Repill me on Reddit. Why do you guys hate that website so much?

Repill me on Reddit. Why do you guys hate that website so much?
Also, the narwhal bacons at midnight xD

Echo chamber controlled by jews and used by cucks


The holocaust never happened but I wish it did.

They are liberal cuck faggots. (((reddit))) is propaganda.

Safe space x1000
T_D is the worst.
I occasionally lurk on r/conspiracy sometimes they find good stuff.

>videos of people dying horrible deaths
>can't say nigger

haha I know why you Sup Forumstard DRUMPFKINS dont like reddit... it's because we do not tolerate racist anti semetic bigots. Pic related is you guys, just swap out the Sup Forums for Sup Forums

It's a massive circlejerk. Really that's all there is to it.
Most of that site had their head so far up their ass during the election they thought that Trump didnt stand a chance, and most of them still act this way after losing. They will downvote and ban anyone that says otherwise of their popular opinions.
The one part of the site that wasnt anti-Trump was the most hated sub there and was largely populated by Sup Forums users anyway.

Also, they steal content. Not only that, they steal it then get pissed off when you call them out on it.
Then they come to Sup Forums and try to get anything they dont like banned, because they think this is Reddit or that every site should be like Reddit.

In the end, my opinion is that the site is absolute garbage, but if you want to use it, then fucking go there and stay there and dont come here and complain about anime and how we dont have upvotes.

Unpopular opinions are downvoted into oblivion.
On the other hand on Sup Forums, unpopular opinion givers will be called cucked nigger faggots for the rest of the thread. It's not much better, but the bantz is great.

this, plus a layout that punishes free thought and rewards hivemind mentality.

wtf is bantz?

>being this incapable of using Google

All the good posts are downvoted.

The top post is "hillary is awsome, Trump bad"

I might actually consider it if they let you sort by worst posts.

I found out about leddit when le rage comics xD were a thing.

That shit alone made me not want to go there.

Reddit has got such a lame sense of humor. Every single thread on reddit goes something like this:

>thread opens with some shitty meme picture about fucking Game of Thrones
>someone makes a reference to Game of Thrones (or something?) in the comments
>someone else responds to him, with another reference, but this time HE DOES IT IN CAPS

(pol) is commie Russian propoganda


I will play doubles advocate for a second: its bot bad when you have a random subject and need advice.

For example: a video game challenge you need help with and you will find a detailed thread on or how to make a patio etc.

Anything that touches politics so business science news all are "le ebil repiblicans and heroic democrat" garbage

>le epic puns
>haha username checks out
>lol I wonder what /u/sucksondicks would think of this!

god that place is a shithole. Oh I want to read the reply to this comment? Better scroll down five pages.

The worst is making a comment and knowing that some shitlord is going to go through all your previous posts before responding two days later expecting a "thoughtful" debate that's really just an excuse to strawman some shit you said three months ago about an unrelated topic.

you know sometimes i wonder


its as if its controlled opposition or something, created to dumb down the last fraction of white males that their ever expanding propaganda couldnt hook....

>doubled advocate

Just look at the posts between /r/politics and /r/the_donald.

In a genuine world with genuine opinion, you'd think that a politics board would have a little diversity of opinion... And perhaps some information to back up that opinion. It's a propaganda board.

Because reddit is a shithole filled with extroverted loser autists. They are nothing more than a hivemind constantly labeling each other with random fucking terms for the fake sense of belonging.
>Le amirite my fellow space bacon narwhaelzzz XDDD
>Le us gaymurr geeks XDDD
>G33k culture lolz
>I like supar heero moviz XDDD

Have you ever fucking been there, m8? It's like hell. I get second-hand embarrassment from every post that I see.

>Doubles advocate

Surely you jest

>Triples advocate

It's basically the same as Sup Forums as this point. Fuck this place and fuck all newfag redditors who post the reddit frog and dumb memes here. Cuckservatives on the top of that too.

Sup Forums is dead. Glad you idiots have fun feeling like ebin internet kids and using this graveyard as your meme playground.


OK cuck

And go to cripple chan?

Slow interface and 1000s of shit boards to wad through?

>T_D is the worst

Have you been to /r/politics?

It's just as worse there, probably worse because it's less like a traditional chan and more like a forum.

You can sort controversial

What did kek mean by this?

It's worse because of the constant IP logging and datamining, not like this place is any better though, this one just has 50x more people.

I am a redditor and PROUD! I am also a moderator over at r/hillaryclinton ...
The electoral college is such rigged bullshit lol

Because it's an authoritarian Leftist hugbox. It's also much more insidious than leftypol, because the Marxist influence is semi-mainstream and therefore largely invisible to the university-indoctrinated Millennials who primarily use it.

