Kayla, a transgender woman, and Shane, a transgender man...

>Kayla, a transgender woman, and Shane, a transgender man, learn they must lose drastic amounts of weight in a short period of time to qualify for the gender reassignment surgery they desperately need.

Shane didn't get the surgery and ended up becoming a man again for awhile. Do trannys really desperately need surgery?

They all end up swinging from a rope so does it really matter? Taking hormones and cutting yourself up doesn't fix a broken person.

that's not nice

>desperately need

You don't get it mom!

A frontal lobotomy, yes

>desperately need

Its Desperately want. Its not like he would die if he dont undergo mutilating his dick and make it a trophy


Shelter, water, medicine, food, those are needs.

What do (You)s fall under?

>gender reassignment surgery
>desperately need

The truth isn't nice.

>Tfw pol helped you come to terms with transition

Self actualization


Based leaf for once.

The rope doesn't make a difference between the degenerates.

Pay for it yourself.

>too fat to transition

thats literally the most first world problem i can think of

Really made my coconuts crack

proxy faggots shitting up my flag collection REEEEE

This is actually so heartbreaking.
