Being a "black supremacist" whilst unironically being a Muslim

Answer me this Sup Forums. Why do blacks who believe in black empowerment, never ever talk back against Islam or their Arab masters?

The Quarn and Islam itself is blatantly racist against Blacks. They view blacks and black skin to be synonymous with the Devil. The Arabs during the 6th century and beyond slaved, beat, sold and raped Black people and even to this day, Black's are enslaved by Arab or Muslim masters. Islam were forced on blacks and those who converted to Islam joined their army, lowest ranks of society, to fight for the Arab caliphate, whilst killing and enslaving their own black people - those who did not submit to Allah and Islam. Mohammed hated blacks. Abeed is the Arab term for a Black person, whilst also meaning "slave" and all Arabs openly use this word towards their blacl friends.

Yet, blacks navigate to Islam and never talk about black slavery from the Arabs.

Instead, its the dirty whites who slaves them and disgusting Christianity... They never mention their Arab masters.


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Islam is a religion where race does not exist. We are all brothers in Islam. These are some of the teachings of Mohammad, as told by the hadiths

just say the word "Abeed" and leave .. their minds will chimpout inside their fucking skulls

Who said I'm a shitskin? Why do you make that assumption? Who's to say I'm not a white convert?

Not to mention that the founder of the Nation of Islam, the biggest Black supremacist Muslim group, was also a white guy (or basically looked white and had no black background).

I think that black supremacy is largely a myth. I know! I know! People saw it on TV so it MUST be a thing, but it's not. People can bash white people all they like but no other group has the potential to highly organize in the way white people can. It's kind of scare. btw I'm an asian so I think I have a decent outside perspective. Also you people are way too nice to black people who are a lot like females where nothing is ever good enough for.

Thought he was a Jew?

>black supremacist
I don't understand how a rational person with any grasp of history could be a black supremacist, I mean seriously there are animals that slowed down the arab/white man conquests than blacks did, the fucking Emus did better against the British Empire than the Zulus.

Islam is arab supremacist movement. You might want to look at the ethnic background of countries that became muslim countries. The notion that non arab converts are treated in any way different from kuffar is laughable.


Blacks are stupid they cannot think for themselves, they only learn by mainstream media spoon feeding them. Jews control mainstream media and push the white = evil slaver meme through news, rap, the 10 oscar nominated slavery movies that come out per year, etc.


Black guy here who talks to other black people about political thing's in a major black city.

Most black people are unaware of the Arab slave trade. But even so, most blacks like any other group is beholden to cultural norms wherein white=enemy and not white= maybe ok

Black are the most religious group in America majority are Christian
Christianity was also used to support the slave trade
The Bible supports slavery

Same as being a white supremacist whilst unironically being a Christian

“O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one. There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” - Musnad Ahmad (Hadith Sahih)

You do realize the only genetic "Arabs" are the Arabians in the gulf right? The Levantine and North African Arabs are mixed with the Arabians and speak the Arabic language, but have their own dialects and are genetically a completely different people.
Then you have Iran (Persians mixed with Arabians), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and many other countries, all of whom have more or less very similar cultures and would all be considered "Arabs" by dumbass rednecks

That still doesn't answer my question, nor is it a rebuttle to my argument. He wrote that verse in the Hadith during the 9th century, I believe, a few hundred years AFTER Arabs where already enslaving Blacks.

Regardless of what one faithful Muslim may have said, along with their views of ethnicity, modern day Blacks still disregard a huge portion of their History and still practice Islam, a religion of those who enslaved their people. Still to this day, Arabs enslave Blacks yet nothing is mentioned.


Also, being a black who wears Che Guevara shirts. That's like a Jew wearing a Hitler shirt.

Racism was invented by Europeans
There was no such thing as a race, so saying that Islam is racist makes no sense
When arabs, Chinese or Indians had slaves they didn't pick based on race.

to add to this, levantinians are phoenicians mixed with arabians, and north africans are berbers mixed with arabians. Pretty sure Afghanistan and Pakistan are mixed with arabians too, as well as Turkey, Azerbaijan, and most other muslim countries.
Point is the only actual "arabs" are a very small minority in the muslim world, and mostly have their own special sect called wahhabism/salafism. The average sunni or shia is not arab, so you can't really call it an arab religion.

It was also Muhammadans who ran the slave trade in Africa long, long before Europeans tapped into it.

Yes Achmed. It just so happened that Arabs wrote negatively about people of certain skin colour and believed that a certain skin colour were good for nothing but.

"Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated." - Ibn Khaldum

its arabic cultural imperialism. all of those people have been arabized culturally and its had negative consequences. Egypt and Persia are two tragic losses.. Would probably be much better off today had arabization not occured.

>inb4 european imperialism
I disagree with that shit too.

Muhammad is the one who said this not some random muslim, and it was addressed to muslims, slavery is part of islam and is applied to kuffar independent of wether you are black or white

>But even so, most blacks like any other group is beholden to cultural norms wherein white=enemy and not white= maybe ok

How do blacks not realize this is literal racism? Do you they not understand that vengeance only causes more vengeance?

OMG one quote by one person makes a religion and everyone who follows it a racist. By that logic David duke is a racist and a Christian, therefore christianity and Christians are racist.

Did blacks ever create a written language?

the levantine and north africa have their own distinct cultures that are pretty different than the gulf culture. That's why other muslims use the term "Khaleeji" as a derogatory term to describe gulf arabs and gulf arab culture.
Anyone who converts to Islam picks up islamic culture, and countries like Sudan are culturally arabic. So who's to say a convert would be treated any differently than someone who is not originally from a muslim country?

you're sidestepping your point. You claimed Europeans invented racism. Well, we have quotes from Islamic figures of them expressing racist opinions towards blacks. (btw there are more).

>OMG one quote by one person makes a religion and everyone who follows it a racist.
strawman, no one said that.

The concept of race is a European invention. That guy wasn't talking in terms of how we define race.

>scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century.

wtf i love islam now


It's true that Arabs took Africans as slaves, but that goes back much longer than Islam. Islam says nothing about hating blacks. It's pretty interesting actually. Mohammed's closest friend was an an Ethiopian black man and his first few followers were slaves. After he took control of the Arabian peninsula he imposed a lot of restrictions on African slavery.

"An enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Cos like, you can't fight human nature, mayn