Why the sudden surge in tranny's, why the gay frogs

Why the sudden surge in tranny's, why the gay frogs

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>little kids doing stupid shit
>"wow, so progressive, everyone should follow their example!"

the hermaphrodite agenda

That kids already got a solid jawline

What a waste


Now that I'm a parent this shit bothers me so much. It's not right for kids to be like this. Their parents should be convicted of a crime

Pollution from Endocrine Disruptors and Dioxins. Rather than own up to it. Industry/Government has gone on a massive PR campaign to make people proud of being sick. No one will sue if they are happy with their ailments.



We've got some backwards society where the children lead and adults follow.

It's just a fad, like mods & rockers, hippies or yo-yo's.

It will pass.

IT used to be that when kids acted stupid, their parents would just smack them. Nowadays they just encourage degenerate behavior.

If I pranced around in skirts around my dad and told him I thought I was a girl, he would have rightly kicked my ass and grounded me until I snapped out of whatever faggot delusion I was having.

>Why the sudden surge in tranny's

>Aussie posting is just a fad
>It will pass
I don't know where I'm going with this so here's a smug anime girl

Spell properly chink or leaf Canada

Why the sudden surge in slide threads, why the lazy bait

Is it because of this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Sacramento_riot


Antifas and their stupid questions don't belong here, you must know by now

death of the decadent west and rise of a new nationalist one

>identifies as both a boy and a girl at 2 1/2


>it's a fad
I earnestly mean this. A lot of people here make a big deal out of SJW shit but trust me, this will all be a thing of the past within 5-10 years and it has nothing to do with a Trump Presidency either.

These fads just never have legs. In fact enjoy it while it lasts, at least get some entertainment out of it.

>attack of the halfling

Why hasn't Sup Forums memed this petition into 50k signatures yet?


>the American College of Pediatricians issued a statement saying “gender Ideology harms children,” and “urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.” In their statement, they go on to say “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”

>Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.

True that. When I was a kid my sister dressed me up in one of her outfits and I thought it was funny. She said "you should show dad" and the thought of how he would react instantly made me take off the dress and never do that shit again.

This is proof you should need a license to have children.

Though that exact thing would curb minority reproduction to an extreme, I think protecting our children from such flagrant abuse is worth this heavy price.

>national geographic
>writing about gender

Since when was gender related to geography?

I know this is really fucking disgusting. Tranny's who force their ass-faggot degenerate bullshit on children should be convicted of child abuse and thrown in an asylum. Either that, or burned at the stake.


Based Father/Son relationship

give them an inch and they take a mile...thats why.

since 2016 unfortunately

ah so this is why they've been sliding so hard

A halfling who teaches burgers' children:


since the Jews bought it

It's the juiciest secret of the Democrats

pic related

>Californians bay area rainbow camp...


that shit is 6 month old
who cares trump is elected

Nice and pozzed. A fag by 12 and no threat to the ruling class.

Ever realize how the baphomet has titties and a dick? I always thought about it meaning that evil isnt bound to on gender and to avoid people thinking gender x is evil.
However i recently had another thought. The satanic agenda basically is the reversal of all things. Make good evil, make satan god, make man woman. By pushing that its just another fucked up way of pushing their satanism onto us

Did you just compare transgenders to yo-yo's, you literal piece of shit?
Lucky for you, you're not American. Otherwise I'd report your ass. At the very least, sue you. Please do progress and the world a favor and kill yourself.

This is a big part of it that people are uncomfortable addressing. We all agree hormone-altering pollution from industrial waste is bad, but what's the cheap way of buying off liberals? We'll reframe it as a civil rights issue!

Liberals will buy into anything if you can convince them they're fighting for equality and social justice. The irony is that they're falling for a con that lets multinationals get off scot-free. It's brilliant, really.

I'm gonna take a moment to acknowledge my cis-white privilege and apologise to all the LGBTIBYOBBQ folk who I may have offended. Thank's for knocking some sense in to me.