So whats his legacy?

So whats his legacy?

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worst prez since Carter.

Chimping out and setting race relations back 50 years.

he wuz presindents n shieet

hope? I guess we can

Being a nigger, that's all what he has going for.

if if if if ifififififififififififif

the first and last black president.

Skyrocketing debt, the clusterfuck that is Obamacare, and being a nigger president.

Killed Bin Laden

No hope and many, many broken promises.


that's like saying Bush Sr toppled the Berlin Wall because it happened on his watch.

Obama's legacy: the father of ISIS, the jv team.

he set up the greatest year ever with his complete incompetency. 2017 will be lit. death of islam imminent

oh shit I forgot.

President Harambe

Men can pee in the women's bathroom

Presidents are remembered for events, not there policy

autistic screaching

Saving the economy from collapse in 2009 (his one saving grace)
Expanding NSA spying programs
First president to execute American Citizen via drone (won't be the last with Trump in charge)

Desperation to no end

>First president to execute American Citizen via drone (won't be the last with Trump in charge)
Snowden's had it coming for a while.

Being weak and ineffective.

Black lives matter
Moderate Muslims


Executing Snowden will piss off Russia, I doubt he'll do that

Evicted from his home by a rich white guy..

"yes we can" sure turned into "here's all the reasons we can't" pretty quickly.

being the first guy to beat Hillary and being much better than trump.

Being a chimp



Trannies and mass shootings. Preppers and pissed off blue collar workers.

Then why isn't Bush Sr known for toppling the Berlin wall?


>Being much better than Trump

t. Obama


This time a leaf didn't make an absolutely abhorrent post.


If we're using Skowronek's Political Time Theory, Obama is what would be classified as a preemptive president: a president of a party opposed to the prevailing orthodoxy(in this case, Reagan-inspired conservatism) who tried to probe it for weaknesses and ultimately wound up prompting a backlash that proved the prevailing orthodoxy was far from dead. While I think he's a better president then both of them, he's honestly not that dissimilar to both Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon in that regard. It also makes him kind of a tragic figure, since he's ultimately leaving office with the people who've been opposing him for years and years standing triumphant.

When it comes to the ACA(a good example of Obama trying to preempt the Reagan orthodoxy by cludging together market-based reforms with expansions of programs like Medicaid, I don't know if it's as dead as people are saying. The GOP is essentially in "dog that caught the car" mode now, and with all the stakeholders involved in the healthcare sector who've adjusted to the law and their lack of a coherent plan, any attempt at repealing the thing(let alone replacing it) is going to be just as much of a clusterfuck as passing it was. I think the GOP will be able to sheer off bits of it, but the law may prove more durable then people think.

Overall, I think he'll be remembered as someone who symbolized the cultural changes going on around him by virtue of being the first nonwhite President, as someone who tried to change how the US dealt business with the rest of the world in terms of both diplomacy and war, and who tried to enact a domestic agenda that soon got completely stymied by an opposition utterly afraid of what he represented.

Plus, he's a pretty young guy as far as former presidents go, and is popular, so he has an extra few decades to build up a legacy outside of the White House. I doubt he'll fade away like W did.

Obama was the Republican's MVP.
>unleashes nephilim?


Democrats brought it on themselves by shamelessly pandering to niggers and trannies while demonizing white people.


>I doubt he'll fade away like W did.

Outside the US, you don't know how many people have been keeping their mouth shut while 0 was president. Look at what he did to the youtube "bengazi" guy.

Once he is out of power, the floodgates will open and it won't be pretty because he won't have the bully pullpit anymore. HuffPo has already started on him.



and Obama campaigned for them heavily. Look at how hard he campaigned for Hillary. He can't be separated from the implosion of the DNC.

Trying to start a war as he was leaving.

I'll always remember him as a fucking huge mistake. A nigger that is actually trying to do real harm to our country before he fucking leaves.

Propagandist, torturer, Mao-tier despot, censorship, fake, phony, evil man.
Also giant pussy.

None. A blank period of wasted time, energy, and money. Hard to describe except for "google, google, google, how the fuck did that google get up there?"

Going out like a bitch

>no autistic kids unlike Dolan
Whoops. Maybe you can free more slaves. With your Satan frogs. The zionists

left den party in worse shape since the reconstruction.

Yes, and the event he'll be remembered for is trying to start a world war as he was leaving. Because the successor wasn't who they planned out, years ago.

