Obama kicks out a bunch 35 Russian diplomats from USA

>Obama kicks out a bunch 35 Russian diplomats from USA

>But Putin's response is to not kick out any American diplomats from Russia, but instead invite all of their children on a Christmas party in Kremel

This is what obama is doing days before his presidency ends
fucking rekt

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And this is surprise for you?

Whole world besides burger knows that they are not very intelligent and are clearly inferior to us

Source, kilt pattern



He's a comedian... obviously
Makes the US look bad now

How bout you dont let king nigger speak for the country faggot. We know hes a piece of shit and hes having his chimpout before he has to leave.

>oboma kicks out Russian diplomats
>Putin fiddles their counterparts kids on Chrsitmas instead

>tfw Putin is playing 24D eroge

Based Santa Putin

Putin is the smarter man. He knows that Obama just wants to see the world burn before he leaves office.

Hahaha king nigger everybody


>We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy.

4D Chess


>24D eroge

Oh shit, Vlad is going to murder their children. Thanks Obama.

i approve

Racist. Don't call our president king n*gger.

>Nigger vs white man

You are right. He's actually a mudslime sandnigger

>American kids faces when they realise than in Russia Christmas is on 7 of January

Was that really his response?

Pretty great way to make Obama look like a pissy bitch.

Obama really is a fucking mess when it comes to international politics.
And I was actually thinking he was going to act mature about this whole thing, but he is extremely butthurt Trump won. He literally wants to shit it up as much as possible before his time is up since he knows his "Legacy" will be fucked by Trump.

Yes and this response from Russia only drives the point further in.
Guess that's Obama's legacy now.

>Russian Christmas

Obama is such a fucking faggot holy shit.

predictible reaction. After all, those expulsions were not targetted at the Russian, but at the future foreign policy of Trump.

I'm almost sure Trump team got Putin on the phone to decide together the best move.

Obama is such an embarrasment holy shit.

USA, as always, wants to start new conflicts and wars, dividing and conquering, making it as hard as possible for Trump to make America great again.
Putin doesn't want conflict and war with USA and does the right thing.
Fuck USA, the biggest zionist goldstein shithole that ever existed.

King nigger, it's not racist if it's true.

Obama really act behave like a child. Oh wait he's a nigger.

>"We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts"
based poots

Damnit I love this cheesy movie.

I knew it was propaganda even back then, don't care.

Only if he doesn't act like one.

Trump is gonna invite them back in 3..2..

>tfw Obamas legacy will be defined as losing to Trump and being a crybaby bitch

Why Obama acting like such a bitch?

He is just waiting for what Trump is going to do. Anyways, it will be difficult for Trump. He wants to be liked, but if he cancels all the stuff against the Russia King Nigger created, he will be seen as russian puppet. It will be interesting though.

I hope Trump wipes all his legacy, looks again at birther evidence, jails and expels Obama and jails all his most hardcore supporters for treasonous coup d'etate.

Kek let it happen.

Liberal kneejerk reaction to losing

Bond movies was always about the cheese

because he is a bitch
he knows trump will undo everything he's done the last 8 years so he's torching the place on his way out

Yeah I think he going to be laughed out of office.

Fuckin kek

Obama continues to look like the dumb nigger he is.

obongo seriously is a american hating piece of shit. i did not buy this meme but these disgraceful last days made me a believer.

Obama is the literal textbook definition of a "bitch nigger".

Putin's response was so simple that it's brilliant, makes Obama look even more like a warhungry buffoon and makes Putin look like a mature guy

He's posturing, as if to say I have all these American families hostage fucking do something.


>The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends. We will not create any problems for US diplomats. We will not expel anyone. We will not prevent their families and children from using their traditional leisure sites during the New Year’s holidays. Moreover, I invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.

>YWN celebrate Christmas with papa Putin

>Moreover, I invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.

Before some westerner ask, Russian celebrate new year's first, then Christmas 7 days later (Russianbro will correct me if I'm wrong)

>Russia just got 4D chess'd

>he has to save face

The only reason that Putin would not kick out American Operatives is if he

[spoiler] doesn't know where they are [/spoiler]

GG Putin, you got REKT

Putin and Trump spanked by Obama's BBC in in 48 hours


Yep, but children's party (w\o pizza) are held not necessary on 31 or 7th.

Checked schedule of children's parties in Kremlin

29, 30 December; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 January;

Obama's autistic screeching coming soon...

> O'bummer filmed angrily stomping on a Russian flag

>Diplomats are now operatives


Diplomats are there for diplomacy, that's why they're called diplomats.

Whenever you have any issue the most retarded thing is to kick them out.
If you find any evidence that Russia was involved in hacking DNC (there is no evidence) you go and talk to the diplomats.
If Obongo kicks out all your diplomats and whines about hacking with no evidence, you go talk to the diplomats.

