Is contemporary art degenerate?

This afternoon I went out of control browsing random shit on the internet and somehow ended up looking at "contemporary art".

I think art is cool, but after looking at "contemporary" art I get the feeling that its creators are all smelly man-bun wearing leftist scum.

It seems like the majority of it is just random shit thrown together with hopes of getting bought and placed in some rich guy's house.

Are there any great contemporary artists?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Are there any great contemporary artists?
The answer to that question is more complex than you might think

Contemporary art isn't as homogeneous as most previous artistic trends.

We live in a post-industrial era with an untold width of now tools and materials for artists to use and access to information like never before.

These factors can manifest their influence in artists in a myriad of ways, thus causing the contemporary art scene to be rather diverse, to say the least.

But, yeah, while a good number of contemporary artists are man-bun wearing sjws, you can find other contemporary artists to have pretty much whatever kind of characteristics and personalities imaginable because that's the time we live in. A time where anyone can do pretty much whatever they want with their lives because "why the fuck not?"

Also, here, have some stencil art by a Japanese dude

Is this bait?

Anyway, Raphael Sotolichio does some good looking stuff if you ask me

Casual art is still art, just takes less effort and is more chaotic.

"Degenerate" is an understatement.

Also, this:

is that a portrait of an african american veteran?
maybe its a critique of obama's foreign policy
man i love art

>nudity stimulates my perverted brain
Don't you have a dog to suck off? You fucking leaf.

degenerate is a buzzword

Paul Watson puts it nicely:

most modern art or contemporary art is garbage

>contemporary art
problem with it is that most of the time, it isn't art. For it holds neither meaning, nor is aesthetically pleasing, nor took effort and/or skill to be made. This is the trinity I hold crucial for a creation to be considered "art", because honestly, by the trending definition of art, even a literal pile of shit you just shat out would be considered art. Based on this definition, what is art, and what is not, will differ greatly among people, but I must add, trends would form, and those trends would identify what is worthy of title "art", and what is not.

not art

Detailed anatomically correct paintings of a realistic human body require a shitload of time, efforts and experience to make.

Also the surrealist background is very well made.

"Fine art", ie. the gallery and museum crowd, is completely degenerate. They've poisoned the well, and taken over, and derailed art completely. IT's all about "Muh feels" now, or some idiotic political statement. There's no beauty, no craftmanship, no love of color, form, or rendering. It's all crass liberal mental masturbation.

I'm an artist. It's who I am, I can change it. I need to create, or I get a little loony. So I paint, I draw, I sculpt. I embraced digital, through working for a living doing design, which helps. But, I knew in college, I would never be a gallery artist selling paintings to make a living. It was all one big snobby club, with spoiled rich kids slapping paint on a canvas and calling it art, all wearing the same black clothes, the same bad reddyed hair, all smoking the same cloves in front of the art building, sneering at us design and llustration students, who "sold out" and were'nt really artists (even though we could draw, paint, and sculpt better than they could.)

I remember the exact moment I walked away from the art world. We all had to take this 100 level course, "The business of art", or some shit like that. It was supposed to be how to work as an artist - how bank loans work, how to find galleries, etc. But it was run by this lame ass hippie who spent 20 minutes telling us how to force the city to allow work live lofts anywhere, after that is was all sneering fine artists making cunty comments about EVERYTHING. One class, the topic was, if the public doesn't understand your art, is it the artist's fault, or the publics. I made a couple of comments that art should not be a secret society that only the select few of the priesthood should understand, and this fat cow mooed at me and said haughtily "If the public doesn't get my work, they don't DESERVE it." I sat in disbelief at her arrogance...stood up, saif "Fuck this" and walked out. Never went back to class, dreading having to retake it at some point. Nope. We all got A's

That teacher was notorius for not taking attendance and giving everyone an A, even if you never showed up. (She was later fired over another scandal).

That was my last day in the "art world". My experiences with it since have done nothing to improve my opinion. It's all crap. The shit that sells for millions is a fraud, certain poplular artists are blown up by the galleries and magazines, and they get "hot", and their work is worth more, so rich snobby liberals can shove overpriced wine and cheese into their mouths while looking at it, and enjoying the smell of their own farts.

