Should the morbidly obese be harvested to make soap and bio-diesel?

Should the morbidly obese be harvested to make soap and bio-diesel?

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Yes i think thats the only purpose for white americans

Well be curing that in 5-10 years time.

I know it because ill be the one doing it

My bmi is 42 obese but I swear I don't look it

Wouldn't even want to try rescuing one from a burning building. Harvesting for soap? Fuck no.

As is they had any other use.

I'd be totally ok with that, but I would give everyone an ultimatum to get help or else, everyone except niggers that is.

There comes a point where someone gets so fat that they can't leave their house without a wall or two being removed. It's simply not possible to rescue people like that during a fire, and chances are their body fat is what's fueling the blaze.

But fat people are like impervious to injury. They are literally like a pillow or an airbag.

In determining how fat someone is, I've developed a scale I call the burning building factor. Would you want to rescue that from a burning building? 1-10.

would grab the cats instead

I pulled a big fucking dude around the station and down a ladder at the training building for vol 1

but there's no way I could get a grip on something like that

>American Freedumb: The Movie

That's on my scale now.

fucking americans are nasty

yes, I have only met two obese people that were intelligent and functioning members of society

and even then they knew they had health problems and tried to maintain it to some degree

99% of morbidly obese people, the people that 'let themselves go' are also mentally deficient, they really have no sense of awareness

morbid obesity is a symptom of a truly degenerate society and they tend to be idiotic cows, the absolute scum of the earth, always selfish, always thinking of the next drink, meal, or game to play or show to watch

there's nothing wrong with weight but my god the real fat pigs that live and breed out in the bottoms of society make me so fucking mad, I know these people and I know some people know what I'm talking about, they're just mindless bipedal pigs with the most undeserved sense of egoism and entitlement


That woman literally will not eat anything but cheese and potatoes. She can't stand meat either. I can't remember if she eats desserts or not though.

Pretty sure I read years back somewhere about some American guy who died in his bed in an upstairs room. He was so fucking fat it was impossible to get his carcass out, so they had to take apart the roof and lift it out with a crane.

They should be rendered down in armaments factories and their fat made into filler for explosive shells to blow up the Muslim invaders.

Why didn't they just cut up the carcass and remove it piece by piece?

Ayyyy... it's Cheezy-potatoes lady. How she didn't die on a diet of nothing else is beyond me.

I cannot comprehend the logistics of this. How can a person this fucking fat use the toilet or wipe their ass?

I guess they lacked a sociopath who would have suggested it

There was also a story about a woman who lived on a couch for 10yrs. Day came that her health was such she had to go to the hospital. Paramedics show up for transportation purposes and find the fabric of the couch is embedded in her skin. The whole couch goes to the hospital. During the operation to remove the fabric from her skin, she died. Goodtimes.

damn, dude, just looking at brussel sprouts makes my mouth water

definitely going in my doomsday garden

I have a feeling someone else has the misfortune of wiping her ass for her.

I suppose that and an electric chainsaw would have been an easier way to go about it.

Jeez, it's like a shitlord convention in here. Pic attached as a civil reminder.

My BMI is 32 and I look like 30 kilos lighter than I actually am.
People are genuinely surprised when I tell them how heavy I am.

fuck. watching that brush disappear into her leg was unsettling

I bet the mortician will find all kinds of shit in those folds


Instead of doing that with the obese, why don't we just do that with aborted fetuses? Same thing really, plus we have the ability to control means of production rather than waiting on someone to get fat enough to use for biofuel.

who is that semen demen???????????!

Sup Forums BTFO

She lost a fuckton of weight.
Pic related is her.

hell, my BMI is 76 and I look normal.

>you will never be so fat that you can push a dimple into your forehead

>validating fat tubs of shit

Disgraceful m8

That's not Human.

It's not part of the Human species
It's just not.

hhen you gotta cure cancer

The effects of chemo


Etc etc

Honesty I'd rather someone put me out of my misery.

