Proof Russia Didn't Hack Election

I totally analyzed the shit out of this and there is NO proof that Russia had anything to do with the DNC hack or the Podesta hack. Please check out my video, subscribe if you want! Thanks for reading.

pretty shit desu and i don't think you grasp how crowdstrike did incident response and drew their conclusions or any fundementals of how the attacks were performed and disected by multiple security analysts.

The attackers used domains, IPs, custom malware and very telltail code artifacts which lead back to one state sponsered actor.

APT29 stands for advanced persistent threat 29 not apartment 29 lol.

Operational infrastructure is 100% a technical term used in information security, it is the C2 etc.

I couldn't make it past 5:30 because you make no sense and have no clue about infosec

For the Podesta attack all they did was send an email that linked to a site that looked like gmail. The didn't even bother registering a similar looking domain name. Any unemployed script kiddie could have pulled this off.


using spearphishing is common for all APT groups because it is an easy win, you're right anyone can do that but the exfil of data and destination of exfil along with other tradecraft used after the breach is how attribution is determined in most cases.

i thought 12yo but may also be grill


Are you talking about an rpg or something

his name was seth rich.

Not having proof isn't proof it didn't happen retarded faggot. I don't believe Russia did anything either. But the way you worded this shit thread pissed me off.


u gay?

no, i work in the information security field. commonly used terms.

>this is a legitimate email

sick guild dude what class do I need to be to join

i've seen business executives fall for worse, but that IT admin? who said it was legitimate (oops i mean illigitimate kek) is an absolute idiot

can u be my ASIS waifu.

Wikileaks has stated that this was a whistleblower and not a hack. That and the apparent phishing are not mutually exclusive.

sure thing my NIS lover.

why is this so cringe.

because gov recruiters suck at life, why anyone would work for asis and earn less than others in the private sector confuses me.

not as funny as the FBI's pic related.


im retarded can someone make an infographic (in paint or w/e) explaining what did mean by his/her/it video

i would try and intemperate it for you but it would be a waste of both of our time.

TL;DR Russia didn't do it because i don't understand IT terminology.

>not maxing health and dex before increasing happiness
>picking security expert easy mode

>skills in gaming

Also who the fuck applies online? We all know thats not how it goes, especially in the 3-letter alphabet soup. Thats not how it goes. lel.

health is not an attribute i would give to my friends in the security field, i'd like to see their source data haha

post mammaries

>libtards: but muh 17 agencies said ruski hackers

how to answer?

I don't recall saying russia did it.. i mean it is highly probable based on crowdstrikes analysis (who i trust as a reliable source) but attribution is difficult.
To be honest i don't care who did it, not my circus and not my monkeys.
My point is OPs video is void of any fact or knowledge in the topic he is talking about.

pretty sure their target audience is university graduates, get them in early to indoctrinate them with bullshit.. I have a feeling anyone who applies will get pushed off to basic military before ever getting anywhere near the asis network.

Hello fellow kids. How about them video games

If the numerals at the end of my post number are the same value you have to be my new gf

Isn't all this analysis based on circumstantial evidence (however compelling it may be)? Could they reasonably convict someone?


Okay if duuvbss I find a gf this year

Okay if dbs I kill myself this year