Commercial art will be the art remembered in the future, it's where all the talent is. There's talent in some of the art underground, starting with Juxtapoz magazine. Fore every ten shit artists, there's one who reveres and respects technique, skill, mastering the craft and creating the art. There are invcredibly talented artists working in their basements or garages, who will sometimes sell in local galleries or farmer's markets. I found a crazy talented impressionist painter at a Farmer's Market, and bought an incredibly beautiful landscape from him for $200. That painting means more to me than anything in the so-called "important" galleries in decades.

And don't get me started on "art school", especially places like The Art Academy.

I paint for me, always have, always will. Friends and family get my work. Fuck the art world.

I have a similar background to yours and I completely agree to your views. That said, I have only one thing to add : This is the art world. You have to deal with the fact it is the way it runs but that doesn't mean you have to abide to it. Hundreds of artists are just doing their own thing on the internet now and are doing just fine on their own.

artists have always been degenerates

You don't say?

I thought we were screwed with contemporary music. But while most of it is garbage, from time to time some pearls come out of the shit.

Like for my ARCT selection I found 2 good songs out of 50+ garbage: Liebermann's Gargoyles and Robert Muczynski's Desperate Measures.

So is it bad? Yes. But is it doomed to fall apart? No, some of it's decent.Below, part 3 and 4 is the best.

Agreed - which is why I brought up the art underground, which is almost entirely on the internet now. Deviant has more solid, well made tutorials for making art than most 'art schools" give.

I just read an article about a well known old school artist, who was astounded at how little interest there was in figure drawing in modern art schools, and said they needed to hire more figure art teachers, as it's such a necessary skill. A teacher contacted him and said "we agree - but we can't find anyone to hire who can draw!"

This is consistent with my time in art school. It was a university art department rather than a dedicated school, not that it was any better.

Learned about Duchamp's urinal. Don't see it as avant garde or whatever the buzz word art people like to call it. It's a scam. Duchamp was making fun of the entire industry. He was saying I can literally sell you garbage and you will eat it. And they did.

Also yes art school was a mistake. I was naive and stupid once upon a time. Still stupid but less naive now.

>we can't find anyone to hire who can draw
You could have been that guy they needed to hire but you chose to walk away


Who is this by haha?

Uncultured swine, there isn't anything exotic about those nudes

No such thing as a Painter anymore

absolutely nobody in the last maybe 80 years has created anything as good as the previous centuries.

Sure, there is fun art these days like pic related, but non-abstract, regal paintings are a lost art form.

Eastern art is fine. It's the western one that's turned into money laundering.

Preach. He's spot on here.

The funny thing is, if you do call them out on it, all they can do is squawk at you like angry chickens. Who cares? I'm not buying their "art". I've been making fun of them for years and years. I've openly laughed at "art" in galleries, and gotten walls of cat butt face from everyone there. Fuck 'em. I got dragged to a student show for graduates at the Art Acedemy, and saw a senior's award winning "art" - a pile of twigs. I laughed my balls off, openly. I asked loudly "I must have missed Twig Stacking 100" in school".

I still get angry, though. Like the watercolor course I was taking, with a great teacher, who was teaching us traditional watercolor. He sadly died during the easter break. The replacement was a "abstract" artist who made us endure a slide show of her "work", which was basicially oil paint scraped high on a canvas. Woo. She triedto force us to do abstract, even though abstract really doesn't lend itself to watercolor, and we wanted to continue to learn technique. She refused. She gave me and a bunch of people in class D's, because our portfolios were'nt abstract enough. We all went to the dean, and got our grades redone - he looked at our portfolios and gave us A's. She stayed on as a teach though, it was political, they couldn't get rid of her, and everyone hated her. I found out later, I'd been painting longer than she had, when she was "teaching" our class. She didn't touch a paint brush until she got to college, I'd been painting my whole life, taught by my mom, who was an artist too.

I know the art world has a bad name, and damn it, it's deserved. I hate what they've done to what I do, and identify as.

It was in England, and I'm in the US.

My plan was to teach art, when I started college. But once I talked to actual art teachers, and found out about the bullshit and politics and all that, I haven't thought about it since.

