Requiring identification excludes people of color from voting.

Even wrestling superstar turned conspiracy theorist navy seal governor, Jesse Ventura and the hottest journalist alive, Abby Martin (I love her), agrees.


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You're a fucking idiot.
Mexico has voter ID laws and voter ID cards.


that is not an argument

they are still oppressing parts of the country that cannot get IDs because the local government of those areas will not issue identification

many poor people living in ghettos work too much to be able to have time to sit at the department of licensing

some of them are illiterate and cannot fill out paperwork or have too low an IQ

and many illegal aliens cannot vote because they are afraid of being deported

have you ever gone to the DOL or DMV in a ghetto like Compton?! its a fucking zoo


>step aside Abby Martin, Gayane Chichakyan is here to redpill the west

you literally have nothing on abby

>afraid of being deported
As they should be. They aren't really citizens, so they shouldn't be fucking allowed to vote.

who else has a sexy low and sultry voice as her?!

no one she is the best and will always be and will age like wine into her 50s

You sure about that?

>black people can't have an ID
Racist Shill btfo


but they fucking live there and therefore have the right to make decisions about their government

illegals are part of America and excluding them from government is both xenophobic and racist

>Many illegals cannot vote because they are afraid of being deported

You're god damn right. We need ids to really discourage it as well.

Everyone can get an ID. Not being able to afford it is just a bad meme that nobody buys.

You need an ID to do anything else government-related in this country. Why the fuck is this such a big deal?
this video sums it up nicely I think

>implying people of color don't have ID's when local governments offer programs to get them at a reduced or fully paid price and would merely require them to wait in line and take a photo and wait a few weeks
>implying blacks aren't capable of doing this

I fucking hate Finns. They're an Sup Forums meme and should stay that way.

Overrated trash

>their government

It's not THEIR government if they're not legal citizens, you fucking nimrod.


No, they are occupying illegally. They are going to be deported soon for not following the law. People who don't follow the law aren't part of the community. That's why jail/deportation exists.
Their government is in Mexico, etc, wherever they came from. Nice try.

Either you are a troll or not from Finland and using proxy to argument

Mene vittuun apina, et taida edes osata Suomea, jos osaat niin kerro miten sanot apina kun puhut monesta.

lol nice bait

jesse ventura is a liberal faggot

>parts of the country that cannot get IDs because the local government of those areas will not issue identification
What about the programs that givenout free ids that also come with the voter id laws?

Im gonna move into your house without your permission and demand the ability to make decisions on how the house is run.

>They outspent me, but I was able to debate them and that’s when Minnesota saw what a third option—one with socially liberal and fiscally conservative values—could do for the state.

Bet he'll be whining when MN becomes a red state


abby even has her own fucking podcast with her brother where she BTFO out of everybody especially 911 Bush apologists and her brother is a mad chill ambient electronic music artist

video she introduced me to that proves 911... Bush is caught off guard when a journalist confronts him directly about having prior knowledge

he almost has a fucking aneurism as he tries to lie through his teeth and the awkwardness is so palpable in the room that you can hear the collective sigh of relief when someone breaks the silence after his BS answer totally saving him

This, if they have ID for dem programmes they can get ID to vote.

>All voter ID bills have included provisions of ID for free

>Even niggers will tell you they always are carrying ID for when the police stop them, libs just ignore this and assume bullshit

you are just a faggot with proxy

I'm pretty sure even in Somalia you have to show your ID in order to vote.

Voter Id laws are racist?

Hm...that's NOT what black people say....

no jails and prisons exist to feed the PRIVATE industrial prison complex with non violent drug offenders

you humble fucking faggot

I never understood this argument. How can a full grown adult not have some sort of ID? A drivers license, work ID etc. It's not racist, but it does discriminate against worthless dregs I suppose.

The Federal government will literally send people money to get state IDs if they promise to use them to get a job as part of the vocational rehab program. Only the laziest unemployed welfare dependents are unable to get a state ID.


