What stands behind the code ''terrorist forgot his ID on the scene''

>the ID of one of the pilots was found untouched right in the scene of destruction
>the suspects were obviously dead and couldnt be asked by a judge

Attacks on charly hebdo
>luckily the terrorists forgot their IDs in the get away vehicle so the police could start investigating quickly
>later the suspects were shot and could never be asked in front of a judge

Attacks in Paris
>terrorists couldnt be asked again since they blew themselves up
>luckily one of the IDs could still be found untouched helping the police investigate quickly

Truckdriver from Nice
>Truckdriver luckly forgot his ID again in his Truck making investigation easily

Truckdriver Berlin
>after the police re-searched the truck 48 hours later.. ups they found all of his 6 IDs in the truck

What kind of terrorist would bring his ID to his attack? How can you forget your ID? Is this a muslim terrorist thing to bring your ID to the scene and forget it there?

Or what does ''found his ID'' stand for?

Other urls found in this thread:


also, druck drivers in Nice and Berlin were conveniently shot as well so they couldnt be asked by a judge

Whats weirder is that the charlie hebdo ones, were actually trying to escape.
how could they prepare themselves wear gear and stuff, and bring their Ids with them?

>Or what does ''found his ID'' stand for?

It's just a convenient, but incredibly lazy excuse for ((intelligence)) agencies to quickly wrap up a situation and leave no loose ends for busybody internet sleuths to investigate.

Similar to how every ((mass-shooting)) has the culprit caught red-handed with weapons and a nazi manifesto.

It is indeed really.... Fishy.

I think these ID's are scapegoats.
Obviously the government can't catch the real terrorists, so they just plant an ID of a random suspect (they got thousands of those in Europe) and then kill him before he can say anything.
Good thing is a muslim is dead.
A bad thing is that the real killers are still on the loose.

Just my 2 cents.

The Berlin Truck guy tried to escape also. I mean I would accept if some suicide attacker wants to take his id with him so everyone knows who he was immediately, but these guys tried to run after they did it. And not even to then kill more people and continue until they are shot, but they actually tried to get away and hide.

If you ask me there are two options
1) The Government has some crazy surveilance shit and they just use "yeah 2 days after we took a look at the truck again and we found the ID of the suspect" as an excuse to hide their mind control technology

2) They actually have no idea who did it/it was false flag and they "find" the id of "the suspect" who actually is just some poor sob they are surveiling for something and use him as the sacrificial lamb

Usually when law enforcement makes a "discovery" like this, one of the investigators KNOWS they have the perp properly IDed, but through illegal means that a judge would rule inadmissible, so they plant some evidence to make the link legally, while the other investigators look the other way. My guess is they found the guy through some illegal mass surveillance program that they don't want to admit exists to the public.

Likely they have a way of tracking/identifying people that they do not want to publicly admit to.

Most of those terrorists likely used mobile phones in the vehicles, perhaps that was linked to the individuals.

There are no real killers.

Oswald was killed within hours of JFK being shot.

The planners either know of attacks in advance and let them happen, or goad young radicals into pulling things off. Then IMMEDIATELY execute him to tie up loose ends.

They must control the entire situation, leaving even one loose end could ruin the whole thing.

Yup. False flag psyOPs.
Virginia, Orlando, Sandy hook, Aurora, Boston, 9/11 all complete bullshit.

It's the ((terrorist)) version of having crack sprinkled on the corpse.
>open and shut case, Johnson!

For the sake of argument, let's say it's a false flag.

Carried out by who? Why?

>hey Achmed, it's finally the day to kill hundreds of infidels on the streets, prepare your M70AB2, magazines, grenades, armor, black suit and balaclava
>understood Abdul, but let's not forget our ID's as well, so that our identities are instantly known to the whole world and we can be chased like dogs by the police and military for a few days until we are killed

Really made me think.

To expand on this.

Is it possible that intelligence services could have access to the GPS movement record of a vehicle, and then retrieve mobile phone GPS records that correspond to the same vehicle.

If they had the conversations and data from each mobile phone stored and accessible they could do a pretty decent job of determining who was in a vehicle.

Finding a vehicle associated with the suspects is likely just a matter of looking through the CCTV prior to an attack, or in some instances the vehicle is still present in the crime scene.