I'd love to teach figure drawing, honestly. I still think about it, but to do it, at the level I want to, I'd have to go back to college. Fuck that.

I went to a university, too. I majored in design and illustration, and I researched the school thoroughly. Our classed overlapped with the "fine art" brats though.

I would argue with this. Sure, old art shows skill and time put into the painting, but as they're, they just feel bland and dull all the time. I do not enjoy old art, whereas a lot of decent modern artists produce stuff that's really pleasing to look at and savor.

Someone who has artistic talent becomes an artist. Someone who does not have artistic talent becomes a modern artist.

Why not teach it as a hobby

Like those martial art teachers who open dojos or guitar teachers who give private lessons

This is such a good piece. Zdizislaw's story is so sad.

There's still some decent contemporary artists.

>literally the same shit on every thread
get some taste Sup Forums

As I said:
>bland and dull

Also, fuck you. Zdzislaw's stuff is godtier.

A lot fo what passes for art is exploration of color, and texture, and such. Which is legit. I spend a lot of time doing color studies, exploratory sketches, ect, because I'm exploring - the output though, is not "art", in any sense - and that's what most "objective" art is - explorations into form, or color, or texture, that can be interesting on it's own right as part of the process, but it's not finished work. The anatomical studies by the masters of the human form in chalk and conte on tinted paper is beautiful stuff, but it's not finished work. It's exploratory. It's part of the process, it lets us peek at how the artist is approaching the subject.

I "get" some modern art, especially if it's color based, it's the inevitable concluding point of impressionism, which put color and light ahead of everything else, and exploring the world of light. But they reached the bitter end of it, and it's time to return to the source, armed with what we learned, not stay there for decades, getting moldy and cliched.

Most people get it. I took relative to the the Met in NYC, they had no clue about art, but wanted to. I wandered with them around, looking at the wonders in there, and they stopped in front of a Van Dyke. Spellbound. I let them sit there, and take it in. Didn't talk about it.

We went to a cafe later, and I let them talk. They were going on and on about how they get it now, the darkness, the color, the bright highlights, how it popped off the canvas, how it was just a portrait but it spoke to them...I just said 'Welcome." They got it. They got art. I saw someone else do that in the Monet room there. I've seen people have the light bulb go off over their heads in other museums.

There's a small painting, by a master, that hangs in a museum near me. Every once in a while, I need to go spend some time with it, taking in the composition, the form, the color, the incredible brush strokes...that's art.

Eh. Call me a snob, but I want to work with people who have real passion and ambition, not bored housewives and grannies.

I make a great living as a designer, so it's not that big an issue. I get to be creative all day, and then go home and paint. I'm not complaining.

I sued to hang out on /hr/, before it became weaboo central, and someone did a thread of his work, hundreds of images. I still have the archive, and I look through it once in a while. He's a very powerful painter, very striking. It's fascinating, because he was completely outside of the western world of "art", and isn't influenced by it at all. I would easily consider him a 21st century master. He may be too surreal for some, but I think his work is incredible.

Yeah, I have a folder of my favorite Beksinski's works too. Strange thing, as I generally don't aesthetically like old art (pre 2K let's say), but he's an exception.

I tend to favor more modern artists, like Alma Tedema, Maxfield Parrish, etc. I love Michelangelo, Monet, Titian, Jean-Leon Gerome, Renoit, John Singer Sargent...but that's the thing - find what you like. Enjoy it. If it speaks to you - you've found your art.

Do you make a living on art? If so, how?

This. In the end, it all boils down to aesthetics.

There's always an exception to the rule, always one artist in an era who will grab you. Which is cool!

One of my favorite artists is a guy who's still alive, John Jude Pelencar. I found him through his commercial work. I don't care if he's famous, or not - his work speaks to me.

Designer and illustrator. I'd like more illustration income, but I do pretty well at design. I work at a 'real job" as a designer and art director, and I freelance as an illustrator.

Art is not dead.

Art still lives.

r8 my beautiful art

gr8 i r8 8.8

I'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

>the entire art world is one person

>John Jude Pelencar
googled - pretty dope, neat textures, not quite my style, but good nonetheless.

i relate to this