I-is he gonna be alright Sup Forums?

i-is he gonna be alright Sup Forums?

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That was painful to watch 2bh. If he martyrs himself people will get mad like never before.

None of us are by the way things are going now. But we can stop it.

I'm the depressed broken nihilist he speaks of, and I realize I'm a detriment to reality and being, but I need to change and by God if this man isn't helping me then there's no hope for me.


I hope so



God, what a broken man. He speaks of the I'll nature of tribal identity, but all I see in his eyes is a lost soul panging to be a part of something bigger than itself.

Literally who

Only the man to save Western civilisation.


The last real hero


>or Two

>Or two Jews?



>The group must unite, but under the banner of the individual
Couldn't agree more.

What denomination is Peterson, if any?

Oh shit that's the professor that was swarmed by SJWs. Jesus christ he looks terrible I didn't recognize him

Fools? on Sup Forums ? Impossibru

Apparently so, my brother



Checked! Maybe this is a good sign?


I have to leave


I was an undergrad student of his. According to prof Peterson that's the face of decades of smoking. Don't smoke.

This. I hope he's alright.

> 777
he gonna be just fine

Who is he though genuinely

Watch his Yt stuff. It will change your life. And not that SJW shit I mean his philosophy lectures.

He'll be fine. He's Canadian. You faggot don't seem to really understand just how tough we actually are.

See: Dieppe

>See: Dieppe

Are you talking about battle? You lost.

Is he as cool as he appears in the vids?

He's absolutely brilliant, watch the podcast with Joe Rogan for starters.

If I wanted to listen to a sermon I'd go to church.

You're a huge faggot.

Professor of psychology at a leaf uni, but actually someone who read a lot of literature and philosophy and manages to unite it in a very compelling way.
Watch his lectures. He doesn't teach in a "this is a, from that follow b, so we conclude c"-way, so it takes some getting used to, but it's very compelling and thought provoking.

He is currently ostracised because he is standing up to the madness that has become the leaf and he got swarmed by SJWs about pronouns stuff which he refuses to use and think is dangerous that they are getting enforced in the law.
Long story short, he has studied identity and how it functions and his basic idea is that identity is constantly negotiated, it's something between you and the world, you don't get to pick your identity otherwise you can self-identify as an actual attack helicopter or a dentist or a five year old unchecked, and that this isn't how identity works.

>tips fedora only reads Schopenhauer and Karl Popper.


Toronto University threatened to fire him at least 2 times. I believe he will be fired very soon.

It's maddening. Goes to prove that university isn't about learning you how to think critically but about how to be brainwashed into a good little activist.

I bought his self-authoring suite and if he gets fired, fuck you all autists for calling it shilling and calling me a cuck, but I'm donating to his patreon.

Eh, there's still hope. They haven't fired him yet and have in fact allowed the debate to happen.

Yes. His vids are really just the lectures he gives in class even after many years.

That debate was a sham and he still won. The university set it up as a 2.5 against one (the 0.5 being a partial moderator to the SJWs)

There is no university in all western world to learn about humanities. Zero.
If you want to study anything about philosophy, psychology or history you have to study by yourself.

But user, they were equally showing all sides. Reality just has a liberal bias.

He shouldn't go to these debates. He should instead sue the communist university for subverting, censoring and manipulating the students and teachers.

Hell be fine.

Kek wills it.

Yeah, but it was risky in a legal sense from their viewpoint. I don't care if it was complete bullshit, it happening means that they can be influenced.

I like him but I wish he would invent his own terms instead of using things like "God" or "Hell" and confusing people. He says he believes in Hell but he doesn't mean the actual place with fire and shit, me means more of a psychological place that we can end up. seriously come up with your own words.

He explains why he does this though, so I don't mind. It's a way to capture something that has been known by humanity for a very long time. This guy is trying to speak in archetypes, which are quite the interesting concept.

maybe he believes in a real Hell with fire and suffering but he can't say in public otherwise he will be fired for Christian Supremacy and appear on the cover of Toronto Sun as "Bible believer threatens the minds if canada's youth"

>Trudeau scary of the rise of bible believers in Toronto. Ask for less violence and hatred against the LGBTQRWRCLF community.
>The opinion of Abdul Al-Said: "This will not be tolerated in 2017".

Liberal voters actually think this. They also think that Harris still holds the pens that Wynne uses to sign away Ontario's coffers to her buddies.


he's going to be talking with sam harris about god soon

what if his definition of tribalism is simply "savage, uncivilized" ?

Complete saturated 120% autism. Sad human being and a fucking bigot.

Christ, he looks like fucking shit. Hope he gets better.