I'll wait until they cure death instead of living in agony

>be fat
>use the same rag on a stick to both wipe your ass and to wash yourself

Yeah I like them too, don't know what all the hate is about. Cabbage as well is an underrated vegetable.

Levy a Fat tax
Pay a scaled levy for every percentage you are in the "morbidly obese" bracket.

I think so.

Gluttony is a sin after all.

Lucien 100% correct.

Wait, you a legit researcher?

Any details on your obesity research?



Dear diary.
Today, the ass was fat.

That's clearly one of them autralians that evolved to survive car crashes

No. Repulsive suggestion. They should be thrown into an arena. There they will be forced to eat each other to survive.

After this thread I'm watching My 600 Pound Life on TLC. This show is dark as fuck. I recommend.

She became one with the couch, user. She had reached a stage of enlightenment only known to the burgeryest of burgers.


There's no self control whatsoever.

yes soylent green now

>Trying to help person who doesn't like vegetables
>Give them one of the most disgusting vegetables raw

In short, yes.

So lose the weight you obese piece of shit


I feel bad for White American that they became the meme. The fattest demographic in the US are black and hispanic/latino.


make illegal being morbidly obese

Yea but it's just genetics.

Come on dude. It's 2017


Poor dogger. Something's wrong, it's sick or something.

imagine the fucking mold in there

hmm looks like something's wrong with her lymphatic vessels
oh wel american insurance doesn't cover it probably

Damn she's cute.
Although she's probably all scarred up from surgery to remove all the excess skin.

Fungus. Rash.

Zucchini and Asparagus is where its at.

how do i contact these women? watching these webms ive lost my sides, and these people have plenty to spare

No idea. This is her too.

christalmighty that shit is making my eyes bleed

I'm honestly impressed that woman can walk upright.

It's just fat. The owner loved it in a wrong way. Happened in Houston.

god bless science

I just cant understand how they get so much money to get that fat?

yes, america will be full of mexicans

No, that looked cooked. It was a light green instead of dark green, so probably steamed.

Brussul sprouts are too tough to eat raw, really.

hnnn thicccc

Yup, I remember reading that too. She literally became part of the couch.

I've also seen a morbidly obese guy on TV who couldn't change position because his body fat had molded him into a Jabba the Hutt position. If he tried to roll over to the other direction he couldn't, and he would complain about pain and not being able to breath comfortably. His "exercise" routine in the hospital was just the staff trying to roll him onto his back a few times a day because that's all he could handle.

He died in the hospital because he wouldn't give up his snacks and he found the simplest of exercises too stressful.

Is this thread new
I like this thread

Agreed, fuck fat people, dumb, generate cunts.

I don't get it. But I also have a hard time judging as harshly as all these perfect Sup Forumsacks as I have no idea what it's like. Fucking sad story either way.

Doxies just have terrible metabolisms. If you feed them as much as they can eat, this is what happens.

My grandma almost fed hers to death.

she's gorgeous.

but when you lose weight, your fat cells don't die. they just shrink. they're sitting there, desperately waiting to refill again.

she'll relapse and be 400+ pounds again.

I think this one actually lost a ton of weight and looks pretty decent now

I wonder what was going through the cameramans mind while he was filming this


Is that pancake batter?

I want to be able to spam that shit to fat cunts

yes,that is all.

Literally shaking

Did Jared blow up again during the trial?

Worried dog, bottom left.

No idea. I always assumed it was some sort of milk/ice cream frappe.

Former fat guy here. I have no sympathy for blubber bellies. Just lose the fucking weight. Honestly it isn't that difficult. I was 315lbs at my heaviest, 6'2". Today I am 210lbs with a goal weight off 200lbs. I ate at a calories deficit for a long time and walked then eventually jogged almost everyday. Started lifting weights in September and am already seeing gains. Couldn't be happier. Just stop fucking eating.

Now I feel bad :(

Okay wtf is going on here? This is obviously some sort of disorder.

there are a lot of misconceptions about overweight people in this thread, you guys need to educate yourselves