Did (((they))) kill her because Rogue One was flopping?

Did (((they))) kill her because Rogue One was flopping?

Now Disney can afford over 25 million hindus in their IT dept.

They're going to use those 50 million dollars to reanimate her corpse with computers.
Hopefully it won't be as fat and bloated.

I just hope they won't kill Mark Hamill

Maybe so.

Or maybe and hear me out here.
Hillary managed to squeeze enough mercy on herself and Moloch used Debbie Renolds in place of Hildawg.

The evil gods may not have won but, they aren't fully beaten yet.

Trump killed her with his STAND

damn, she looks like some old porn bimbo

Just felt like posting this

Don't think it's a coincidence

>Rogue One

Yep. Got her mum too to stop her asking for Gibbs and residuals.

Her passing was obviously way overhyped from the beginning. Billboards in USA an shit? Gimme a break.

Only time I saw her she was on a Rv show saying how she regretted being involved with Star Wars and it ruined her life.

Sounds like they suspected--or outright knew--bad things about her health. The insurance company probably insisted on having top physicians examine her to get the policy. I bet the premiums were accordingly high, though, so...maybe they had her killed for the insurance? Knowing they could just use CGI and that they didn't need her after all?

Nothing would surprise me.

Rogue One isn't flopping

ESPN is tho kek

And also to make ppl watch the movie.
The timing is a (((coincidence)))

It didn't flop you alt-right fucktards

From what I understand she had a long period of drug abuse. It was prudent of disney to take out such a policy, considering her past. I am sorry for her but you can't expect to live forever after partying that hard.

Source: The Daily Mail

dont trust the media, dickhead

Doubt it, she did coke for a long time and was generally a shitty person. I expected a stroke personally, but a heart attack is no surprise. Guess we get an off-screen death or CG.

No one is watch it in Aus. Too many Abos And woman's. Not enough Jaja binks.

50m is literally nothing to Disney. Her name and participation into the projection was worth more, specially since somehow Disney managed to put her in line. Probably medication and this finished the job on kill her.not like if she was the healthiest person anyway

She was also a fan of electroshock therapy to treat her BPD

I wonder who could be behind this (protip: its her)

>kill han not leya
>ford survives fisher
What did they mean by this?

What if he dies by """""accident"""""?

$50 million should be just enough to CGI her into the remaining films.

user, it flopped. You know why it's not STILL a flop? Because she died

>Better go see it, it was her last film!! I support!!

have some red pill my friend, we're being lied to

But Rogue One was kinda okay.
Better than the previous.

Right about now, I bet they are regretting not using her for motion capture in Rogue One.

All that facial footage.. Gone..

Like tears, *ugh*,. In the rain.