I was checking his recommended book list


It's very good except for Carl Jung. He could have included Chesterton because he exposed liberalism and socialism rising in the 20th century




Canada Broke him.


The Jews are trying to get to him. Or maybe the trannies.


Jordan Peterson, the hero of western civilisation.

> Everyone reads nietzsche wrong.
> Nihilism is a mental illness
> Modern education has ruined generations
> EVERYTHING HAS MEANING, nothing can be more scary

Required Viewing:
> 2014 Personality Lecture

His patreon campaign is going pretty well. He obviously found a lot of support. Good for him.

>Nietzsche the one who exposed nihilism but also further nihilistic ideas in our society

I find it interesting how he starts crying at this line:

> A close reading of 20th century history indicates the horrors that accompany loss of faith in the idea of the individual.

I mean I understand that he's passionate about his work, but it's not exactly the kind of statement you'd normally consider a tear-jerker. I suppose he's conjuring up images in his head of concentration camps and such, but there's something uncanny seeing someone react so emotionally to an idea that I myself had a completely cool-headed and logical response to...

I disagree. I got a Jesuit education and the philosophy I was taught eventually led to the red pill. The good places are out there. They just aren't talked about.

check his patreon.
> $12,000 per month

he's going to be fine

> Everyone misquotes Nietzsche, when they say "god is dead" they exclude the real meaning of the sentence.
> "God is dead, and i fear we lack the water to wash away the blood"
> They miss the point that, WE KILLED GOD

He knows he is fucked.

I don't know but you can't get redpilled in a Jesuit University. It's impossible because they have to make money

A course which truth is the ultimate goal would have 0 students and no one would pay for it.

>$12,000 per month

Well... define ''fine''

i found this.
i wasn't sure exactly what he was seeing in our future, i can guess tho.

Again, the money won't matter if he ends up working himself into a coma or worse.

can some rich fag donate $100 a month for the 1 hour convocation and stream it.

Let him know his army is assembling and await orders.
Let him know in the shadows there are still those that hold principle paramount.


>Dr. Peterson moves to United States
>get's 3000 students in his first day
>Start an anti-LGBT movement
>Suddenly George Soros becomes worried
>Sends his liberal zombies to kill him
>Since he is in the US he carry a .38 Special
>Kill the zombies
>Receives a medal from Trump

Best timeline.


- This concept of the 'divine individual as solution to the problem of nihilism and totalitarianism' is interesting. I certainly understand its value as a counterweight to totalitarianism, but I'm not really sure how it solves the nihilist problem.

- The idea of Christianity as the ultimate mythological representation of the 'divine individual' is not really fleshed out very much. Actually I don't think it's explained at all. I think I see where he's going with it (i.e. an individual man as savior of collective humankind) but it would be nice if he'd explained it rather than asked us to take it at face value.

- His point that the masculine represents 'the individual' and the feminine represents 'the mother and child' is correct. Femininity is basically inseparable from childrearing and progressives will need to make peace with this in one form or another, lest they be complicit in endless utopian schemes that make people miserable.

- The idea of responsibility vs. "rights" is bang-on, and I've had this thought independently myself. Political freedom is important but it's totally inadequate in itself; idea that 'the good' begins and ends at 'freedom from such and such' is basically a license for profound selfishness and degeneracy "as long as I'm not hurting anyone else." The problem with this liberal "do what you want as long is it doesn't hurt anyone else" thing is that everything you do ultimately affects someone else in some way; you can't really have a decent society without codifying some responsibility to help others.

- The concluding message, that we make a better world by listening to our conscience and having the courage to work on what we know we must do as individuals, is very on-point and, I would say, almost precisely the thing our current discourse is lacking. It seems that morality in the current era has been reduced to matters of group dynamics; the idea of individual responsibility has been lost.

>that we make a better world by listening to our conscience
That's wrong conclusion. Listening to this

One of the main problems with Peterson is that he isn't a philosopher and he hasn't written a book that could be considered as an encyclopedia of his ideas. Let me try:

>how does the concept of the divine individual solve the nihilist problem
I think it's because you can be sure of nothing else than what you do experience. It's the whole "I think therefore I am", except by "thinking", Descartes back then meant a way larger array of experiences that you can trace in yourself. So the individual is the one thing you can never truly do away with, even if you are a nihilist/nothingist.

>christianity as the best embodiment of the divine individual
This is something in his other videos, the divine individual = christ. Also the whole responsibility thing, Christ accepts the suffering of the cross and carries it to the end, thus takes responsibility for it, and that's what saves humanity from it's sin.