Well I'm a spic and I have an ID

>Abby Martin (I love her)


Mabye POC should join the rest of the civilized world and get an ID

Imagine that

Liberals think you're too stupid to get an ID

stfu you spoiled oil money brat

hey faggot we are on an American board dont give me this you are not real FInnish bullshit

NO, im not some somali monkey and my finnish is horrible and rusty because i lived in the states for 20 years and came hear to study cause its free because im a citizen and dont want american college debts you fucking racist faggot but BTW im half finnish and half
American white mix of german british and whatever

hyva uutta voita =3

>Requiring identification excludes people of color from voting.
Only if you treat people of color like incompetent fucks

>some of them are illiterate and cannot fill out paperwork or have too low an IQ
And they'll vote for the candidates after reading their manifestos and govermental records and deciding which one best repesents their interests right?

Lmfao such a salty little bitch

>many illegal aliens cannot vote because they are afraid of being deported
They can not vote because they are illegal aliens.

It's not that hard to comprehend.


BECAUSE maybe you are black and in the ghetto and your crack addict mom never sent you to school and you cant fucking read

that is great but that does not happen everywhere

more like im going to escape brutal mass executions and drug ware violence and living in a dirt hut to come wash all your dirty dishes for 12 hours a day for 6 dollars and hour and you dont even appreciate it

no they just wanted someone outside the establishment

theyre not everywhere that is too optimistic man

stfu why do you keep saying that stawp

nope sorry im white and it shouldnt matter you racist dog

>two black people disagree so your argument is invalid

you spoiled pig, some people actually are living in true hardships that your little head cannot even fucking imagine so quit with your millennial trendy privileged bs

whats a noc?

Wow. Usually libs cover up their racism better.

Voter ID laws do not suppress minorities.


>tldr: white liberals "muh rayciss id laws", while the blacks in the video have no problem with them

If someone's IQ is that low we don't want them influencing our laws. Also illegal immigrants should fear being deported, they're breaking the law.

>BECAUSE maybe you are black and in the ghetto and your crack addict mom never sent you to school and you cant fucking read

Whoa whoa whoa who said you had to be black racist scum

I've never heard a valid explanation of how voter ID laws are racist.

Nor have I heard a good reason as to why we shouldn't deport 30 million illegals

>oil money
>finnish education

>not America
Discarded opinion. Voter ID is what my country needs.

I seriously don't understand how people are still anti-voter ID.

It's not racist, at all. Places that require voter IDs supply them for free. It takes, what, $1.75 for bus fare?

It doesn't exclude any actual citizen.

Yet, you need an ID for all other shit -- even buying a gun.

I don't care where illegals come from. I want them to come in legally.

Bullshit, I live in a third world hell hole, voting is obligatory and not optional, and if you don't show your ID, you do not get to got and get told to go fuck yourself.

>you spoiled pig, some people actually are living in true hardships that your little head cannot even fucking imagine so quit with your millennial trendy privileged bs
If they're suffering such hardships why don't they ask the Federal government for help in finding a new job?

again, they are part of your society accept it

I lived in an agricultural based city for a year in the states and half of the population were illegals they are settled there in every definition except by some stupid law some fucking faggot wrote down somewhere without considering what human beings really go through

Mexicans work the shittiest jobs you will absolutely refuse to work and they work harder than you would ever imagine for less money than you could ever believe and help many white people get VERY rich, yet they receive no acknowledgment and are treated as scum

when trump kicks out all the Mexicans just watch how all your fucking food will be twice as expensive and how white kids will wine so hard when they are forced to do the jobs Mexicans gratefully

I hate them using me as a shield

"Work the jobs you refuse to work."

No, they don't work at all.

Those that do work, work in construction. A largely black dominated field.

Try again with your shit bait.

Illegals cannot work. Its illegal for them to.

So, if they're too low IQ to fill out their FUCKING NAME, height, address etc, they are still qualified to vote?

isn't it racist to say black people are too stupid to get an ID?

If you can't read maybe you should learn how before you start voting. Baby steps La-ah.

>many poor people living in ghettos work too much to be able to have time to sit at the department of licensing
Can't find for 30 min once every 10 years.
Nope I refuse to believe that is actually a thing.

India has voter ID laws with a billion people.

Yeah, we have them, they are quite useful also, they can be used as official ID documents for any bureaucratic procedure.


>they are still oppressing parts of the country that cannot get IDs
what parts are those? please fill me in.

"Illegal aliens can't vote"
Yea.... that's kinda the fucking point

>explanation of how voter ID laws are racist.

The soft bigotry of low expectations that libs have towards those they claim to champion.

