Ask a New Zealander who has early access to 2017 anything about the new current year

Ask a New Zealander who has early access to 2017 anything about the new current year

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Is something going to change for better?!

I still want to die

changed to wifi I am op

>mfw syrian girls here are dtf all day every day

seriously lads

it shouldn't be this easy


I- im not sure
when you put it like that

do they even know how to clean the pussy and use soap?

change starts from within kiwi

No desert people in the white man's rightful homeland of NORTH CANTERBURY.

>Auckland CBD

>early access to 2017

Does the chink handover of kiwi fruit land happen in 2017...?

any day now brother, inshallah

will tool release the new album?

Planning on getting a gf this year, champ?

Is Marine Le Pen president ?

Jokes on you, I have one

She is making france great again as we speak

Shit, you're doing alright. Why so glum?

Queen dies Jan 1st.

No, but Nokturnal Mortum will.

Were the graphics downgraded like Sup Forums had suspected?

On Sup Forums in an empty building on new years lel
She'll be right

Textures are a bit fuzzy
but its quite dark so that might be why

i have good news: if you are patient then some day you will

Tfw missed it while I was playing battlecuck: we wuz edition

And losing, going to be a bad year lads

>tfw only 6:44AM

FUCK, I'll bet (((EA))) had something to do with this.

Nigger it's 5:45 get it right.

>c*ntral time zone

Is anime real yet?

>Implying it's not the objectively the best time zone
>implying it isn't objectivly the whitest part of america.
>a fucking leaf

Wise counsel, Nige.

Be happy mate! Cheer up!
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to 2017 tomorrow.


Thank you my Iberian friend

are we still in the current year?