>masculine is 1, feminine is 2 (mother and child)
I've always been into esoterism and funnily enough that happens there a lot as well. My internal reaction was to be like "no! how dare you say I am not an individual" (i'm an xx) - I think the way girls are raised these days continually puts the emphasis on them being an individual (badass princesses and role models, "leia showed me you can kick ass and be a princess", etc.). So the knee-jerk against this is very strong, yet it's just biology. So I'm interested to see how he develops that. It's true that women as a whole have only been able to experience that "one-ness" since recent times.

>responsibility vs right
He did lose me on that point a bit, because in my eyes SJWs start out from the idea that they want to help people that suffer, but those people that suffer are only black, LGBT+ etc. I think you could pitch them as "good intention but went full tribalist", no?

>concluding message
I feel like few people still have a conscience desu

He fights the terrible beast called nihilism at the heights of despair. He is the last son of the west.

/leftypol/ is reading this thread and trying to subvert Dr. Peterson

Delete this thread and make a new one after they leave

The kike witches pulling the strings of the SJW's couldn't allow someone to BTFO their mindless horde and go unscathed.

Kill yourself

Nietzsche wanted to defeat nihilism, but was driven insane by it.

It's okay user, happy new year.


/leftypol/ collecting data

He looks like he needs to eat something, and get some sunshine and fresh air.

Thanks. An interesting take. He's a big fan of Jung, is probably where the esotericism comes in.

He's all alone - 'individual' reminds him of that.

The problem is that he uses language in a manner a lot like a pastor. In the mind of the lesser educated members of society the sort of language he uses is either lost entirely on them or requires cognitive processing to make sense of, of course the rate at the delivery is too high for that to take place so people will zone out.

The concepts are fairly easy to comprehend for even the simplest minds, I'd wager in fact that its easier for simpler minds to accept what hes saying if he toned down the academia. In effect the people he could reach are out of his range where as the people that are within the range of being able to comprehend our out of reach due to their own biases, egos, and desires.

For example he says something like 'the divine individual takes primacy in the masculine due to the heavy burden placed upon the feminine for reproduction...." he then goes on to say how he can see the confusion but doesn't recognise his own over the top language is to fault, the irony being that of the poorest working classes this is recognised and understood more clearly than at any other level of society, working class fathers know its their job to provide, protect and improve the situation of themselves and those they are responsible for and their wives understand their part in this tapestry.

Its is the middle class educated academics that would criticise this notion as sexist patriarchal bigotry rampant in the underclasses and I have a feeling that this is by design by those above them trying to maintain their position on the top of the power structure, if they understood this concept the wealth they received for their specialist skills may be used in a fashion that would elevate them from the top of the bottom, however we see that middle class 'families' produce emotionally abused and tragically unproductive offspring unable to carry the torch as it were.

He ought to appeal to the masses but I fear that his pride would never allow it.

good riddance

Godspeed leaf friend. I too was the angry nihilist, anti-theist and I found my way out through religion and philosophy. Listing to Prof. Peterson over the last few months has been a huge boost in the way out.

This was certainly not designed for everybody. If Professor wanted to persuade relatively low IQ people he would not have used such language. He seeks clarity and clear language is by necessity complicated. No, he should not appeal to the masses, He should appeal to the individuals who have the cognitive skills required to hold society together in moments of crisis.

He's spewing word salad like a schizo whackjob.

Don't you even recognize a shoop when you see one ?

I've seen a few in my time.

What are you? Stupid? Jewish?

Look, there aren't many people trying to save humanity, but he is one of them!

Have you been living under a rock?

>Invented gender pronouns

Be safe Professor. I worry that SJW agitators are going to disrupt his upcoming lectures.

So he's advocating stateless theocracy based on the we'll natured intent of religious teaching as the basis for ideal human society?

Because that sounds like fairy tale land

You have to stop thinking in political buzzwords m8, Jesus fuck.


I'd almost be surprised but then I see that your from a nation with the most class based system known to man.

There is no point in appealing to those with the heightened cognitive ability because ultimately it is those that lack it that provide the might, and might is right. Society is a fabric of the imagination, there is no force of nature that upholds law, society is merely an illusion created out of consequence, fear, and necessity. If the lower levels of society fully grasped these concepts, even if they lacked the language to convey them as he does then middle class fuckers trying to manipulate the simpleminded into acts of evil, like the feminists of today, would be less able to rally the pawns to their cause.

>. If he martyrs himself people will get mad like never before.
Nope, they will just switch to the next distraction.

They aren't buzzwords, that's a plain words description. Human society in his view should be:
-not nihilistic
-not tribal
-not totalitarian
His logical solution is:
-individual divinity
-individual responsibility
-understanding of the divine to drive these values
-no state to feel allegiance to over the divine
If this is what he's fighting for, he lacks realism