Why does capitalism keep destroying the planet we live on?

Why does capitalism keep destroying the planet we live on?

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I think you misunderstood him.

He's a big guy

*raises paw* uhhhh.... pls dont use that offensive "he" word. i consider myself to be an androgynous quasi-female pansexual wolfsoul. your concept of throwing around the word "he" willy-nilly is greatly offensive to my personal conceptualizations of my unique self image, and addressing others by using a certain label such as "he" is traumatic to me on a deep personal level, i was shaken to the core by your judgemental words. please be a little more considerate next time. thanks!

>not literally the most anti-capitalist ideology of all time


it's not capitalism itself. Look up a video on youtube called "collapse of complex societies" all societies require increasing consumption of resources and all complex societies collapse because of diminishing returns.

That all happens under capitalism.

In his manifesto of 35,000 words, he mentions capitalism once, and only in the context of how the leftists use catch-phrases like "homophobia" and "necolonialism".

The only common theme in his work is that industrialization requires complete and total submission to authority, or all of human society will collapse. He was not found of this realization.

Capitalism is the major reason you're still breathing.

stop trying to change Sup Forums
go back to the shithole you came from
your idea is a failure & Sup Forums will not be manipulated to like communism

Going to a hunter and gatherer mode of society means being anti-capitalist by default.

are you fucking retarded?! It happened under Rome, it happened under african soceities as well as south american and Mediterranean. Are you still in college, son? Have you been listening to libertarianism or marxism?? Capitalism is just a distraction. All forms of government are about centralization of wealth, power and resources. Capitalism is just a boogie man.

Biological human condition of competitivity against members of the same species, the next step of evolution is breaking this condition. our race war, which ever one comes first.

>hunter and gatherer mode of society means being anti-capitalist by default
Regressing into a primitive lifestyle does not mean giving up certain aspects of society necessary for survival. Even in tribes there is specialization, just like you see in capitalist societies. It is necessary for survival. Trading is a survival skill that allowed Homo Sapiens to thrive in social communities.

>It has been suggested by one pair of researchers that these stones may instead be "gifts" brought by adolescents wishing to join a new community (some form of "marrying out" was essential due to the small size of Neanderthal territories). In their view, this lack of trade could indicate that Neanderthals may have lacked some cognitive abilities for dealing with strangers, such as "cheater detection" and the ability to judge the value of one commodity in terms of another. Neanderthals had a smaller cognitive part of the brain and this would have limited them, including their ability to form larger groups.

And we live in capitalism right now. If you're anti civilization like ted that means you're spending time fighting capitalism and not feudalism.

You also seem real butthurt over the use of the word capitalism.

OP is this you: quora.com/profile/Rafal-Reyzer

Because all we do is consume.
We should be on our way to Mars.
Instead we just horde shekels.

Because I want a smartphone and a gayming pc and a laptop and new boots and I need have those anime figurines. And I also need tires for my car and a new front wheel for my ATB. I also need a lots of other stuff that I really don't need. Yeah, that's why.

It doesn't. The earth has cause more destruction to the planet than 66,000,000 years of mankind.

Fucking bull-shit.

Give me a tiny island in the pacific with fresh water and I'd happily attempt to survive on that island over this day to day grind just to live so I can wake up tomorrow and do the same thing. This isn't how I want to spend my one life.