I still use Reddit, but I've been there since 2010, and I've seen every trick in the book used to censor unwanted opinions, while making said censorship plausibly deniable. Leftists have neither the emotional stomach nor the intellectual skill to defend themselves in arguments, for the most part; so they compensate for that deficiency by immediately branding dissenters as thoughtcriminals and enemies of the people, burying whatever said dissenters say or write, and in some cases trying to destroy said dissenters personally.

Before Reddit, I had no opinion about Marxism. Now I consider it hypocritical, devious, dishonourable, cowardly, authoritarian poison that needs to be tirelessly fought.

Everything is an echo chamber
I was looking on r/politics the other day just to see if it's bad as Sup Forums says. There was a guy who asked how if racism I'd so bad, why is it ok to openly talk trash about white people. The top voted reply was literally because whites "have no culture" and thus can't be harmed by mockery, and the OP was banned shortly after for his "white supremacy"

The users act and write like the biggest cucks imaginable. The humor is so bad and you can get 20k upvotes for bad jokes. Every single place there was a liberal hugbox and the only pro-Trump subreddit is a cesspool full of idiots with the same stupidity as the others.

It sucks

Yeah but its still not the worst. The downvoted ones are people that disagree with the herd.

Most controversial are usually a decent point but it aligns with the sheep

It's not bad, the mainstream subs suck but the small niche ones can be quite good.

/pol is many things. Allowed to say what you want, unlike gay reddit

Kek shitposts loudly too

>doubles advocate

blue-pilled neets who consider an fbi data-mining forum their home.


Google - Jewish-controlled, pro-TPP, openly censors news for Clinton
Yahoo - Jewish-controlled, uses Google search algorithm
Tumblr - Jewish-controlled, SJW hate vortex; owned by yahoo
Reddit - Jewish-controlled, censors viewpoints critical of Islam, Judaism, and anything SJWs object to. Users fight and force SJW CEO Ellen Pao to resign
Facebook - Jewish-controlled, censors conservative individuals and causes, caught red-handed doing so, pro-LGBT, pro-Israel, anti-free speech, pro-TPP
Instagram - owned by Facebook - no need for censorship, as thought has been eliminated in this online ghetto
Twitter - as far as I can tell, SJW Gentile controlled, censors conservatives, pro-BLM, pro-TPP, basically a marketing agency for celebrities for the most part
The Onion - Jewish-controlled, recently purchased by Chaim Saban, leading Zionist sugar daddy for Hillary Clinton

it's a like a whole website run by Canadians

The constant puns are so fucking lame and also the reason I can't stand to browse that place for more than 10 minutes at a time.

barely anyone does though and thats the problem.

I enjoy browsing r/politics from time to time
I find it funny how these sheltered liberals think the world is ending because of Brexit and Trump

>I get second-hand embarrassment from every post that I see.
I get that too

They haven't figured out that respect is a thing earned and not demanded.


Yeah i find it amusing as well. I smile at the all anti trump topics and them attempting to have a convseration about topics they all 100% agree on

I lol'd





Such a stupid name, who came up with this again?

Well those "centipedes" claim to be redpilled.
You bring up jews or 9/11 you get banned.
Niggers, kikes, fags, traps, spics, muslims, all say OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THIS PLACE XDDD. WE HAVE THE SPICIEST MEMES OMG XDDD. It's fucking sick.
r/polotics is bad but T_D is worse for claiming to be WOKE AF XDDD but don't see what is right in front of them. r/polotics is just retarded fucks who are too far gone to reason with.

A follower of Kek, you dumb heretic.

Oh sure, but when I post pictures of ponies I get permabanned.

Bracing for downvotes.

>Community college dropout

Not with those lack of didits, faggot

no it's because Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums

1 step closer to redeeming your country leaf.
top kek

To be fair, you can't bring up Jews or 9/11 because they're trying to spread information on enemy turf. They have to play by some rules, otherwise the community will be destroyed there, and it'll become even worse than it is now.

>Repill me on Reddit. Why do you guys hate that website so much?

Well, my fellow anons ave already eloquently stated why-

>Echo chamber controlled by jews and used by cucks
>It's a massive circlejerk.
>they steal content. Not only that, they steal it then get pissed off when you call them out on it.
>a layout that punishes free thought and rewards hivemind mentality.
>The worst is making a comment and knowing that some shitlord is going to go through all your previous posts before responding two days later expecting a "thoughtful" debate that's really just an excuse to strawman some shit you said three months ago about an unrelated topic.
>Everything is an echo chamber
>I was looking on r/politics the other day just to see if it's bad as Sup Forums says. There was a guy who asked how if racism I'd so bad, why is it ok to openly talk trash about white people. The top voted reply was literally because whites "have no culture" and thus can't be harmed by mockery, and the OP was banned shortly after for his "white supremacy"
>op voted reply was literally because whites "have no culture" and thus can't be harmed by mockery, and the OP was banned shortly after for his "white supremacy"

This is the biggest reason why Reddit sucks

Except calling someone a degenerate cuckold, it doesn't make their post invisible...