Mexico also has a wall to keep illegals out. It's only racist when Whites demand to have equal sovereign rights that their neighbors have.

better news waifu coming through

Shit. If voter ID happens, in 2020 I'll only be able to vote for Trump once in each precinct.

>Requiring identification excludes people of color from voting.
How. They're not barred from getting the ID they need.

Jesse Ventura wants to abolish poitical parties OY VEY ebil nazi!

Voter fraud isn't real but Russian hackers stealing the election is?

Damn I guess the nazis really did take hold in Mexico

>parts of the country that cannot get IDs because the local government of those areas will not issue identification
So the parts of the country that only exist in your imagination. Got it.

One chimp exhibit doesn't make a zoo.

>Requiring identification excludes people of color from voting.

Illegals cant vote. We need voter ID because criminals will usually lie.

also, go fuck yourself Norway.

>Go out to get something to eat
>Wait, better ask if the termites want anything while I'm out, since they're a part of my home

If you're so much of a lazy nigger/spic that you can't manage to get a state-issued ID (also necessary to purchase Newport cigarettes and Hennessy), you don't deserve to vote dem.

even russia has better voter ID laws and oversight than the fucking US

Your waifu a shit

>Baby steps La-ah
Lol this isn't facebook you're not going to be taken seriously with that and op is a retard that unironically believes that voter id is racist because he thinks blacks are too busy being stupid and shooting eachother to apply for voter id

The people who support illegals just hate lower class Americans

>Being concerned about being taken seriously in a b8 thread

So... ghetto scum, retards, illegals, and other worthless trash can't vote.

I am severely struggling to see a problem with this.

I grew up on a farm. I know how hard it is. I have literally, not figuratively shoveled shit. It's not fun but has to be done.

Food should already cost twice as much as it does now.

mexico doesn't have niggers that can't read tho

They want a new slave class.

And if you look at history the same party supported slavery then, and now they have better marketing.

Don't you need an ID to get welfare? Why not for voting?

I am forever ashamed that we elected Ventura governor

>Voter ID is raycis
>What do you mean you need to have an ID for literally everything else in America?
Shut up Finland, you aren't real.

Omg wait, American democracy is for white Americans only? Who knew!?

>They want a new slave class.
Those trips

Its like the claim that Europe needs the refugees for economic growth. Most of these nations have youth unemployment in the 20-30 percentile range. How is taking in thousands of poorly educated people that can't speak the language and have no desire to assimilate going to help that situation? Especially since automation is going to eliminate most of the jobs those refugees were going to get anyway.

Also if population growth is the determining factor of economics then how will these nations bleeding youth ever recover? Mass breeding? I thought overpopulation was a major issue.

again a couple people with a different OPINION does not debunk this issue

1. You are a prejudice, elitist, piece of shit that probably lives with his mom.

>illegal immigrants should fear being deported
You are the vile putrid scum of this earth you fascist Nazi gestapo bastard. NO HUMAN should have to live in fear of the state for working hard and contributing more to society than your pathetic ass that sits on /pol and spews hate and venom all day. You are probably a lonely spiteful bastard that has no love in your life and will most likely die a lonely sad death with no one at your side or funeral.

Ghettos are institutionalized areas of cities MEANT to oppress black people, especially in the south where they made special zoning laws in the 50s for blacks with the Jim Crow laws.


Voter fraud is a myth all you need is a name. It should be done on facebook for fuck sakes. And it is easy in some places but in others the department of licensing is extremely difficult to get to and they make it obscenely difficult on purpose in areas with a high population of minorities just so they wont vote.

I understand but our government is failing us in so many ways that people have to take matters in their own hands in all kinds of ways. Often, people have to resort to breaking the law because of issues of survival or health. Example is people having to get medication that doctors refuse to prescribe because of dumb ass pharma being greedy bastards.

>Bullshit, I live in a third world hell hole, voting is obligatory and not optional, and if you don't show your ID, you do not get to got and get told to go fuck yourself.

You said it yourself. Thats one reason it is a 3rd world hellhole.

>Requiring identification excludes people of color from voting.
All the supervisors of elections require ID to vote so we know it's a lie when idiots make these stupid claims

The GOP voter suppression laws prohibit voting with most photo IDs, even if they're issued by the government.