I suspect intelligence agencies could have that kind of capability but not be willing to admit to it publicly.

all vehicles were stolen

>What stands behind the code ''terrorist forgot his ID on the scene''
Mossad, CIA, MI6 etc.

>we know who it was because we monitored him for ages but we couldn't/didn't prevent the attack
>we know who it was because we found his ID

Which one sounds better for your reputation?

>we have no clue who it was because we can't deal with this mass immigration but we want to make the public think we're on top of it by finding the suspect within a short period

is this still possible in 2016? how do they manage that no media is reporting on it and everyone buys those idiotic excuses

>inb4 this thread has been deleted

I believe number 1. They just don't want to tell us the extent of their surveillance system.

What if ISIS requires their operatives to take their ID with them as proof they did it?

A lot of these sandniggers's families get paid very nicely afterwards.. Or possibly they get released after they can confirm they carried it out.

I think the vast majority of all attacks are either false flags that the intelligence services does themselves or attacks that they know of but they let them play out (either fully or just partially) to justify their own existence.

Mossad, CIA etc might very well use real muslim jihadist thought. There are no shortage of people that hate the west and want to kill kufars. All they need to do is give them a weapon, some money and then point them at a target. Then they can either swoop in and kill him to save the day or let it play out. Either way the ''mastermind'' behind the attack always ends up dead.

The ID's are probably just plants to make it less obvious that they have a massive surveillance system. They don't want to tell the public
>oh yeah we found out because we are listening to everyone and we got super computer that filters out all the information that we store indefinitely in this trillion dollar bunker paid for you by. Yeah we know who raped your daughter and put poop in your mailbox but we don't care about that, we only care about tax evasion and threats against the government.

Probably number 1. They know who the terrorists are, but cant legally accuse them since the info was probably obtained in an illegal manner.

As to why some of these people actually have ids with them, is probably you dont wanna get stopped by the police on the way to a terror attack and be without ID and searched. If you have ID with you they probably let you go.

We all know who control ISIS



yeah, its nothing new, a good way to control the sheeple

mossad building up support for the inevitable war against iran

smelly muslims?

Of course it is. Our media is dog shit and does no investigative journalism whatsoever beyond what will directly benefit our globalist masters. The only reason we even know the NSA is illegally gathering all evidence at all times, including this very thread is thanks to Snowden

a terrorist who have to show the islamic community that he actually was there so that his family is getting paid for the job.

Ich weiß nich ob ihr alle nur dumm seid oder scheuklappen vor dem augen habt aber es gibt preislisten für selbstmordattentäter und seiner familie wurden jetzt ca 100.000€ ausgezahlt und werden für den rest ihres lebens einen guten stand haben und versorgt werden wenn sie Probleme haben.
Ist ein fakt..wüsstest du aber würdest du dich dafür tatsächlich interessieren.


Was denkst du denn...jeder muslims schreit aber der ausweis und impliziert damit das es false flag ist und aber ein muslim sowas ja nie tun würde.und schiebst damit quasi noch auf die juden mossad was auch immer...
Der ausweis hat den globalisten sogar noch geschadet...
Aber jeder Araber sagt dir natürlich es MUSS n falseflag sein...und du schluckst es solang du dir selber auf die schulter klopfen kannst das du die Juden durchschaut hast.

Er hat nich versucht zu flüchten ER IST GEFLÜCHTET direkt in eine Moschee und hat dort geschlafen. Es war von anfang an der Plan nicht dort bzw überhaupt nicht zu sterben

also, israels long term growth and survival depends on water flowing in from syria, desalination plants are too expensive and would most likely be funded by US gibsmedat which is not certain long term

9/11 was a saudi plot to turn the muslims into victims..they threw iraq and afganistan into the fire so that they NOW can play the victim card...

anti islam is racist..muslims are the victims it doesn't matter what they do...

all of this just because of 9/11

End program

Trauma caused by event triggers relapse into original personality, from the mind-slave programming.

Then, when they are caught, they disappear for a year until the trial. Nobody from the outside interacts with them. Programming is reinstated.

Actually IDK, but yeah, it's fishy as sheet.

I wonder who would do such a thing.

Mossad and the CIA

>Mossad, CIA, MI6 etc.
>Mossad and the CIA
Note that kek agrees with me on this.

Who wants to make muslims look bad?

Wasn't one of the France attackers taken alive?