Knowledge Bomb. How the EU Army will be PR/sold to the Public

The EU Army needs a "official" reason to deploy & a way to PR/sell it to the Public. I already see 3 ways(might be a combination) they are going to do it.

1) "We need a Army to Protect us from these internal threats!" (The threat of Terrorists(ISIS Cells) & Nazi's(Nationalists/Right Wing & Anti-EU/Anti-Islam people) being everywhere.)(They will also spin the "protect from ISIS" as a way to get nationalistic people to back it & join it).

2) "Call for Unity for Europe" (Countries leaving the EU/Try to leave the EU.)

3) "Our Army will do the job better" (NATO being "ineffective" & the "threat" of Russia)

These are all narratives they are going to be pushing/are pushing to "Justify" deployment & sell the EU Army to the Public.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/#ässt_isis_bewusst_innerhalb_der_eu/?

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what would be the point? the EU army already exist

These 3 narratives are going to be running & if they already are, you should be abit concerned.

The point is how they are going to sell it to the public & also justify them being deployed/revealed officially.

The EU Army has been getting "off the record" funding/building up, such as siphoning EU Countries that are supposed to be paying up fully for NATO & NATO Arms/armor shipments being diverted to it.(The NATO Auditor found out about it.....).

I don't know what Europeans are going to have to deal with more going forward.

ISIS or the EU Army. Likely both.

If you've seen my past threads on the subject(I always link the 4plebs archives), this information should help paint the picture more.

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Also, I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.


Future Topics I hope to do Knowledge Bombs on:

1) Discombobulated Globalists.

2) Gender War

3) The "Jewish Conspiracy"

Appreciate it & keep the thread active.

My threads are always interesting.

Hello A5

So if these EU countries are not contributing to NATO but using the money to fund the EU Army where would be a good place to look and find evidence of it?

The NATO Auditor found out.

But I would say keep track of NATO Arms/Armor shipments.

I've talked about it in several previous threads.

I've seen the call to unity one being rolled out, it's the most innocent sounding

Sounds like some interesting stuff to think about

Currently attempting to create a map of those shipments so that people can easily track them. Trying to figure out how I might do that.

Also check out how they are starting to justify the invasion of London:

Good question and it definitely needs to be looked into more.

The EU Army has been built up for a while now, being a Parasite to NATO to some extent.

Even NATO wargames have been used for EU Army training.

I'm really surprised how EU Army threads(other then mine) are not frequent yet.

The EU Army is basically right around the corner at the current pace of things going on in Europe.

1) Yep, but consider how all 3 are being done. If you have been noticing what the MSM & media in Europe has been pushing & how things are moving.

2) I think they will be.

3) Europe is shaping up to be a total mess if they don't get out of the EU(or if they are even able to)

(For those lurking)

1) Read the Archives/Thread/OP

2) Research

3) Observe/watch events and happenings.

I have started looking at Wargames, there was one this year called Cold Response 16 where non member states Finland and Sweden took part. If I remember correctly they are EU members. Seems like some of the northern states will stand with Germany if it comes to that.

I am thinking maybe some kind of algorithm to pull news sources posting on various topics could expose their coordination in pushing certain messages. Trying to figure out the logistics of it atm.

1) One thing that will be very interesting to dig into is how far back the EU Army build up has been going on.

2) That would be useful for research purposes

Alex Jones has mentioned the EU Army
Paraphrasing him: " If you want to be out of EU, you must be Russian Agents, better send in our EU army tanks " and shit.

Earliest I have seen on it seems to be like 2015 but I'm sure it goes back much longer than that. I'll see what I can dig up.

Did you notice Carrie Fisher's mother died this week as well? They are ending that Truman show apparently.

Jones has mentioned it?

Thats good, I hope it gets more coverage.

I've been reaching out to him in the hopes that they will do some coverage on the reddit post I made the other week. Going to have to put my real name on it if they are interested but I guess that's just going to have to happen sooner or later.

1) Since we know what we know now of NATO being used to build up the EU Army, then it seems like NATO will be a angle to look back on to find any discrepancies & weird stuff that could be explained by the EU Army.

2) Saw that, notice how many Celebs are having there "Final episode".

Yesterday . Just a mention. I think it should have its own segment.

Obama sent a lot of tanks to Netherlands. Related?

Vague mentions of wellknown happenings

Are you actually going come up with useful informations/news at one point?

This EU Army thread should be the last one in this series relating to it.

Since I think the information I've gotten out over the past couple threads is going to be quite useful.