Obama has got to be the lowest IQ dumbest president America has ever had. He has to be.
It's obvious that Obongo only wanted to provoke Russia and put American diplomats in danger.
He wanted Putin to get mad and kick them out, or even to have them arrested or killed.
Obama put them in danger with this.

The faggot that made that comic must not have ever played chess before


Would really love to see the traditional president new year's address from Kremlin with American diplomat kids playing in the background ....

cool bait, here's a (You)

Who is Obama then?

this is true
he's just a ragequitting muslim communist who hates america and white people
i used to laugh at that accusation but he's worked really, really hard to be exactly that

you notice the wording change too?

MSM has been spinning that shit so hard. fuck'em

kys shill


the other problem being, if USA admit Russian hacked the election and changed the outcome, them why not declaring them void, and re-organize with increased security ?

The whole thing smells rotten fish. It's more bullying the Trump's adm and future policy than anything else.

Meanwhile, Dutch cucks browse tech sites and acknowledge that Russia is literally Hitler, that the Soviet Union never really dissolved and that Yeltsin's resignation wasn't actually demanded by a lynch mob.

Soviets never had this level of banter. Their protected speech market prohibited competition from refining Russian bants.


Everyone knows that ambassadors, consuls, attaches and the like are literally legally sanctioned spies.
But to make everything somewhat work, they're considered "diplomats" and not "operatives".
Going against that is pure retardation.

>our intelligence have identified and monitored 35 Russian operatives and we are now expelling them

>wtf Russia why is your secret police harassing our diplomats????

>He wants to be liked, but if he cancels all the stuff against the Russia King Nigger created, he will be seen as russian puppet.
him and vlad can always orchestrate psyops that makes it look like there's real tension between them and trump can crap on him in public
that'll negate the thought of him being a russian puppet in the minds of everyone (except the most liberal nuts)

lmao he's such a cute little thing i just want to pick him up and give him a cuddle

>spoiler tags


Whoa he drugged Obama and has sex with him too. I mean the super models are one thing, but he guy gets to fuck a sitting president too.

why is it that only americans can be this retarded?

[no, but I can shit on the table before I leave]

Yeah, the head sizes are totally wrong as well, you fucking autist.

flip a coin.

Literally watching Obama try and mess shit up before Trump enters office is almost hilarious. I mean, does he REALLY expect this shit to stick AFTER Trump enters office? Putin and Trump are laughing their asses off at the fucking temper tantrum the Obama Administration is throwing... all their plans have gone to shit and now are trying to fuck things up these last few weeks trying to get a reaction, and is failing hard. Israel and Russia are both supposed, to the Obamas, rage and all that, but their reactions are like "LOL what a bitch! Yo Trump, we cool?" and Trump is like "Yeah we cool, just gotta wait for this motherfucker to get out of office, then we're good!"

Obama is just trying to create as big of a mess as possible for when Trump takes over. If Trump just repeals all the sanctions etc a lot of republicans will be furious, and a lot of voters will see it as being soft and catering to Russia as well. It's a situation that will take a while to untangle.

They want to provoke Russia to make them seem like a threat so that Trump wouldn't team up with Russia to fight against US funded ISIS.

That's the goal.
US funded ISIS. US supports ISIS. US wants to take down Assad.
These assholes want to set the scene for Trump where he can never interact with Putin without being accused of being a Russian puppet.

Trump wants to help Assad and is against the ''rebels''? WOAH, HE IS A RUSSIAN PUPPET! IMPEACH IMPEACH!
That's the goal.

This journalist is high?

Wow, guess #ImWithTovarish now.

saved from ww3


>Liberals lose election by putting up anti-Russia hardliner as a candidate
>Liberals blame Russia for losing despite having a weak candidate in the first place
>Liberals are now afraid of the Russian bogeyman and enact diplomatic temper tantrums

top kek

Putin sees through Obama's ploy and won't rise to the bait. He knows that Obama and Kerry are already finished and relations will be restored once Trump is in office.

satanic sex

High on life.

he's taking the high road in the face of a temper tantrum you mongoloid. politics 101.




I like how (((they))) pretend they would gave even a fraction of a shit about 'russia hacks' or 'the integrity of our elections' if they had won

"Tnx to russians hackers and Putin - we won cause them"

>US funded ISIS. US supports ISIS. US wants to take down Assad.

and now US has been I.E. kicked out of Syria. Peace talks are held in Astana without US, EU and all petromonarchies. Geneva they can go fuck, they are nothing.

that the main reproach they address to Russia. US,EU kicked off Russia from Ukraine, now it's revenge time for Russia.

with also a pretty nice take : Turkey, a NATO allie which now clearly side with Russia.

It's really a geopolitical master lesson.

Putin is gonna brainwash and torture kids of diplomats by exposing them to THIS



Obama has Putin/Trump right where he wants them!!