Why aren't you vegan yet Sup Forums? There is literally no benefit to eating meat that you cant get in a delicious other way. Plus, ever since I went vegan I
>have more energy throughout the day, even at 1 or 2pm on a work week
>no longer constantly feel the need to sleep
>clearer skin
>running longer and faster than before when playing footy with the lads

I always thought it was a meme but going vegan is the biggest red pill you can take. And as an added bonus to all of the above, you don't feel like shit knowing that you are not contributing to animal cruelty.

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you sound like a faggot


That may be, but I can assure you this faggot is higher energy than you meat eating hormone consuming plebs.

My vegetables go bad too fast
Meat's easier to keep when frozen, Veggies taste like shiet when frozen.
Meat is more affordable (here anyway)
How else will I grow big and strong with out my daily dose of hormones and antibiotics?

not an argument

One more thing, If you were as enlightened as you claim, You would know that vegetables have faces too, and are living breathing thing's of the universe. Monster.

because it's fucking retarded.

the truth is you'd be WAY healthier eating nothing but entire raw animals than you would be eating only plants.

Honestly this time of year the only meat I eat is dear, which I've shot.

t. Vegan gains

>There is literally no benefit to eating meat

I'm on my way to become vegan, not due moral choices but monetary ones. Vegetables are relatively 10x cheaper than everything else here.

As long as you're not a raw vegan moron and you don't deny how important meat-eating was and is to humanity, you're OK.

If you honestly believe that there are no benefits from eating meat, I don't know where to begin refuting you because you are so fundamentally wrong and willfully blind that it beggars belief.

Here's a book that should help you.


>Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human (2009)[1] is a book by British primatologist Richard Wrangham, published by Profile Books in England, and Basic Books in the USA. It argues the hypothesis that cooking food was an essential element in the physiological evolution of human beings. It was shortlisted for the 2010 Samuel Johnson Prize.

>Humans (species in the genus homo) are the only animals that cook their food and Wrangham argues Homo erectus emerged about two million years ago as a result of this unique trait. Cooking had profound evolutionary effect because it increased food efficiency which allowed human ancestors to spend less time foraging, chewing, and digesting. H. erectus developed a smaller, more efficient digestive tract which freed up energy to enable larger brain growth. Wrangham also argues that cooking and control of fire generally affected species development by providing warmth and helping to fend off predators which helped human ancestors adapt to a ground-based lifestyle. Wrangham points out that humans are highly evolved for eating cooked food and cannot maintain reproductive fitness with raw food.

>people actually believe this
Lel. Enjoy your bleeding exploding asshole everytime you take a shit

How the fuck im supose to grow ma armz without protein brho?

Man you guys need some reading comprehension classes. You see what meat is doing to your brain? Lol. I never claimed there is no benefit to eating meat.

A benefit to eating meat is it gets rid of my hunger

Oh and btw, i am well aware of the role meat and cooking had in the development of the human brain. It doesn't mean we still need it though. Appeal to tradition fallacy.

A pure vegetable and fruit shake usually keeps me filled up for about 6-7 hours, while eating meat only keep you feeling full for about 4. If dealing with hunger is a big concern going vegan would be better.

The truth though is that humans are so genetically diverse that there is no diet that is perfect for everyone.

Some people will be fantastically healthy with a diet consisting of mostly carbohydrate calories and bare-minimum fat/protein intake.

But many people will be fantasically healthy with a meat-only diet, or similar extreme diets, depending on their individual health conditions.

The truth is that there are huge numbers of people for whom a vegan diet can be extremely dangerous unless they heavily supplement with protein, iron, b6 and more.

Meat is what allowed human beings to develop the brains we have today

going to a pure vegan diet means shit proteins and inadequate vitamins and amino acids

You are literally dumbing down our society and your fad diet only exists because we have a fucking surplus of food

if shit hit the fan youd eat a salted raccoons asshole on a stick

your whole lifestyle is based on "leftist" principles yet cannot even be a genuine diet without the surplus that capitalist societies provide.

No ones going to give you fucking gluten free soy bagels in the fucking bread lines you retarded commie

Weed is vegan right?

>Lol. I never claimed there is no benefit to eating meat.

You said

>There is literally no benefit to eating meat that you cant get in a delicious other way.

My RDA of iron and protein in 300 calories.

>A pure vegetable and fruit shake usually keeps me filled up for about 6-7 hours, while eating meat only keep you feeling full for about 4. If dealing with hunger is a big concern going vegan would be better.

There is nothing wrong with feeling hunger.

Extended self-induced hunger, or fasting, forces the body to ketosis, to use the energy we have stored up. Our ancestors knew the benefits of fasting, which is why it is a feature of every major religion on the planet. Fourteen hours without consuming food is sufficient to give almost anyone a good round of ketogenic energy production.

But you said there is literally no benefit to eating meat, looks like feeling full for 4 hours would be beneficial

1. Vegan =/= vegetarian. Enjoy your vitamin A precusors aka useless vitamin A. Enjoy your future transplant, better move to Canada now.

2. Protein deficiency, plant and soys dont have a whole lot of them.

3. Soys, known for as being thyroid disruptive and estrogenic (hence how feminine you are, i can smell it from the keystrokes) due to phytoestrogens. Your hormone balance will be wrecked.

4. Weaker stomach function (if you dont use it, lose it), translate to slower metabolism. Enjoy being tired all day, better take the sugar-loaded energy drink.

5. Cancer. Refer to point #2.

t. butcher

pic related, its (((((You)))))

Ever notice how everyone gets booty blasted every time someone mentions how good veganism is? Hell i haven't posted one mean thing in this thread and look at all the hate. I think its because meat eaters know deep down we are right and they are wrong. Otherwise I see no other reason for this much booty bother

If you have access to/can afford good quality meat, then eat it, if you don't, like most people, going vegan is the only logical choice.