At least he wasn't a pedo and a pagan. A fucking rapist

You don't know what war is

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lol bullshit he was probably long dead before they said they supposely killed him


Space farts and prison bars. Read the fucking New Testament for once, rabbi

Probably the massive collapse of American influence throughout the globe because all he did was whine and demand other countries did things for him.

>trying to start a world war as he was leaving
wtf are you even talking about?

First president married to a man.


What do I know of space farts? I know nothing of them! Why with the antisemitism my Canadian friend? Do you hate Israel? Why?

>Killed Bin Laden

Bin Laden died years ago by natural causes.

Would you trust a nigger telling you that he killed some high level man? Where's the fucking proof? "Oh we totally killed this guy, but we didn't make photos and we just dumped him somewhere lol just trust us - we didn't lie that many times before, right?"

Failed potential, stalemate, a shitty healthcare system that won't last the decade, and one of the saddest lame-duck tantrums seen in the history of all POTUSdom.

>first Sodomite
Oops that's Dolan because you don't know what a faggot is if he were raping you. Sodomites are rapists. Has nothing to do with penisbum. Do women who have anal sex become men? Are male rapist prisoners sodomites or faggots?

Hasn't been disclosed for me yet

Pushing for war with Russia despite the fact he knows it's all untrue/overblown. Backing "rebels" who may have left mass graves.

the first president that wasnt born in the US of A

>Pushing for war with Russia

Killed Bin Laden
Supported Net Neutrality
Re-opened ties to Cuba
Didn't attack Assad after the chemical weapons attack

Made a healthcare system worse than either free market or single payer
Helped turn Libya into a hellhole
Got egg on his face for saying that stupid "red line" shit
Gave weapons to "moderate rebels" that became ISIS
Expanded the NSA
Least transparent administration in awhile
Gave amnesty to fuckwits who merely ran across the border

My favorite part of the Obama era has been all the racial healing.


>highest office in the nation
>daughter acts like ghetto trash

Putin is a pedo who hacks your grid. Commits treason with him. And blackmails him with lolitas
The fuck do you care? Besides. You believed his rhetoric about Muslims and he might be a grandson to them! Go build third temple. You aint seen nothing yet. Based economy. The older party. A stubborn one. Antizionist. I hate this fucking board sometimes

>wife is an illegal immigrant whore

You guys still whining about your spies getting the boot?

Fucking up foreign policy more than all the previous presidents combined.

Funding and allowing islamic terrorism to thrive.

Fucking up American healthcare beyond belief by forcing insurance companies to cover the poorest and sickest of society.

The first president married to a trans woman.

Ruining any chance of any other nigger becoming president.

Responsible for Hillary Clinton's corruption by knowingly allowing it to continue.

I ain't got time to read all that shit.

being a dirty fucking ape

Trying to start world war 3

9/11 started it all. Iraq. Israel does all that so you go with Zionald pussy sucker
>antichrist has no regard for women
>that means he's a fag!
Actually no. Grabbing pussies shows no regard

>I doubt he'll fade away like W did.
Interesting way of putting the way Republicans have been aggressively pretending he never existed.

well said lad

This is a bizarre reply.

>officially and publicly shiat on israel

It greater than the bobel piss prize desu

What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?

You have no choice. Politicians are chosen for you. When Revelation happens I will be thrilled. You guys will be SO FUCKED you'll never know what hit you

>Fucking up foreign policy more than all the previous presidents combined.
How? W blew the middle east up and he had to try and keep it together somehow.

What's your opinion of the SE Asian pivot?

>Hillary Clinton's corruption
What corruption? It's all fucking hearsay and innuendo. "She met with a nobel prize winner while Sec of State, WHAT IS SHE HIDING?!"

Stop being a leaf.

A foreign and domestic policy failure of fucking biblical proportions all the while being reasonably well liked by the majority.

You're a bizarre country and an illiterate I guess. Nice try Shlomo. Muh hypocrisy

>It's all fucking hearsay and innuendo.

What's it like to be willfully ignorant about the world?

>Saving the economy from collapse in 2009
giving billions to wall st. and big banking . He saved nothing . His legacy will be nothing .
He is loathed and hated by billions of people around the world . A total and complete incompetent fool who took a lot of free vacations . He will fade into obscurity .

The worst black president America will ever have

High school history textbooks are going to call Obama a middling President that didn't get to accomplish all his progressive goals while forgetting he oversaw the expansion of US military operations into more countries than under Bush and the National Security/Surveillance state beyond anyone's expectations.