To recap, Sup Forums memed a man into the white house, got Britain out of the EU, and triggered a shitload of liberals...

To recap, Sup Forums memed a man into the white house, got Britain out of the EU, and triggered a shitload of liberals. Hate to ask it, but what is pol's future in 2017?

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Poltards for President 2028

Crowdsourced space program to Mars

Today on my way to school I saw a truck full of klansman drag a black student out of class saying "no school for niggers" then hanged her from a tree and forced Mexican students to beat her lifeless body with sticks at gun point saying "here's your piƱata beaners". I ran inside where I saw men in MAGA hats lining up the lgbt students and shooting them while Donald Trump himself raped a muslim student to death then feasted her corpse. I'm literally shaking. P.S. I filed a police report but they said everything I witnessed is now legal.

Just like SA cucks are in governmental positions at the moment, we are not too far off from the original batch of 4channers holding influential government positions around the globe. Fun times ahead.

Can't wait

Jesus Christ, Trump really is president, isn't he?

I still can't fucking believe it! This feels so surreal:

I dont knos about 2017, but in 2020 Sup Forums will meme Hillary into the White House

We're going to make magic real.

Get Marine le pen elected.... also get merkel the fuck out of germany...

Believe it mein nigger.
Europe is next in line to regain its greatness.

Sup Forums is planning to hoax a flying saucer crash in Ukraine. Maybe we could get in on that.

Make Anime REAL,

We don't have plans. Kek reveals himself and we meme it into existence.


>in 2020 Sup Forums will meme Duterte into the White House

>pol's future in 2017?
Too make it acceptable and legal to lynch niggers in the street again

Make real people fake- oh wait.


Lord Kek will get the US out of the UN.

Shut it you spineless cuck

Of course you realize this is all a French conspiracy to get rid of the Anglosphere once and for all.
>we even managed to get the Russians accused

More of the same.

>implying France is capable of anything
Crawl back up your own ass, Jacques.

continue to meme trump sworn in as president as well as pizzagate