Also, keep up the good work and keep yourself safe.


Brushing off the EU Army isn't the best idea.

LOL. Alex Jones also mentioned the possibility of Star Killings.
Carrie Fischer's and her mom's death was very convinient. She stars in a movie soon and her death will inflate the worth of her catalogue.

The EU Army needs a "official" reason to deploy & a way to PR/sell it to the Public. I already see 3 ways(might be a combination) they are going to do it.

1) "We need a Army to Protect us from these internal threats!" (The threat of Terrorists(ISIS Cells) & Nazi's(Nationalists/Right Wing & Anti-EU/Anti-Islam people) being everywhere.)(They will also spin the "protect from ISIS" as a way to get nationalistic people to back it & join it).

2) "Call for Unity for Europe" (Countries leaving the EU/Try to leave the EU.)

3) "Our Army will do the job better" (NATO being "ineffective" & the "threat" of Russia)

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Noticed that.

Well, given that the auditor was murdered that's a good start. He was responsible for confirming shipments to collect payment upon performance. All I need to do now is find some missing shipments.

At least they gave Fisher a nice final episode by letting her do Star Wars again I guess. Funny how that was her only big episode, doing that series.

Did not hear about the Netherlands shipment. In your opinion what is going to happen once Trump takes office? Surely he is going to figure out where all this stuff is being sent and stop it.

Seems a Frog is here.

Reason #1 is already happening. From Merkel's mouth herself. Where the EU anons at?

Why do you insist on establishing a reputation on Sup Forums?


OP is a liar

To further expand on this point:

All namefags are liars

1) You can even start googling NATO arms/armor shipments and things like that. Obviously there are some shipments not reported on or told to the press, and some of those have been diverted to the EU Army.

2) Agreed.

3) Why do you think he wants NATO Countries to pay up there share? To slow down/stop some of the EU Army funds.

All 3 are going to be or are being done.

Its not about reputation. Its about getting information out.

I was wondering when the Shills would try to come out of the woodwork and try to discredit.

You can't make a general speculation thread without a trip?


None of what I've posted has been speculation.

Its fascinating how people are kept blind.

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Are Aborigines human?

Hello a5
would you kindly read through this two archives:
There is a screencap of either a well informed leaf or a typical leaf, could you share your opinion, share info, confirm, debunk...
Some user found some weird stuff in google earth, just like you said, the coordinates are in one of the threads.

Lol shill brigade is out in force now

That's my worry, that the ones being diverted are not reported. Just don't know how to pin them down.

News Links

Obamma sends 1600 tanks to netherlands

Merkel says Islamic Terrorists biggest test to Germany

Why are you(as a swed) not concerned how ISIS & other groups are turning your country into a "Safehouse" location?


why should i care about the existence of an eu army

Thanks for the links pinoybro

Because we have bases all over Europe and we will be sucked into whatever stupid shit they start

Why is obongo chimping out at putin again with the sanctions?

Is he being blackmailed or something?

What are you >implying?

cuz obummer the nigger king is in this

Giant Creature remains are there.(They are found around the world, but usually in Fossil form)

Anything else is a coverup/diversion narrative.

The best way to hide a army is sometimes in plain sight.

NATO gives quite the way to do that, along with Storage facilities or even certain EU military bases.

Good links. Things are coming together.

>TFW landing on Normandy Beach and meeting up with Russkies in Berlin just like grandpa
>TFW we're on the good guys side now

Oh god, please yes.

what will this EU army be used to do?


Throughout history, rulers have always made sure that any army to be used against a population was one recruited from somewhere else.

A German division would never accept being used against Germans. A Spanish division, on the other hand..

Because the US has bases there + NATO.

Soros black mailing, MSM narrative pushing & generally being a idiot that wants to get out of his job faster.

Are Putin and Xi part of any globalist groups or is Russia and China their own thing

What's this all about?

mods need to filter that image already, this larping shit is annoying

Keep countries in the EU,Punish those who leave/try to leave & Crack down on people/demonstrations that are against the EU & the Islam invasion.


Europe is a big place, they can shuffle troops from one side to another.

>into the trash this goes

Does -RH blood type have anything to do with antartica?

They have stored enough gear and vehicles to equip 15,000 marines in Norway, that is pretty massive. They used it in Cold Response 16 too. Wonder if all the gear made it back from that exercise:

Links from CNN and Daily News:

If you want to understand China start realizing there is a big conflict between the Han and Manchu people groups. The cultural revolution and one child policy targeted Han history and demographics. Mao even coined the term "Han Chauvinism" which is their version of white guilt.