>haven't posted one mean thing in this thread

Are you sure? Lets see

>implying others "feel like shit" bc muh animal cruelty
>meat eating hormone consuming plebs
>"Lel. Enjoy your bleeding exploding asshole everytime you take a shit"
>hee hee eck dee you so dumb, "need some reading comprehension classes"

Typical victim-LARPING much. Also, the four "pluses" (((You))) pointed out can simply be translated to

>I DRANK A FAT "DIET" LOCAL ORGANIC "no sugar added" (Tm) mcCOFFEE

Noice Fallacy Fallacy M8, Meat is still delicious and still beneficial to humans.

Posted yesterday and people called me effeminate, blue pilled etc

I'd rather you call me mean names than pay money to hurt animals you big meanies!


literal jew

You probably have intestinal worms buddy. Nothing to do with meat

>your whole lifestyle is based on "leftist" principles yet cannot even be a genuine diet without the surplus that capitalist societies provide.
If shit hit the fan, he wouldn't be able to keep meat down and would probably die.

Pic related- there is plenty of tasty convenient food out there that is vegan.

My friend tried to convince me to go vegan...after a day of listening to him...he might be in better shape then me but vegans are retarded

>have more energy throughout the day, even at 1 or 2pm on a work week
are you shitting me? when i went vegan all i thought about was eating, eat eat eat, and i could never fill up, i felt weak all the time and felt like shit, no wonder vegans are asshats
>no longer constantly feel the need to sleep
no shit, i'm always fucking hungry
> clearer skin
hairy as fuck anyway
> running longer and faster than before when playing footy with the lads

OP, you must kill yourself with haste

I didn't know veganism was a political party.

How often do you cook?
I'm vegan but rarely have the time to cook at daytime.
Do you happen to know a site with 'fast food' recipts?

Same thing with lefties

-Science: Global warming is a thing ya know, now fund my research.
-Lefties: Fuck yeah science.

-Science: Vegan diet is bad for you, our digestive systems are not designed that way.
-Lefties: But i feel fantastic, and everyone in my Facebook friend list is doing it.

>Science, true whenever it's convenient.

>i changed my diet and i feel great!!!
lol this is your body running off of fat stores instead of you force-feeding it carbohydates like a typical fat fucking american. once you run out of that, it will transition into starvation mode. you're going to start suffering. you'll be constantly hungry. you'll discover you now need to eat three or four times the mass of your "healthy vegan" bullshit that you had to eat before. you'll start getting fatigued after moderate physical labor. you'll lose muscle mass, and start to look like a skeleton, sullen and darkened eyes included. you'll probably double down, though, because your brain won't be functioning correctly anymore; there is little hope for breaking the conditioning.

i bet a woman put you up to it.

Humans have been eating meat since before the dawn of civilization. Meat is just protein and water soluble fats. Your body is biologically adapted to consume meat.
>more energy
>clear skin
That's 100% anecdotal, you fucking retard. Eating meat doesn't negatively impact your skin or your energy output.
Suffering is a law of life. Humans are animal. Killing get my dick hard.

I was vegan for about two months. Very hard but I was getting results.

At the time I was lifting weights and trying to bulk. Bulking while vegan is incredibly hard. Could barely eat the required food, but I was hardly consuming any grams of fat.

>tldr; was vegan for 2 months, got to expensive and was hard to keep up with now I'm fat again

7/10 would try again

The only way to be a healthy vegan is to eat an obscene amount of beans/peas/lentils and nuts + vegetables like broccoli + spinach and to be mindful of what nutrients you might be lacking and take a supplement if necessary.

We live in 2017.

If you're not getting enough Vitamin D, go get some supplement powder to add to your smoothies.

Same with any other vitamins.

The whole

>Dead flesh got vitamins beans dont!

Argument is tired and dead.

>/vegan general/
Not sure how being vegan is politically incorrect, but aight.

Vegans can't cook. That's why they're vegan.

That being said, i impressed my vegan friend last night by making vegan cheese dip that actually (almost) tasted like cheese. Even non-vegan SO ate it up. When I told her how to make it she got confused and angry.


I like meat though. Food is one of life's pleasures, becoming a vegan deprives me of steak and other delicious foods. If you need to get rid of meat just to have energy something is wrong with you.

>Lets not eat "traditionally", animals have feeling too
>Switch to a destructive eating fad
>Popping pills to stay healthy despite being barely 30s.

Veganism is a tired and dead meme.

also what's the deal with Seventh Day Adventists being vegan for "religious reasons".

Does "land of milk and honey" not exist to them?

Animal cruelty gets me off, so I'm doing 2 things at once

You are correct, but i'm personally disgusted of the ingrediens the food consists and most things are full of chemicals to make it more tasty instead of filling

It's not perfectly healthy but who's got a perfect lifelong diet?
I know of the longterm 'risks' but didn't take any harm so far, am not too fat/skinny and feel healthier/better than before - no matter if it's placebo or real

>Seventh Day Adventists

They're basically Jesus kikes.

Edit: vegan's that try to convince others of guilt are retards and it's the same for people complaining about 'unhealthy veganism' while not living perfectly healthy

Usually i don't ever mention that i'm vegan because everybody should make their own decisions, but i ALWAYS get 'the look' when i decline meat or order something vegan when eating with others outside

Look at them back even harder.


Key word. Fags that yell the loudest about their homosexuality are in the same vein as OP. If you dont want chemicals, buy organic, veggies are already costly per weight anyway. Rather than having a healthy discussion about diet they have to slap labels from the top of their lungs "animals cruelty", from their moral high ground. Normal diet or vegetarianism is better, eat for your body, not for the fagbook's brag.

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