not tolerating politicians who act against the interests of the people for their own financial gain. These politicians exist on both sides of the aisle. This is precisely why Trump garnered such fervent and wide-spread support. In the primaries, he opposed every corporate interest, and blocked the primary GOP machine, fronted by Jeb Bush. Then in the general, he defeated one of the most corrupt politicians in recent memory--Hillary Clinton. Most Trump supporters, especially early supporters, were very supportive of Sanders, even if we thought his ides were crazy, and he didn't have the ability to actually accomplish anything once in office. The relative lack of outrage for the rigging of the Democratic primaries should show you how ideologically serious most people on the left really are. You cannot simultaneously bemoan Trump and support Clinton's bid to the white house. You cannot complain about Trump's loss of the popular vote as being undemocratic, when Hillary Clinton literally cheated and rigged the entire primary process.

And before you begin on any of it, you must first realize that the mainstream media are 100% complicit, from Fox to MSNBC.

Institutions are built to protect certain ideas and knowledge. For example, art academies were created to protect and perfect certain forms, and later modes of art and art theory.

If we do not overcome much of post-structuralist thought, and recover what deconstruction tore down, it will be lost, and we'll have to start all over again from scratch, which will likely lead us down all the same rabbit holes along the way.

The Republican Party does love their laws. But friend, if you think they are the party of litigiousness, you must open your eyes. Literally.

If the banks weren't in control of everything capitalism would work.

Globalism of the true capitalist type is imperialism/colonialism.

Globalism of the communist type is that of one government/people/law shit.

The capitalists own the government. All of these globalist policies are solely for the profit of the 1%.

sarcastic greentext only works when you're right

2 out of 3 ain't bad tho