Xi is Han, look up the ethnicity of the officials he has purged for "corruption"

Hello Mr Shill. Try to push some narratives?

I do not Larp, the EU Army is very real & even reported on & non of my threads belong in that place.

Nice try.

could this EU army be used to submit EU member countries like Poland and Hungary that to some degree oppose the status quo?

I feel like these guys are also relevant when it comes to fighting extremism at home here in Sweden. Tough guys that will have an impact on the political landscape.

There own things.


You might want to read up..........

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Anon5 did you know Italy is leaving the EU next?

I am sure China has their own Globalist groups with their own goals.

Right now, they are challenging (((western banks))) in my country.

They have their independent human trafficking operations too.

Src: Poor Flip always caught in between

Re: Soros blackmailing

How does Obama know Soros won't tar and feather obongo after he gets out even if he complies. Plus, didn't they have a falling out?

What's the likelihood some of the rapefugees in Europe being sent back to Syria when raqqa and mosul are liberated?

Good luck on the "Jewish Conspiracy". This board is full of Nazi apologists who think everything is the Jews fault and nobody else is guilty.

Infact i appreciate your effort in spreading informations, but it would look way more serious to have all the necessary informations as a summary with related happenings in one post instead of vague mentions to make people having to ask for more informations after every post

Hey Anon5. Glad to see one of your threads up.

Anyway, something is going on in Poland with their army, ours, and NATO. The general in charge, Lt. Gen Ben Hodges is a spoopy motherfucker with a boner for the EU and an EU army. Something about him makes me think he is one of those Obama approved generals who has no problem fucking up civilians.

You want to Muslims to stay? Sometimes I don't get Sup Forums one bit.

Good research.


The World Vs Islam isn't just a physical war, its a cultural, demographical, etc war.

You are correct. Asia has many globalist groups. Some are doing power plays.

They did have a fall out, but remember, Obama made a deal with the devil(Soros) to get into power in the first place...................

Piggy backing off this, remember when Congress wouldn't stop ordering tanks regardless of generals and the pentagon saying to stop?

You...... really didn't understand the point on the post? (Which was about how there will be many narratives pushed to use & PR the EU Army)

Please read my past threads abit:

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

You have to dig krautbro, if you want an informative post read this:ässt_isis_bewusst_innerhalb_der_eu/?

Can you elaborate? I could look into it.

Thought of that too actually, thanks for the links

I brought this up last thread. Does anybody have the link to the archived first thread? Somebody said a pol/lack made one since it was purged.

I really want to know what was in that thread that triggered it being deleted.

Its always americas fault obviously

Betrayal of NATO. The bombs are on their way.

Can't pay NATO fees by treaty but can make an army? Time for a New Deal.

>piggybacking off this

hi sgt user

A lot of celebrities deaths recently, what is the reasoning behind ending the Truman show? What are they afraid of?

It was taken down fairly early on, I never got a chance to read it either.

so what are the chances that Poland or Hungary will get occupied? or have some kind of an EU backed coup?

Depends on the No-Go-Zones and networks now doesn't it?

Which is how you can tell the psy-op was effective at poisoning the well & over focusing people.

The threads also do help with that as they go on.

Armies need equipment,logistics, funding,men & possible leaders.

It might be related & also consider how much arms the US has given to the Saudi's and how they might have a Civil war in the future.

1) What are the effects of the EU Army on the US?

2) What can/will Trump do about it once he gets into office?

I'm on mobile, but look up Gen. Ben Hodges, Poland, and NATO exercises in Ukraine and Balkans. It was recent that I read it. I found an article on Hodges where he bitched about Brexit. The guy is pro EU to the core, and hates Russia with a passion.

They can't pay their contribution to NATO but can fund their own army? Get 'em OUT OUT OUT!

reading your threads is annoying because in literally every thread half the posts are you saying 'GO READ THE ARCHIVES/THREADS!'

you're annoying... this is a terrible format to present info. go start a blog or something.

A general speaking up on Brexit huh? That's not really kosher to talk about shit like that.

I'll take a look, thanks

Good work.

The relationship between NATO & the EU Army is basically like a Host(NATO) and a Alien Parasite aka Chest-buster(EU Army).

And we all know how that usually ends.

Like any show, they don't last forever.

Its possible depending on how things go.

That too, but America is a Zionist puppet state so it's really the Jews fault yet again.